Действие происходит в Тоскане в 50-е годы прошлого века. Медсестру Верену нанимают ухаживать за мальчиком, который перестал разговаривать после смерти матери. Оказывается, тот дал обет молчания до тех пор, пока дух матери не вернется. Девушка прибывает в старинный особняк, где проживают 40-летний вдовец Клаус с сыном и несколько слуг. Вскоре Верена начинает подозревать, что призрак умершей играет с ней в кошки-мышки, чтобы вселиться в ее тело. Возникшее между хозяином и медсестрой влечение, перерастающее в подлинную страсть, ускоряет невероятную развязку…
An apartment on one of Rome's seven hills turns into a film studio for shooting three different stories about cocaine.
Gemma Montesano
The story of Maria Montessori the most famous pedagogue of the world. She spent all her life to make her "metodo" (method) accepted in the archaic Italian school system, while the rest of the world immediately understand the importance of her theories. She was the first Italian Doctor, a famous feminist, a scientist. Her private life was hit by having an illegitimate son and by the Fascism that didn't want to accept completely her theories.
Giacinta Foresi
In 1950s Italy, a young woman from a poor background strives for a better life.
Ирен красивая, беспринципная, бессовестная преуспевающая бизнесвумен. В ее руках семейное предприятие бурно развивается, преумножая прибыль. Но когда два ее друга кончают жизнь самоубийством, в ее душе что-то начинает ломаться. Она встречает Бенни, маленькую, умную уличную девчонку, воровку и лгунью, бросившую вызов ее жизненным ценностям. Очарованная, Ирен начинает воспринимать мир окружающих людей в новом свете. Когда ее постигает еще одна трагедия, она посвящает себя благотворительности. Однако новое призвание приближает ее к грани помешательства.
Действие этого психологического триллера начинается со сцены погони за раненым на фоне сельского итальянского пейзажа. Однако эта безмятежность обманчива: вскоре преступник познакомится с Симоной, в которую влюбится, и ее матерью-нимфоманкой на содержании у парализованного мужа.
Eliane Michoud
In wartime France, Pharmacist Eliane (Lisa Gastoni) begins a torrid affair with her shop assistant Armand (Franco Nero), but she soon becomes dominated by him. He demands more and more from her, humiliating her and putting her family at risk.
Elli Alessi
Elli and Marco are an unquestionably unusual wedded couple. Due to a damage as a kid, Marco harbors homosexual drives that he represses inside his married life and Elli is a barely surpressed nymphomaniac. The marriage is useful for both of them as it allows them to blend in within the confines of their regular social life in a sanctimonious provincial town. But then a strange woman bursts into their world and Marco's deviant behavior come to light again but now he has a thirst for murder.
Renata Andreoli
drama from italy
Claretta Petacci
Картина Карло Лидзани — это хроника пяти апрельских дней 1945 года. Комитетом национального освобождения Муссолини приговорен к смертной казни. Муссолини скрывается от своих преследователей как обычный вор. Он надеется попасть в руки сил Союзников, нежели столкнуться с местью жаждущик крови итальяских борцов за свободу. Но первыми его обнаруживают именно итальянцы…
После многих лет работы журналистом во Франции Джузеппе (Морис Роне) возвращается в пустой семейный дом в своем родном Ачиреале и ищет свою старую любовь Катерину, теперь уже вдову и мать 15-летней дочери Грациэллы. Уравновешенный роман людей средних лет возрождается былой бурной страстью, и он начинает проводить ночи в её доме. Грациэлла, хотя у нее есть местный бойфренд, находит зрелого и утонченного любовника своей матери гораздо более привлекательным и начинает его соблазнять…
История любви между свободолюбивой женщиной и священником.
A professor and his wife suffer humiliation at the hands of an invading college dissidents protest.
Lisa Marchesi
The beautiful but neglected wife of a brilliant architect from Milan, betrayed by her husband and mocked by her friend who manages the amorous adventures that she dreams of having, decides to take vengeance of the two, seducing her friend's husband and her young son.
Alma - moglie di Mario
Episode film about identical twin brothers. Mario is an honest government-minded deputy. Filippo lives by his wits, not quite legally. Eventually Filippo ruins his brother's career and mind, absorbs his wife and finally steps into his shoes as an honorable member of Parliament.
Aunt Lea
Юный Альвизе парализован или, по крайней мере, притворяется, будто парализован. Он увлечен своей прекрасной тетей. То, что начинается как невинная терапия, выливается в странную психологическую борьбу между ними…
Lucia Sarzi, attrice antifascista
Снято на основе реальных событий. В тяжелые годы войны и оккупации крестьянин из Эмилии, что на севере Италии, Альчиде Черви, его жена Дженовеффа и сыновья вступили в открытую борьбу с фашистами. Им было суждено стать первыми и самыми известными героями итальянского сопротивления.
Lucrezia Borgia
A 1966 French-Italian film version made in Italy, titled L'uomo che ride, directed by Sergio Corbucci. This version features elaborate colour photography but a very low production budget. The main action is shifted to Italy and moved yesterwards in time, with the deformed protagonist meeting Lucrezia Borgia instead of Queen Anne. In this version, Gwynplaine is renamed Angelo (played by Jean Sorel). His disfigurement is represented as a single broad slash across his mouth, crude yet convincing. The story (which is attributed, in the movie credits, to the director, producer and others involved in making the film, but not to Victor Hugo) is a swashbuckler pitting the disfigured acrobat against the henchmen of the Borgias. At the end, Dea (actress Lina Sini) miraculously acquires her eyesight and Angelo undergoes surgery that completely reverses his disfigurement and renders him perfectly handsome.
Lt. Connie Gomez
В 21-ом столетии иноземные (странные зеленые огни, что иногда проявляются как большие облака дыма) вторгаются в Солнечную систему. Используя Марс как пристанище, они крадут все космические станции Земли…
Lt. Connie Gomez
Сумасшедший доктор, стремящий создать новую расу людей, с помощью своих подручных похищает здоровые человеческие «образцы» и экспериментирует с ними. На его беду одной из похищенных становится подружка крутого космического полицейского Майка Хальмстеда.
Yvonne Lutring
Вору из Сан-Ремо выпало счастье встретить девушку своей мечты и жениться на ней. Но даже семейное счастье не может заставить его отказаться от опасного ремесла.
Carla Pratesi, a prostitute, is killed. Her death is followed by a number of attempted murders. Carla's sister undertakes her own investigation. Police enquiries uncover a drugs trade connected to a call-girls organization but the murderer remains at large. Finally, a witness identifies the killer as a well-known actor. However, he has a strong alibi (he was shooting a film). The following night, a girl who manages to escape from the maniac's clutches swears he is a different famous actor but he turns out to have a strong alibi too! Eventually the police set a trap in the park and, with the help of Carla, kill the madman. It emerges he had been disfigured by the atomic blast at Hiroshima and went crazy because his disformed features revolted women and but them off having sex with him. He created masks reproducing the features of handsome actors just to approach prostitutes!
Peplum movie from 1964
Ursus and his sword-wielding companions run head-on against a usurper of a throne.
Elisabeth Buckner
In an isolated villa, Davide Lugani lives with his wife, Carlo, his brother, and their secretary Paolo. Wheelchair-bound Carlo is blind and mute, but his abnormal sensitivity allows him to predict events before they happen. Davide dies of a suspected heart attack and Carlo's nurse is shot dead. The police suspect Davide's widow as well as Paolo, who seems to be her lover. Just as the pair are about to be arrested, there is a twist...
Erika Montesanto
Lorenzo is an industrialist married in Argentina to a cruel woman who manages to have all her husband's assets seized, to throw him out of the house and to be awarded the two children born of the unhappy marriage. The desperate industrialist repairs in Italy, where he takes with him the children he has kidnapped and the affectionate secretary. But even in Italy the law is against him.
Во время очередной кампании на Британских островах римляне захватили в плен вождя одного из местных племен - Главка. Но сделать из гордого бритта покорного раба оказалось невозможно, Главк постоянно пытался бежать, а оказавшись на гладиаторской арене, быстро завоевал симпатии жестокого императора Калигулы. Но против римского повелителя уже зрел заговор честолюбивой Мессалины, супруги дяди императора, Клавдия. После убийства Калигулы и возведения на трон ее мужа, женщина не успокоилась. Она плетет новый заговор, теперь уже в пользу своего любовника Гая Силия. И в этом заговоре не последнюю роль должен сыграть произведший на любвеобильную императрицу неизгладимое впечатление мужественный бритт Главк…
Massimo returns to Venice after years of fighting against the Turks. He finds his beloved Elena, who in the meantime has married the doge who is tyrannizing the city.
Gulio's wife (segment "lo sport")
An anthology of brief comic sketches based on manias, mainly sexual, featuring several figures of Italian society.
Signora Cellini
Francis, now 17, is still in love with Moondoggy. She can persuade her parents to allow them a journey to Rome, together with two of her and two of his friends. However they have to take an adult with them, so they choose Peter's eccentric aunt. In Rome they get the beautiful guide Daniela, who's fascinating the guys and making especially Gidget jealous. She starts looking elsewhere herself.
milady de Winter
4 con men take the place of the real musketeers and manage to steal the Queen's necklace but then give it back to her, moved by her tears.
Fiorenza, marchesa del Giglio
Действие фильма происходит в 17 веке. Герой фильма — сапожник Паскуале Чиччиакальда. И ему всегда не везет. Он хорошо работает, но, к сожалению, он умеет делать обувь только для правой ноги. Поэтому он ничего не зарабатывает. И не может платить налоги.
Togni's Wife (segment "Il pollo ruspante")
Четыре рассказа четырех авторов, которые весело рассказывают о причинах конца света. Название фильма — это сокращения от фамилий четырех режиссеров, участвовавших в создании фильма — РО(сселини) — ГО(дар) — ПА(золини) — Г(регоретти).
Новелла «Овечий сыр (La ricotta)» Пьера Паоло Пазолини итальянскими властями была расценена как оскорбляющая государственную религию (католицизм) и режиссёр, по решению суда, был осуждён на 4 месяца заключения, которого удалось избежать уплатив штраф. Позднее апелляционным судом данное обвинение было снято с Пазолини.
The Red-Headed Russian
Писатель Тайвен Джонс не мог предположить, чем для него обернется мимолетная, как казалось, связь с некоей Евой Оливье. Кто она, эта роковая красавица, без которой Тайвен не может прожить и дня? Почему он не может выкинуть ее из головы, несмотря на то, что она постоянно издевается над ним, унижает и, вместе с тем, не хочет отпустить его? Почему ради нее он готов на все — потерять деньги, друзей, поставить под угрозу свои репутацию, брак, карьеру? Когда жизнь Тайвена начинает рушиться как карточный домик, он понимает, что имела в виду Ева, когда советовала не влюбляться в нее.
An Italian variation on the Frankie & Annette-Gidget beach party movies that were all the rage in North America in the early 60s. Nicole Molino (Catherine Spaak) and Nicola Molino (Gianni Garko) are not related to one another. In fact, they don’t even know each other until both are inadvertently assigned the same hotel room on the island of Ischia. Nicole isn’t interested in any hanky-panky, so Nicola reluctantly promises to keep his hands to himself.
miss Parker
Antonio Franco's sister is been murdered by a gang of bandits. He swear vengeance and manage to infiltrate the gang to find the murders.
King Bohlem, brother of the late Attila, reconquers former Hun territory. To secure this territory, he sends his son, Otto, and his nephew, Tharus, to forge an alliance with King Haadem, strongest of the neighboring rulers. Haadem, however, is just concluding an alliance with Kudrum, the ambitious son of a king hostile to Hun interests. To cement this alliance, Haadem has agreed to marry his daughter, Tamall, to Kudrun, but Tamall dislikes Kudrum. She quickly falls in love with the newly-arrived Tharus. Kudrum inflames Haadem's feelings against Tharus and arranges to have Tharus publicly flogged. Not satisfied, Kudrum then murders Haadem and has the crime blamed on Tharus. Tamall's love for Tharus is tested but then she comes to believe Tharus's claims of innocence and works on behalf of Tharus as Kudrum's forces arrive for a decisive battle.
Mary Read
Redhead Mary is a girl who dresses like a man to better approach, and rob the jewels worn by the pretty ladies of her time.
Lola Sanchez
A former World War II pilot, now the owner of a travel agency in Hong Kong, gets involved in espionage trying to help a Chinese woman locate her son.
Любопытная детективная история, которая представлена, на самом деле, в очень простом способе, что кажется довольно наигранно
When a clerk tries to dodge paying a bus fare, it sparks a series of unforseen consequences
Carla Menda
While resisting pressure from his upper-class wife to take a higher-paying job in London, a Montreal physician prepares to carry out brain surgery on a Latin American president. They don't suspect that a trio of assassins is also waiting, for their chance to carry out a political assassination on the operating table.
Marny Friend
Peter Chance (Lex Barker) suffers a blow to the head and wakes up with amnesia in a luxurious home, where a doctor and several women tell him he's a missing heir who's inherited millions. But Peter soon suspects something is not quite right with their story. He sets out to learn the truth before he's forced to sign a document that purportedly finalizes the transfer of the estate. This drama is based on Hugh Wheeler's novel Puzzle for Fiends.
Kitty Mortlock
An American doctor, Jethro Jones, comes into a quiet British seaside community and becomes entangled in a murder mystery when the town gossips inform him that all of the three wives of the town doctor, Doctor Dysert (or Doctor Deadcert as they call him) have had mysterious deaths. And now Doctor Dysert is treating his own secretary, Kitty, who he wants to make her his next wife, as she has inexplicably fallen ill.
Myrna Mangan
With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.
International crook Armstrong flees post-war Tangier with priceless forgery plates and is pursued to London where he accidentally swaps coats in a barber's shop with film actor Chuck Collins, setting off a train of events.
Deborah and Charles, young executives at the thriving Pontifex Advertising Agency, are very much in love. Deborah is recognised by her employers as the most brilliant TV executive in the country, while Charles is regarded as 'thoroughly reliable'. But there is one hard-and-fast rule at the agency: the board of directors will not allow any married women on their staff; as soon as a girl marries, she must resign!
Jean Francis
A woman (Lisa Gastoni) witnesses the theft of soiled banknotes from a mail delivery truck, then is threatened by the perpetrators of the crime.
Mary Maguire
Baffled and at a loss to understand the mentality of Diana, his wife, Anthony makes a frantic visit to the home of her parents to discover that she is staying with them.
Primrose Porterhouse
Three London gentlemen take a vacation rowing down the Thames, encountering various mishaps and misadventures along the way.
After a quayside mix-up with the Italian family of his fiancée, Able Seaman Knocker White finds himself literally left holding the baby. Unable to return it before his ship sails he enlists the help of best mate Puncher Roberts to smuggle the child aboard. But babies are surprisingly demanding and gradually the whole crew is drawn into helping keep it fed and washed - and undiscovered. Even so, the officers above deck start to puzzle over the increasingly strange happenings on board.
Italian Girl
The trouble with Josephine is that her ever-loving and over-sympathetic nature leads her to switch from needful men to even more needful men...
An ex-chorus girl lives on the Riviera, supported by a married man she doesn't know is a crook.
George Two's Girlfriend
In Greece during the war a small group of British commandoes and patriots land on an island with orders to attack two airfields from which the Luftwaffe is threatening allied forces in Egypt. The island is crawling with troops, and even moving by night the men soon run into trouble.
When heavy fog prevents any flights from leaving London Airport, a group of passengers are put on a bus driven by Percy Lamb to drive to another airport. The fog is that heavy Percy doesn't know where he is going or that he is carrying stolen gold bullion that the robbers and police are relentlessly pursuing.
Documentary on Italian genre cinema.