The philosophical tale revolves around an elderly monkey prince who wakes up injured and disoriented in an environment he does not recognise. He navigates this new urban world with the support of a young monkey called Tom.
The philosophical tale revolves around an elderly monkey prince who wakes up injured and disoriented in an environment he does not recognise. He navigates this new urban world with the support of a young monkey called Tom.
The philosophical tale revolves around an elderly monkey prince who wakes up injured and disoriented in an environment he does not recognise. He navigates this new urban world with the support of a young monkey called Tom.
Writers' Assistant
К Луизе пришла зима ее жизни. Внешняя ситуация и природа отзеркалили ее состояние. Штормы, дожди, высокие приливы рассказывают нам о внутренней психической жизни героини. Справится ли старушка со своей робинзонадой во всех смыслах этого слова? Сможет ли она разглядеть обрывистый берег своей юности и преодолеть волны детских воспоминаний? Будет ли она сетовать на обстоятельства, возраст, бороться с ними или принимать их? Вернется ли поезд ее жизни и установится ли в ее душе хорошая погода? Или уже никто не починит вокзальные часы? А может, время и люди уже не важны, потому что рядом вечность…
Существует противостояние дорисованных персонажей картины, с набросками. Маленькая Лола, выходит из картины и отправляется с друзьями на поиски художника, который возможно сможет им помочь.
Существует противостояние дорисованных персонажей картины, с набросками. Маленькая Лола, выходит из картины и отправляется с друзьями на поиски художника, который возможно сможет им помочь.
Существует противостояние дорисованных персонажей картины, с набросками. Маленькая Лола, выходит из картины и отправляется с друзьями на поиски художника, который возможно сможет им помочь.
Natanaël, seven, still doesn't know how to read. His eccentric old aunt bequeaths her house to his parents and her book collection to the young boy. Nat discovers that the books serve as a shelter for all the heroes found in children's literature. They are the original characters and are counting on him for protection. For if they leave the library, they will disappear along with their stories forever! When his parents start selling off the books, Nathanaël, who is shrunk by the evil witch Carabosse, braves everything to save his tiny friends
Natanaël, seven, still doesn't know how to read. His eccentric old aunt bequeaths her house to his parents and her book collection to the young boy. Nat discovers that the books serve as a shelter for all the heroes found in children's literature. They are the original characters and are counting on him for protection. For if they leave the library, they will disappear along with their stories forever! When his parents start selling off the books, Nathanaël, who is shrunk by the evil witch Carabosse, braves everything to save his tiny friends
Kid, a 15-year-old hard laborer, steals a map that promises to reveal the location of the notorious pirate Black Mor's treasure. Together with his crew -- MacGregor, Beanpole, Taka and Jim the monkey -- Kid procures a vessel and sets out to sea.
I can tell you about my father's voyage on his boat, because I was with him all the time. It was a rather strange voyage, with no ocean or sea crossing, not even a lock to pass through... The boat stayed at home and so did my father. But that does not mean there was no adventure...