Poyan Karimi

Poyan Karimi


Poyan Karimi


While on the soccer field, two longtime buddies—Khalid (Poyan Karimi) and Nico (Philip Oros)—cagily broach the subject of taking their friendship to the next level. (Frameline)
The Uppsala Kidnapping
Josef Esfarander
"The Uppsala Kidnapping" - A black comedy centered on the real events of the kidnapping that became a viral phenomenon with millions of live followers. Inspired by actual events occurred in Uppsala during Christmas 2011. In a desperate attempt to solve his economic problems Josef Esfarander, a medical student, plans to kidnap a law student from a wealthy family, assisted by his girlfriend Shirin and a credulous friend from high school. Josef strongly believes he achieved the perfect plan, but contrary to all his expectation the carrying out of the kidnapping becomes a farce.
Вторая жизнь Уве
Кто же он такой, этот самый Уве? Пожилой въедливый ворчун, достающий соседей вечными придирками. Он впадает в ярость при виде брошенного не туда мусора или неправильно припаркованной машины. И кроет на чем свет стоит легкомысленную семейку новоселов, в которой папаша и гвоздя вбить не способен. Зато Уве умеет все: виртуозно втиснуть свой «сааб» между крыльцом и почтовым ящиком, починить батарею, выколотить скидку у самого прижимистого торговца. В доме и в гараже у него всегда идеальный порядок. Как и в мыслях. Вот только зачем ему пистолет или крюк в потолке, или пригоршня снотворных? Возможно, ответ знает приблудный котище. Его не склонный к сантиментам Уве гнал-гнал, да так и не прогнал…
On Suffocation
A dialogue-free film about an execution described in two scenes.
Four More Years
The Swedish Liberal party leader David Holst is in crisis. Just recently, he was Sweden’s hottest politician. Stylish, funny, popular and the obvious candidate as the country’s next Prime Minister. Now, two years and a disappointing election defeat later, he finds himself in free fall. The voters have deserted him, the party is in uproar and he can hardly manage to get out of bed. It gets no better when he falls head over heels in love with party general secretary Martin, the last person on earth he can fall in love with. A man. A Social Democrat.
Boys On Film 4: Protect Me From What I Want
Ashkan (segment "My Name Is Love")
Elliot Tittensor (TV's Shameless) stars as Daz in headlining film PROTECT ME FROM WHAT I WANT, a gripping British film debut that sees him woo a young lad in an underpass, only to be threatened with a break-up the following morning. Passive and submissive roles are tackled and tugged in gay graffiti tale VANDALS and Icelandic grapple-fest WRESTLING, while POSTMORTEM, MY NAME IS LOVE, and Iris Prize-winner STEAM look at promising encounters that turn awry. Rounding out the collection are HEIKO, an alternative ode to foot fetishes, BREATH where 12-year-old Erik swims out to sea to make a daring move on his best friend's father, and the crème de la crème from this collection TREVOR, which won multiple prestigious awards from Sundance, Berlinale, and even The Academy Awards (Oscar) for Best Short Film.
Любовь (Меня зовут Любовь)
Любовь и Себастьян встречаются друг с другом по совпадению на улице в романтической шведской летней ночи. Они, случайно, разделяют ту же тайну, но их встреча вызовет серьезные последствия для обоих. Невинный флирт вскоре превращается в опасную связь.
Ciao Bella
Mustafa Moradi is aching to find a girlfriend. On the other end of the city, Linnea is desperately searching for a guy with style, courage and a burning passion.