Tonico Pereira

Tonico Pereira

Рождение : 1948-06-22, Campos dos Goitacases, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Antônio Carlos de Sousa Pereira (born June 22, 1948 in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro), better known as Tonico Pereira, is a Brazilian television and film actor.


Tonico Pereira
Tonico Pereira


O Barulho da Noite
Три призрака застряли в доме и преследуют каждого нового жильца, чтобы завершить свою миссию на Земле и перейти в следующую жизнь. Пока пара архитекторов не переезжает в это место и решает отремонтировать его. Однако они обнаруживают, что в доме находился старый концертный зал "Ферво", и сталкиваются с призраками.
Nas Ondas da Fé
Apóstolo Davi
Hickson lived off the books, running from one place to another to make a living. His only great achievement in life had been to win over his wife Jéssika, an evangelical hairdresser and his girlfriend since childhood. The two lead a life without great prospects in the suburbs of Rio de Janeiro until Hickson gets a job at an evangelical radio station. With luck, talent and the help of Jessica, he soon becomes a pastor and has a meteoric rise in the church. But with fame and money comes envy. What now Hickson?
Lair's Birthday
Lair is exhausted. He can no longer drink, his wife is dead, and all he gets for his 80th birthday is a visit from his daughter's insufferable family and a lousy cake. But when he casts them out of his house, he receives a tempting call from the beyond.
Last Sunday
The dawn is strange, with a harbinger of change. The next morning, Maria receives a mysterious visitor that leaves José disturbed and will lead her to re-signify her own destiny.
Álbum em Família
A group of actors and actresses rehearse play virtually and look for solutions to get around the fact that they cannot meet. Confined at home, they use their own family members on stage. The piece chosen is ÁLBUM DE FAMÍLIA, by Nelson Rodrigues, an attempt to debate the idea of a traditional Brazilian family.
O Segredo de Sara
Five young actors travel to an isolated house, surrounded by forest, for a weekend to shoot a movie. What they still don't know is that this will be the scene of mysterious events. Will they be able to finish the movie before they finish it?
My Uncle José
It begins in 1983 in Salvador city, with the attack against José, an ex-member of a left-wing political group. Meanwhile, his nephew Adonias is worried about an assignment his teacher has given him. Consequently, Adonias has to deal with his family's suffering, conflicts at school, and the anguish of having to write his school essay.
Crô em Família
Already famous, at the top of his career, owner of his own school of etiquette, Crô sees himself alone and without a family. Lonely and vulnerable, he ends up living at the whim of supposed family, Orlando, Marinalva, Luane and Nando, whose intentions are far from the best. With the inseparable Geni, Magda and Jurema by his side, Crô will embark on an adventure to find his true family while constantly avoiding the venom of the top columnist Carlota Valdez.
The Man in the Box
Locked up for decades in a maximum security prison, an old man tries to revive his glory days as a magician, putting into practice a perfect - but also very dangerous - escape plan.
Running After
Paulo Ventania is a black Brazilian man, always doing his best to bring some happiness in his life, and by happiness he means money. When he's at a dead end, he discovers the opportunity to become a football manager by leading some boy from the neighborhood to becoming the new Neymar of international soccer. Going through the suburbs of Rio, he finds Glanderson, a young boy with an enormous talent for soccer despite missing two toes. With good humor, high hopes, and a lot of mistakes, the quixotic duo tries their best to make their dream come true.
The path of Maria
Maria is a shortfilm about a woman who was fooled to the western world while she was young and naiv, found what she dreamt of, but lost where she came from. Maria is the return to whatever's left of childhoods pastures.
Os Príncipes
Two men roam the night of Rio de Janeiro with two prostitutes in search of pleasure and violence.
How Do You See Me?
How Do You See Me? is a Brazilian documentary feature that entwines both experienced actors and beginners to explore the hardships and the happiness that are inherent to the job when detached from the glam and glitz of the gossip industry, creating a diverse and comprehensive mosaic of what it means to be an actor in Brazil, a country so full of contradictions. The film brings forward a reality that the masses usually don't get to know: the men and women moved by a deep passion for acting and touching people. With Julio Adrião, Matheus Nachtergaele, José Celso Martinez, Cássia Kis, Nanda Costa, Babu Santana, Luciano Vidigal and Letícia Sabatella, among others.
The Dress of Myriam
In the middle of a quiet house in rural countryside of the state of Rio de Janeiro, an elderly couple lives with the limitations of old age. Divaldo shares his solitude with Myriam. She dies during sleep and the next day. Divaldo buries her in the backyard. After the funeral, he expresses mourning in a peculiar way.
A Escola do Escândalo
Os Incontestáveis
Punch the Clock
Dr. Brasil
In a forgotten corner of the vast Brazilian bureaucracy, a psychotic boss uses a time machine to enslave his lazy employees and increase productivity.
This documentary investigates the aesthetic, political and existential trajectory of emblematic Black Brazilian actor Antônio Pitanga. He career spans over five decades, and he has worked with iconic Brazilian filmmakers Glauber Rocha, Cacá Diegues and Walter Lima Jr. He was a prominent figurehead and outspoken activist during the Brazilian dictatorship, a period of unrest in Brazilian cinema. Pitanga deep dives into the world of Antônio and the history of Brazil. The documentary was directed by his daughter Camila Pitanga, one of widely recognised faces in Brazilian television and cinema right now. The film is also a poem, and a tender ode to fatherhood.
What of This World Without Passion?
An encounter of novelist Lúcio Cardoso and poet Murilo Mendes haunting ghosts with their characters.
Histórias de Alice
Entrando Numa Roubada
A film director, Walter, meets his old team to make a "road movie". With no money, they will have come up with scams in order to make the production possible while at the same time plotting revenge.
Amorteamo — O Filme
Zé Coveiro
Recife, 1900. Malvina (Marina Ruy Barbosa), daughter of a wealthy merchant, falls in love with Gabriel (Johnny Massaro), however, on her wedding day he abandons her at the altar. Disconcerted, she commits suicide and then returns as a dark spirit. However she brings with her all the dead in the city. At first, the residents are happy, but then they discover that the natural course of life should continue to be followed.
Рио, я люблю тебя
Fernando (segment "O Vampiro do Rio")
Фильм рассказывает об одном из самых удивительных городов Южной Америки — Рио-де-Жанейро. Режиссеры из разных стран сняли десять коротких историй, которые рассказывают о любви. Каждый эпизод посвящен одному из районов города, которые обладают своими неподражаемыми колоритами.
Dress to Wed
When Fernando accidentally rips the designer dress of a reality show star, he races to replace it, putting his own wedding at risk.
Aconteceu, virou Manchete! A História da Rede Manchete
Tonico Pereira
São Paulo today. Brazil is in full economic upswing. This is a story of friendship and delusion between three young friends in a big city. Their life is marked by an ordinary routine where nothing much happens except the alienation impregnated by the consumer society and the lack of perspectives. An urgent film representing the historical moment of a generation.
Homens de Bem
Ciba (Rodrigo Santoro) is an independent investigator who works together with the police. A typical fallible hero who struggles with strong personal issues, while preventing crime and injustice. His partner, Deputy Ulisses (Luis Miranda), is a well-meaning professional who recognizes the difficulty in securing his function using only common artifacts, and Ciba's unofficial contact is of utmost importance for the progress of his investigations.
The Clown
Beto - Deto Papagaio
The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.
Нападение на центральный банк
"Барон" хочет провернуть грандиозный грабеж- украcть огромное количество денег и без какого-либо насилия....
Paraíso Aqui Vou Eu
Disillusioned teacher Sara and forgotten poet Francisco were once married and now decide to meet again to talk about their hopes and anxieties. The former couple ends up meeting the young Penelope who changes their lives with her free way of being.
The Well Beloved One
Based on the homonymous work of Dias Gomes , The Well Beloved tells the story of the mayor Paraguassu Odorico, whose primary goal in his administration in the city of Sucupira is the inauguration of a cemetery. One side is supported by the sisters Cajazeiras. On the other, he has to fight against strong opposition led by Vladmir, owner of rag city. For lack of a corpse, the mayor can never accomplish his goal. Not even the arrival of Ernesto - a dying man who does not die - and hiring Zeca Diabo, a bandit killer, provide him with the realization of his dream. Odorico gun situations for someone to die, but the first body to be buried in Sucupira may be the mayor himself, that the hunter becomes the hunted and goes from villain to martyr.
Амбициозный режиссер-нонконформист Педро убеждает актрису Анну, что страсть неотделима от страданий, и ставит в независимом театрике одну из самых печальных повестей на свете, предтечу всех последующих ромео и джульетт – о Тристане и Изольде. Сценический роман перекидывается в жизнь, а страдания приносит не столько любовь, сколько флирт Анны с телевидением: мыльная опера «Свиньи и бисер» – страшный соперник. Обстановка накаляется, когда Педро поступается принципами и заключает контракт с медиа-магнатом на адаптацию старинной легенды. И вот съемки в бразильской провинции в разгаре, а у Анны, похоже, намечаются серьезные отношения с молодым пройдохой, обманом добившимся роли Тристана...
The great battles are the backdrop for the unfolding of the Egyptian Queen's personal life. The strategy of Cleopatra is to seduce the Roman General Julius Caesar and Mark Antony to protect their civilization.
Basic Sanitation: The Movie
When they discover their town lacks funding for a sewage system, but does have a federal grant to make a movie, a group of villagers decide to make a sci-fi joint about a monster who lives in the building site of a septic tank.
A Grande Família: O Filme
For forty years, the public functionary and family man Lineu and his beloved wife Nenê celebrate their first date going to the same ball where Lineu borrowed the jacket his competitor Carlinhos. In the present days, Lineu feels uncomfortable when his colleague Pacheco dies and goes to the doctor for health examination. When the result of his tomography arrives, his doctor says that he had seen some blur in his lungs and with that report he would give the correct diagnosis. Lineu steals the document afraid of having a tumor, but he believes he will die sooner. Meanwhile, Nenê meets Carlinhos in the supermarket where he is the manager and invites him to have dinner with her family. Lineu hides his concerns to Nenê, and his attitudes in the dinner misguide Nenê, and she believes Lineu has a lover and does not love him anymore
Vestido de Noiva
While in the hospital, after being run over, Alaíde thinks about her life, specially after the moment she'd found the diary of Madame Clessy, in the house where her family had moved in, which was a former bordello.
Brasília 18%
Emílio de Menezes
A star medical examiner is called to Brasília, the administrative capital of Brazil, to confirm the identity of a beautiful, young congressional aide's dead body. But his scientific rigor soon leads him to details of a multi-layered political scandal.
Недобрый час
В небольшом колумбийском городке начинают происходить непонятные вещи: каждую ночь в определенный час на стенах домов появляются различные карикатуры, изобличающие секреты местных жителей. Сначала все считают это неудачной шуткой и опровергают слухи. Однако, когда один мужчина, прочитав о неверности жены на стене, убивает предполагаемого любовника, мэр города объявляет чрезвычайное положение. Вооруженные солдаты начинают патрулировать улицы в поисках злоумышленников...
O Coronel e o Lobisomem
Nonô Padilha
Colonel Furtado struggles to keep his lands, the Sobradinho Farm, and win the heart of his cousin Esmeraldina. In the process, he fights big beasts, experiences the taste of a bohemian life in town, fends usurers and thieves off, and uses all his cunning to get rid of haunting entities. His rival is the man he was brought up with, Pernambuco Nogueira, a werewolf.
Um Show de Verão
Seu Cisco
Andréa, a poor telemarketing salesgirl, dreams of being a singer. Her rich boyfriend Fred hires a musical producer, Marcelo, to turn her into a star. But she and Marcelo end up falling in love.
Mary, Mother of the Son of God
Maria Auxiliadora is a 24 year-old woman very poor, that she lives Joana, her 7 year-old daughter close to. Needing go look for the result of Joana's exam in the hospital, Maria asks the priest of the local church that takes care of her to return. In spite of Joana's insistence to go with the mother Maria insists that she is with the priest, because she distrusts that her daughter suffers of a serious disease. To entertain the girl while it awaits the mother's return, the priest decides to tell her a mother's history that dedicated her life to the son: Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.
Darling Stranger
On Alberto's birthday, his daughter Zezé gets engaged. But the party turns sour when he decides to expose his pain and regrets.
Caramuru: The Invention of Brazil
Diogo Álvares, a Portuguese map illustrator, reaches the Brazilian coast, after his caravel sinks. He is saved by the Indian chief Itaparica and his two daughters, Paraguaçu and Moema. They call him Caramuru and together they engage in a happy love triangle. But the chance to return to Portugal arises, and it is clear this amoral arrangement cannot last.
AI-5 - O Dia que Não Existiu
José Bonifácio
Documentary about a political episode during the Brazilian military dictatorship, which resulted in the issue of the Institutional Act #5 (AI-5), abolishing freedom of opinion in Brazil, and marking the transition to the toughest period of violation of human rights in the country. The episode was the Congress Assembly on December 12th, 1968, in which its members denied permission to punish congressman Márcio Moreira Alves, as was the Government's wish.
O Circo das Qualidades Humanas
A Hora Marcada
No Coração dos Deuses
Following the clues of a map, a boy and some adventurers go into the forest in search of treasure from the pioneers, and end up going back two centuries in time, in search of the legendary Minas dos Martírios.
This film shows three episodes: "The First Sin" portrays the relationship of a man and married woman; in "Devilish", the desire between a young woman and her brother-in-law is shown; and in the episode "Cachorro!", a man sees his wife with her lover.
The Patriot
Policarpo is a chauvinistic patriot, a major who tries to find solutions for Brazilian problems using only the resources of his own country. His visionary and idealistic temperament is behind his strange ideas about how to build a great nation.
Como Ser Solteiro
A comedy addressing the issues of being single in Rio de Janeiro.
On December 31st 1999, destiny brings a fugitive prisoner and a depressed middle class teacher together, as the new millennium approaches bringing hope to everyone.
Guerra de Canudos
Cel. Antônio Moreira César
At the end of the 19th century, a poor family comes to the rural Canudos, a community led by Antônio Conselheiro, seen by many as a holy prophet. Their ways bother the powerful people of the region, and the newly founded Republic sends their army to destroy the settlement, which culminates in one of the bloodiest wars in the history of Brazil.
O Cego Que Gritava Luz
Dimas / Pedro
O Guarani
The forbidden love affair between Peri, an Indian, and the beautiful Ceci, a Portuguese white girl, in the 17th century Brazil.
Motorista do Ônibus Escolar
Весёлый и озорной мальчишка лет десяти по прозвищу Непоседа развлекается с друзьями в школе и дома, весело проводит каникулы в деревне у бабушки с дедушкой. Но даже у такого счастливого парня не всё в жизни гладко, ему предстоит пережить и развод родителей и потерю близкого человека.
Era Uma Vez...
Rei Turíbio
Высокое искусство
Питер Мандрэйк — американский фотограф из Рио-де-Жанейро. Обнаружив случайно компьютерный диск у одной из молодых моделей, он оказывается в центре событий, которые делают его жизнь кошмарной…
Vai Trabalhar Vagabundo II: A Volta
Exiled in Acapulco, the bon vivant Dino cheats a rich widow into financing his coming back to Brazil. To avoid getting caught, he hides in a coffin. His fake burial is celebrated in high style and it doesn't take long before he starts getting himself into weird situations.
O Círculo de Fogo
The Fifth Monkey
Second Man
When Cunda, a man living deep in the Brazilian rainforest, is bitten by a snake, he has a hallucination of four chimpanzees. Once he recovers, he is shocked to find the four chimpanzees waiting for him at home, and, believing them to be special, decides to take them to the city in order to sell them.
Corpo em Delito
During the Brazilian military dictatorship, a doctor forged autopsy reports to hide the victims of the regime.
Dedé Mamata
Dirigente comunista
Dede (Guilherne Fontes) is a Brazilian teen who lives with his middle-class grandparents who are members of the local communist party. When his grandmother dies, his grandfather's health soon fades to the point where he can't speak or walk. The local party officials ask Dede to continue to family tradition and take over his grandfather's position of social authority, but when Dede is introduced to cocaine by his best friend Alpino (Marcos Palmeira), the attraction to drugs is more appealing to him than political activism.
The Dolphin
According to an Amazonian legend, every month, during the full moon, a Brazilian fishing village receives a mysterious guest: the Boto, who transforms into a human to seduce and be loved by women and hated by men. One of her conquests is the daughter of a fisherman, who has a son with the Boto. He constantly reappears to seduce her, and even when she marries, he continues to look for her. This provokes the ire of the husband, who wants to kill him anyway.
The Man in the Black Cape
Biography of Brazilian congressman Tenório Cavalcanti, who used to appear in public carrying a machine-gun, and wearing a black cloak.
Rei do Rio
Delegado Paixão
Two friends get rich running an illegal gambling business. But soon they start to compete, and become rivals.
Воспоминания о тюрьме
Действие фильма основано на дневниковых записях бразильского писателя Грасилиано Рамоса, которые он вёл во время тюремного заключения, попав под репрессии после восстания коммунистов против диктатуры в стране. В картине показаны представители различных партий Бразилии 1930-х годов, а тюрьма представлена как метафора общества.
São Bernardo
Happier Than Ever
During the military dictatorship, a political militant takes his son out of the boarding school, and puts him temporarily in a friend's luxury and empty apartment in Copacabana beach. The son knows very little about his father, and the latter cannot really explain his activities to his son, fearing for his security. So the young man stands alone in the huge apartment, waiting for the infrequent meetings with his father, without really knowing what's going on.
O Coronel e o Lobisomem
República dos Assassinos
In 1970, the Esquadrão da Morte (Death Squad)' crimes for the refinement of violence provoked a wave of reactions throughout the country. The photos of the victims, adorned by the skull, symbol of the group, caused an uncomfortable indignation. This is the story of Mateus Romeiro, the most famous of the policemen, who was part of the Homens de Aço (Steelmen) group, one of the factions in which the squadron was divided.
A Lira do Delírio
During the Carnival, in Niterói, the son of a Lira do Delírio nightclub dancer is kidnapped. With the help of a journalist friend, she dives into Rio de Janeiro's underworld and meet all kind of criminals. She also goes back in time, to a past carnival, where she thinks she might pin-point the culprit among a group of people.
Sítio do Picapau Amarelo: Reinações de Narizinho
Zé Carneiro
Deadly Cruelty
Man leaves his family behind and moves to Nova Iguaçu, a poor and violent city in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. He tries to rebuild his life, but falls in love with a woman who despises him, which drives him mad.
The Fall
An accident at a construction site, resulting in one death, sets one worker off on a struggle for justice that exposes the mechanisms of exploitation and the class relations of a country that had undergone one decade of fast-paced ‘conservative modernisation’ at the hands of the military. As a sort of sequel to the classic The Guns (1964), following the fate of those characters as they move from enforcers of exploitation to exploited, it offers more than a snapshot of the period: the correspondent time lapses in fiction and reality capture the passage of a chunk of Brazilian history between the two films, and, therefore, also the transformations in cinematographic approaches to the social and political between the two moments. Equally daring in content and form, and in the originality of the adequacy of one to the other, it won the Silver Bear at Berlin.
As Aventuras Amorosas de um Padeiro
A newlywed woman, frustrated after her honeymoon, decides to search for lovers on the streets and ends up causing a conflict between her husband, a baker and a black artist.
Prateados: A Vida em Tempos de Madureza
Um Espinho de Marfim