Erik Molberg Hansen

Рождение : 1966-05-12, Kodan, Danmark


Не говори никому
Director of Photography
Во время отпуска в Италии молодая семья из Дании знакомится с милой нидерландской парой с немым ребенком. Несколько месяцев спустя они получают неожиданное приглашение посетить загородный дом новых знакомых. Но обещавший быть приятным уик-энд постепенно становится совсем не приятным.
Моя жизнь в качестве комика
Director of Photography
Юха Линдстрём - знаменитый комедиант, которого обожает вся страна. Несмотря на это в его голове постоянно всплывают призраки прошлого, напоминающие о его родном городке, который он покинул сорок лет назад.
Быть Астрид Линдгрен
Director of Photography
Биографическая картина о легендарной писательнице Астрид Линдгрен, создавшей множество удивительных героев, таких как Пеппи Длинный Чулок, Малыш и Карлсон.
Schoolyard Blues
Director of Photography
It's John's first day at school, and his big brother Mika shows up to follow him to assembly. Mika sees it as his mission to teach John the hard facts of the world, starting with the merciless demands of the schoolyard.
Up in the Sky
Director of Photography
Pottan is going to a riding camp, but ends up at a recycling center where she is taken care of by the strange staff. One day Pottan finds out that the staff are building a space rocket.
Wallander 27 - The Troubled Man
Director of Photography
Wallander has become a grandfather and is trying to seize the role as good as it goes because he wants to be closer to his daughter Linda and her family. When Linda's father-in-law mysteriously disappears, Wallander is drawn into the case that takes him back in time to the Cold War and the submarine violations in the Stockholm archipelago. At the same time, he's starting to suspect that something is not right with him...
Director of Photography
About Lillemor Östlin in the 60s and 70s. Her downfall from the glamorous Stockholm nightlife to drug addiction, crime and prostitution.
По ту сторону
Director of Photography
Социально-психологическая драма, передающая в подробностях переживания ребенка родителей-алкоголиков и те душевные травмы, которые с годами никуда не уходят.
Well, We Were Lucky with the Weather – Again
Director of Photography
Almost 30 years has passed and Gösta and Gun are retired. This summer they're going on a trip to their sons wedding in Göstas new RV.
To Love Someone
Lena lives a safe and happy life with her husband Alf and together they run a fish shop. No one who sees her can imagine what kind of hell she has gone through with her former husband Hannes. One day, her life turns upside down as a random meeting with Hannes leads to an emotional chaos for her. She thinks he has changed, but no one else wants to believe that Hannes is a new and better person. At the same time, Alf can only look at how his beloved Lena is drawn to Hannes who's been hurting her so much before.
A Soap
Director of Photography
32-year-old Charlotte could have it all, but she doesn't want any of it. When she moves away from her boyfriend, she happens to become the upstairs neighbour of a trans woman Veronica. Veronica prefers to keep to herself with her little dog and a romantic soap show on TV, while Charlotte gets through the nights with one-night stands. An assault, a new bed and some white curtains bring the two of them together.
Flies on the Wall
Director of Photography
My Larsen is a documentarian in her early thirties. Self-centered and assertive, she likes to challenge and provoke her surroundings. She takes on an unusual assignment to make a film about the conservative township of Ravnsborg, but she learns there is a dark side to life in this small town. Someone is trying to cover up a terrible secret and they will stop at nothing, even murder, to keep My from discovering the truth.
Max by Chance
This is the story of Max, the director's own story, playfully animated within the realms of documentary. Max's story goes back several generations to sailors, industrialists and Summer of Love hippies, all of whom are depicted with whole-hearted love and equal amounts of irony.
Director of Photography