Филипп красив, богат и… одинок. Ида замужем, но ее супруг увлечен другой. Скоро они встретятся на свадьбе своих детей в одном из самых живописных городов мира -итальянском Сорренто. Знойные неаполитанские ночи, аромат лимонных деревьев и непередаваемая атмосфера праздника помогут вспомнить, что любовь — это все, что им нужно…
Talented 16-year-old Ruben gets the chance to have what most teenagers want - fame and success. But what are the costs?
Anders, hans søn
Jens Christian er en strømlinet karrieredreng og nyudnævnt formand for Flygtningenævnet. Arbejdet er livets omdrejningspunkt og alt er godt, indtil en bortadopteret søn melder sin ankomst, og en usædvanlig vanskelig asylsag lander på skrivebordet. Pludselig er det ikke rigtige valg ikke soleklart for Jens Christian, der står splittet mellem forpligtelser og følelser.
Divorced father without custody Torben, a former pro soccer player, concentrates on his talented son David's juniors poorly performing team. When the coach suddenly accepts another position, Torben gets his change 'for the time being'. He becomes a substitute father for several of the boys. He's opposed by many parents, but finds love again with one player's single mother. Yet the greatest reward comes from David, in a twisted way.
Young Rune
The film is based on Christian Kampmann's novels: "Certain Considerations", "Solid Relationships", "Clean Lines" and "Other Ways" (1973-75). The Gregersen family is a picture of inner and outer Denmark from the mid 50's to the 70's. The story begins in 1954 in the well-behaved, but not just successful, Gregersen family from the best part of the whiskey belt on the right side of Strandvejen.