Jesse Wells


Zoo Radio
Under the terms of their father's will, rival radio station managers Burt and John Powell must compete with each other for their inheritance. Burt's KLST and John's KWIN have six months to build their ratings, with the winner getting the whole sixty million dollars. The KLST weirdos party on as the KWIN suits hatch schemes.
Zoo Radio
Under the terms of their father's will, rival radio station managers Burt and John Powell must compete with each other for their inheritance. Burt's KLST and John's KWIN have six months to build their ratings, with the winner getting the whole sixty million dollars. The KLST weirdos party on as the KWIN suits hatch schemes.
Zoo Radio
Under the terms of their father's will, rival radio station managers Burt and John Powell must compete with each other for their inheritance. Burt's KLST and John's KWIN have six months to build their ratings, with the winner getting the whole sixty million dollars. The KLST weirdos party on as the KWIN suits hatch schemes.
Самый богатый кот в мире
Коту Лео досталось в наследство от хозяина 5 миллионов долларов. Однако с этим категорически не согласны племянник покойного миллионера и его алчная жена. Чтобы отсудить наследство, пройдохи решают выкрасть кота. Но сделать это не так-то просто. Ведь Лео не простой кот, а говорящий. Да и его новые маленькие друзья Барт и Вероника не бросят приятеля в беде...