Herdís Þorvaldsdóttir


Cry for Mercy
A documentary about the soil erosion in Iceland, the creation of the largest man made desert in Europe.
Laddi leikur Jóhannes, myndlistarkennara sem upplifir dag sem ætlar engan endi að taka. Þessi ólukkudagur hefst á því að Jóhannes, af sannri riddaramennsku, stoppar fyrir ungri stúlku (Unnur Birna) í rigningu á Reykjanesbrautinni. Á vegi Jóhannesar verða ýmsir skrautlegir karakterar, bandbrjálaður öfundsjúkur kærasti, metnaðarfullur skólastjóri, óalandi unglingur og kostulegt lögregluþjónatvíeyki.
Epic Fail
Epic Fail is based on true events that happened in Reykjavik, Iceland not so long ago. It is a 14 minute short film about a guy that finds himself in extraordinary situations and has to take matters into his own hands and put his trust in strangers that under normal circumstances, he never would have met and for sure never talked to. But when people find themselves in a situation and have to ask strangers for help then interesting things happen and we see that we are not so different after all and we should not judge the book by its cover.
Свадьба белой ночью
Возможно, темной ночью это не так заметно, а вот под белым ночным небом Исландии становится очевидно: жених и невеста совсем по-разному волнуются перед бракосочетанием. И если девушка беспокоится о платье и прическе, то старый профессор совершенно не знает, что делать с долгами и родителями невесты, которые не в восторге от зятя-ровесника. Да и предыдущая жена не оставила новобрачному иллюзий по поводу семейной жизни. Так зачем жениться?
Misty Mountain
While based in a remote NATO radar station in Iceland in late 1960's, Warren occasionally time traveled into the future - to the year 2006 - and now as his former destination in time becomes his present, he returns to prevent the death of a woman he fell in love with during his travels.
Draumur um draum
Cool Jazz and Coconuts
A husband and wife living in a village on the eastern most part of Iceland visit their actor friends.
At the beginning of the film, three medical students are hunting for a body to use for research purposes. They hear of a tramp that has been found dead. The body is in the mortuary and as no-one seems to know who he is; they decide to take the body for dissection without formal permission. When the body is placed on the operating table, one of the students recognizes the man, and scenes from his acquaintance with the dead man flash back. At the same time certain things begin to happen that they had not allowed for.
Saga af sjónum
Deilt með tveim
The Girl Gogo
Ragnar has left his family farm and works as a taxi driver in Reykjavík in the early sixties. He's drawn to the beautiful but unhappy girl Gogo and hopes to build a better life with her. But she's a lost soul and their brief romance results in tragedy.