Gert Wibe


Варг Веум 9 - Спутники смерти
Production Design
Варг и Карин готовятся к вечеринке, но все планы срывает звонок Хамре. Бывшему подопечному Веума по соцработе, Яну-малышу, грозит обвинение в убийстве приемных родителей. Взяв в заложницы девочку-соседку, Ян укрылся в лесу и требует, чтобы полиция прислала Веума для приговоров.
Варг Веум - Черная овца
Production Design
Веум хочет помочь своей девушке Карин, найти её сестру, которая пропала много лет назад. Как и всегда, на пути у Варга попадаются несколько убийств, несколько неразгаданных тайн и несколько ироничных замечаний Хамре.
Who Pulled the Plug? 2
Production Design
Andersson's boatyard remains after 25 years, still chased by the same stringent, but misfortuned debt collector. TV producer Vonna Jigert wants Andersson to compete against an Italian company and their boat Fortuna in a race on Göta Kanal – live on TV. The race is broadcasted as a reality show. Same gangly canoer like 25 years ago also has a canoeing vacation on the canal when the race starts.
Percy, Buffalo Bill and I
Production Design
Ulf think this is going to be an ordinary summer. Going to his grand parents and swim in the lake and tease his brother. But that's not the case, because this summer he will fall in love with Pia.
Drowning Ghost
Art Direction
Hundred years ago, three students at the Hellestads Boarding School were brutally slaughtered, the murderer drowned himself in a lake nearby and his body was never found. The story has become a legend for generations of students as well as a yearly festivity. Sara, a student, is writting an essay based on the legend and uncovers new facts from the event that will cast dark shadows on the family name of one of the school's main benificiaries. On the night of the hundreth anniversary, the festivities go awry, students disappear and something dark and unknown is moving through the schools corridors...
Days Like This
Production Design
Vaccuum salesman Evert makes the rounds in a suburban Stockholm apartment building, getting brief glimpses of the various tenants' lives. During the course of the day, he meets an arguing married couple, a lonely older woman and a younger couple preparing an anxious dinner.
Once in a Lifetime
Production Design
Mona Bergström is a sweet eurovision-obsessed woman in her 30s. She is married to a lazy husband and has four children, all named after her favorite Swedish Eurovision popstars. Her brother is a crossdressing guy self-titled "Candy Darling". Mona works in a retirement home for disabled people, where she is responsible for taking care of a young man named David who suffers a movement-restricting disease forcing him into a wheelchair. David's parents have abandoned him, as they wanted a normal child. Mona holds a big place in David's heart, and vica versa. David's goal is to get his parents to come and visit him, and he wants to show them that he is a great person, despite his handicap. Therefore he works with music on his computer, and his goal is to create a song, send it to "The Cardigans", a famous Swedish band and have them play the song and credit him, hoping his parents would spot it and want to visit him.
The Dogs of Riga
Production Design
A lifeboat floats ashore at the coast of Skåne. Inside are two dead men who who've been murdered. Policeman Kurt Wallander is assigned to the case. The men are identified with the help of the police in Latvia. One of their officers travel to Sweden to to help but when he returns to his home country he is mysteriously murdered. Kurt flies to Riga to find out why and is drawn into complex conspiracy.
House of Angels: The Second Summer
Production Design
Fanny and Zack is back, after she inherited Änglagård last year. Everytone looks forward to their new stay. Axel has told Fanny he is her father, but who else? Ivar also thinks he is her father. Be ready for expectations and confusions.
Svart Lucia
Production Design
High school student Mikaela is attracted by her Swedish teacher Göran and writes an erotic novel for his class.
Peas & Whiskers
Art Direction
Life isn't easy for the indecisive 40-year-old Claes-Henrik. Should he choose his mom or his girlfriend?
Med Lill-Klas i kappsäcken
Production Design
The siblings Niklas and Anneli must accompany their slightly giddy aunt Tinne to the Zoo in Copenhagen. The visit to the zoo has quite different consequences than Aunt Tinne has ever dreamt of. When the children win a real pony in a lottery they have to bring it home to Stockholm without anyone noticing.
The Jönsson Gang & Dynamite Harry
Production Design
Sickan, Vanheden and Rocky try to rob the Berns nightclub one night, but Vanheden has made the mistake to invite his constantly drunk cousin, the old dynamiter Dynamite-Harry and he ruins the plan. Sickan is arrested, and has to spend 10 months in a small, locked room. When he is released, he has a new plan, but Rocky and Vanheden have decided to go straight. Together with Dynamite-Harry, Sickan plans to rob a cold store, managed by their arch-enemy, Wall-Enberg.