Bill Cote


17 Seconds to Sophie
Camera Operator
The sound of a ticking kitchen timer introduces a slim, nude woman who is standing in semi-profile against a bare, off-white wall. Her expression is impassive. Her image flickers slightly, and we watch her abdomen grow, realizing we are seeing a time-lapse sequence of her pregnancy. After 17 seconds, the timer rings; a baby appears in her arms, and the time-lapse gives way to real time. A mother's beatific smile appears as she cuddles the child.
17 Seconds to Sophie
The sound of a ticking kitchen timer introduces a slim, nude woman who is standing in semi-profile against a bare, off-white wall. Her expression is impassive. Her image flickers slightly, and we watch her abdomen grow, realizing we are seeing a time-lapse sequence of her pregnancy. After 17 seconds, the timer rings; a baby appears in her arms, and the time-lapse gives way to real time. A mother's beatific smile appears as she cuddles the child.
The Mysterious Origins of Man
Director of Photography
The documentary challenges what we have been taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization.
The Mysterious Origins of Man
The documentary challenges what we have been taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization.
The Mysterious Origins of Man
The documentary challenges what we have been taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization.
The Mysterious Origins of Man
The documentary challenges what we have been taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization.
The Mysterious Origins of Man
The documentary challenges what we have been taught about human evolution and the rise of early civilization.
Тайна Сфинкса
Документальный фильм раскрывает нам тайны древнейшей и величайшей на Земле монументальной скульптуры — древнеегипетского Сфинкса. Этот огромный, лежащий на песке лев длиной 72 метра с головой фараона уже многие тысячи лет охраняет проход к пирамиде Хеопса. До сих пор обстоятельства сооружения, заказчик, а также точное время создания Сфинкса остаются большой загадкой. Группа ученых отправляется в Египет, чтобы опровергнуть или подтвердить некоторые теории происхождения этого поистине бесценного памятника мировой архитектуры.
Two bananas meet and fall in love.
Two bananas meet and fall in love.
Two bananas meet and fall in love.
Two bananas meet and fall in love.