Rio Dewanto

Rio Dewanto

Рождение : 1987-08-28,


Rio Dewanto (born in Indonesia, August 28, 1987) is an Indonesian actor and singer. His name is widely known through his roles in television films including Pulang Malu Ngga Pulang Rindu, Rocker Pulang Kampung, Cinta Datang saat kamu tidur. He has already played more than 30 FTV titles. Early in his career in feature films when appointed as extras in the film Ratu Cosmopolitan and the Forbidden Door. In 2011 Rio got the main role in a film done by Hanung Bramantyo entitled Question Mark. After that, he got a role as a homosexual in the film Arisan! 2 by Nia Dinata and was entrusted by Rudi Soedjarwo to portray the character of Pak Wisnu in the Garuda film in My Chest 2 as Coach. In 2011 he became the main character in a film directed by Joko Anwar entitled "Modus Anomali" and had the opportunity to act with Atiqah Hasiholan in South Korea in a film called "Hello Goodbye". At the end of 2011 Rio also played in a film production involving Indonesian and Hollywood actors namely Mickey Rourke, Kellan Lutz, Ario Bayu, Tio Pakusadewo, Atiqah Hasiholan and many more.


Rio Dewanto
Rio Dewanto
Rio Dewanto


13 Bombs
An organization races against time to uncover the mastermind behind the placement of 13 bombs in Jakarta before the city falls into chaos.
Sewu Dino
Story based on twitter thread by SimpleMan
Jalan yang Jauh, Jangan Lupa Pulang
A new chapter in Aurora's life, while migrating to London, England. In London, a city that for Aurora is full of hopes and millions of possibilities to make her dreams come true, she finds a husband who has the same vision as hers, Jem. The new artist who is on the rise as well as a senior at his campus is also a migrant from Indonesia.
The Antique Shop
When things keep some secrets. The truth of death is the answer.
Anggara finds Aini, his wife, missing some of the time due to illness just before their second wedding anniversary. So how did Anggara know the fact that the memories that his wife had lost were all about him, so that he thought Anggara was his husband in the last few years of his wife's life?
Kamu Tidak Sendiri
An ambitious career woman is taking an elevator to her office in a hurry and in the elevator there is one of her coworkers and they are both trapped in the elevator and have to wait until the elevator technician comes.
Бен и Джоди
С тех пор, как Бен решил покинуть Filosofi Kopi, он живет в своем родном городе и активно защищает фермерские группы, чьи земли были захвачены Компанией. В то же время Джоди готовит новую концепцию Filosofi Kopi, которая скоро будет запущена. В преддверии презентации Бен, который должен был присутствовать, внезапно исчезает. Джоди отправляется на поиски Бена. Чтобы спасти Бена, им предстоит сражаться не на жизнь, а на смерть с бандами нелегальных лесорубов во главе с Тубиром, пока они не столкнутся с традиционной деревенской группой, которая изменит карту их сопротивления.
Бен и Джоди
С тех пор, как Бен решил покинуть Filosofi Kopi, он живет в своем родном городе и активно защищает фермерские группы, чьи земли были захвачены Компанией. В то же время Джоди готовит новую концепцию Filosofi Kopi, которая скоро будет запущена. В преддверии презентации Бен, который должен был присутствовать, внезапно исчезает. Джоди отправляется на поиски Бена. Чтобы спасти Бена, им предстоит сражаться не на жизнь, а на смерть с бандами нелегальных лесорубов во главе с Тубиром, пока они не столкнутся с традиционной деревенской группой, которая изменит карту их сопротивления.
Frangipani Rising
Nyoman, our hero, is the loneliest person he knows and has given up on the idea of ever finding love. Not even the moonlit escapades with his friends, nor the beauty that surrounds him can seem to lift his spirits. Until one night, pushed by despair, he curses at the moon and blames her for his fate. The next morning, Nyoman discovers his house has been shaken by an earthquake, and something unthinkable has grown in his garden
Wave of Cinema: Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini
Delve into a musical concert and relive moments from "One Day We'll Talk About Today," a film about family and intergenerational trauma.
Wave of Cinema: Filosofi Kopi
Following all the singers from Filosofi Kopi's soundtracks, this concert talked about coffee and how life changed 'cause of it.
Filosofi Kopi: Aroma Gayo
Rio Dewanto visited the home of Gayo Coffee. He saw firsthand the condition of the land of Gayo, Aceh, and explored the philosophy of a cup of Gayo Coffee.
One Day We'll Talk About Today
Angkasa Narendra Putra
Harboring a deep secret, a seemingly happy family confronts the trauma of years past as a clash between generations threatens to separate them.
Гундала: Сын молнии
Sancaka's Father
Ещё ребенком Санчака потерял родителей — отец погиб, отстаивая права рабочих, а мать уехала на заработки и не вернулась — с тех пор мальчик выживал самостоятельно. Нелегкая жизнь на улице научила его не только эффективно махать ногами, а и думать в первую очередь о собственной безопасности, но когда волна насилия захлёстывает город, мужчине приходится встать на сторону униженных и оскорбленных. А поскольку в результате удара молнии наш герой получил свехспособности, врагам простого народа придётся несладко.
After failing to deliver for a demanding bride, a wedding planner makes a bold business move and throws the wedding of the year — for herself.
The Wedding Shaman
After a betrayal at work, a finance professional becomes an assistant to a bride shaman in order to salvage her only remaining property — and love life.
Отряд Фокстрот
Через 10 лет после расставания группа индонезийских спецназовцев объединяется, чтобы побороть зловещую копорацию "Пиранья", захватившую власть над страной, и восстановить справедливость.
Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
Hanum had an opportunity to attend the program in the Global New York TV station which was her dream. Her husband sacrificed his dream for Hanum.
Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
After starting their traveling coffee business, friends Ben and Jody reopen their shop in Jakarta, where new opportunities and challenges begin to brew.
Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
After starting their traveling coffee business, friends Ben and Jody reopen their shop in Jakarta, where new opportunities and challenges begin to brew.
Pasukan Garuda: I Leave My Heart In Lebanon
Kapten Satria
Garuda member contingent, Captain Satria, Lieutenant Arga, and Sergeant Gulamo, assigned to Lebanon as peacekeepers. Satria among others, should mediate disputes between Israeli soldiers by the Lebanese army, and managed to free the Spanish army of Hezbollah soldiers hostage.
Wonderful Life
Amalia grows believing that she is nothing before having these things above. She applies the same principle for Aqil, her only child. But life says another. Aqil is adjudged to have dyslexia. Amalia decides to find a cure for Aqil. Their journey confronts Amalia to many unexpected things: her own inner conflict, her trauma, as well as tests of her status as a mother. Amalia who has thought to control all things, is now realizing that he has no control over her world and Aqil. The world in the eyes of Aqil is a place rich in color and full of interesting things, where everything is possible at any time. Amalia has to give up his world of rigid black-and-white to be ransacked in the their journey. Amalia is facing the worst possibility in her life: losing Aqil.
Three Sassy Sisters
A musical drama inspired by the 1956 classic, Tiga Dara.
Письма из Праги
Чтобы получить наследство и одновременно выполнить последнее желание своей умершей матери, Ларасати отправляется к старому знакомому мамы, который живёт в Праге. Девушка должна передать ему коробку, наполненную письмам из прошлого...
Bait Surau
The story of the simple life of a human child in finding his identity and returning to the way of Allah SWT.
A Moon Hangs Above the Graveyard
A remake of 1973 film of the same name. "Bulan di Atas Kuburan" is a tale of hardships in the capital city. Sahat, Tigor and Sabar ; three friends from Samosir, North Sumatra, quest after greatness whilst deperately holding on to their inner idealism.
Filosofi Kopi
The level-headed owner of a struggling coffee shop finds his future at risk when his partner -- a talented but cocky barista -- makes a major bet.
Love and Faith
Kwee Tjie Hoei/Karmaka Surjaudaja
Karmaka Surjaudaja (Rio Dewanto) aka Kwee Tjie Hwei, Chinese-born, moves to Indonesia at the age of 10 months. He is brought by his mother (Irina Chiu Yen Tan) to follow his father, Kwee Tjie Kui (Ferry Salim), who have lived in Bandung. His childhood passes in limitations. As a result, he graduates from the high school in the same year with his brother Tjie Ong Kwee (Dion Wiyoko). He decides to let go of his dream and let his brother enters medical school. Since then he is never out of the hard work. Being a sports teacher is his first job. He teaches in a Chinese school named Nan Hua. At the school, he meets a woman named Lim Kwei Ing (Laura Basuki), student, which makes him fall in love. But he tries to keep his distance, because he is her teacher, and Lim Kwei Ing derives from Lim Khe Tjie family, owners of large banks in Bandung. Finally in 1959 they are married.
2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
Ricky Bagaskoro (Rizky Nazar), high school student, is in a dilemma: to pursue his dream of becoming teachers for displaced children or to follow the wishes of his father, Bagas Notolegowo (Ray Sahetapy), to continue his study to the highest level. Bagas hopes Ricky will follow in his footsteps of being a politician. Bagas is struggling to become president of Indonesia 2014-2019 to replace President Jusuf Syahrir (Deddy Sutomo). Preoccupations make his relationship with Ricky tenuous. Ricky does not agree with his father's steps. Ningrum (Donna Harun), a faithful wife and mother, always tries to unify them. The competition to the presidency between Bagas Notolegowo, Faisal Abdul Hamid (Rudy Salam) and Syamsul Triadi (Akri Patrio) is very tight. Bagas makes a careless step. One simple decision makes all his dreams shattered .
CJR The Movie: Fight Your Fear
Bastian resignation caused Iqbaal, Aldi, and Kiki feel lost. Patrick invites them to Australia and meet with Emmanuel Kelly, an X-Factor Australia contestant. They face the real test while performing a concert
Me And You Vs The World
Jeremy (Rio Dewanto) who is bored with his work and routine, changes when meet Sera (Dhea Seto) who is looking for her identity and bored with her world of high school teenagers. Jeremy rebelled from his office and proposed a concept titled "Conquer the World". First is to make the event “Conquer Citarik River Rafting”. Success. Jeremy saves a girl who nearly drowned in the event. Jeremy’s boss (Piyu) approved the plan to create a manly event. Then Jeremy wants to give rafting presentation to schools. In one school Jeremy and Baron (GoFar Hilman), his friend, meet with Sera. Jeremy presentation is rejected by the Principal (Joe P Project), because it is considered too dangerous. Sera also reject the activity.
Aku Cinta Kamu
When love strikes, millions of feelings infest our hearts and minds. Major events in life are triggered by three simple words, I Love You. Inspired by love songs created by Piyu, these four stories introduce different types of love.
Unexpected luck and deadly crash. A mysterious girl, ex-killer and madman in shackles. Andreas waited for signs to call him closer, which he had been ignoring.
Anggiat Simbolon
Пылающий остров
Молодой американец Джейк приезжает в Юго-Восточную Азию, чтобы сражаться с исламскими террористами. В компании с местным детективом-мусульманином он преследует изобретательного вора, который специально организовывает взрывы и похищения, чтобы осуществлять кражи драгоценностей, произведений искусства и даже принцессы.
Hello Goodbye
Two people meet by chance in Busan, South Korea. Indah works at the Indonesian Embassy in Busan. Abi, a sailor who suffers heart attack and Indah was assigned as his guardian. Although their backgrounds are different, they learn from each other.
Аномальный вид
John Evans
Герой мечется по лесу в поисках своей похищенной семьи. Следуя от одного маячка до другого, расставленных похитителем, он натыкается на лесную сторожку, где ему открываются ужасы, о которых он даже не мог подумать…
Garuda Di Dadaku 2
Pak Wisnu
Bayu (Emir Mahira), who is a member of elite national soccer team U-15, wants to prove that he can bring his team to win ASEAN junior competition in Jakarta. With support from his best friend, Heri (Aldo Tansani), the new girl in school he is attracted to, Anya (Monica Sayangbati), and the new coach Mr. Wisnu (Rio Dewanto), Bayu leads his friends working hard to reach the final. However, a new guy on the team, Yusuf, steals Bayu's spotlight as the rising star. Now the team is in a great mess, and Bayu runs away from the training. As the big match is approaching, can Bayu and his team bring Indonesia to victory?
The Gathering 2
A group of friends reunites for a vacation amid nature, where they laugh about their shared history and bond over difficult truths.
Question Mark
In a story of interconnected lives, three families of different religious faiths navigate conflicting beliefs, hardships, and other struggles.
Red Umbrella
One night... Three people... Finding their way home. Reza, a taxi driver, would rather stay at home in this late night. But he is out on the streets looking for a fare, where he picks up a beautiful and mysterious passenger.
Ratu Kostmopolitan
Cowok Tato
Three women who lives in a boarding house in Jakarta has to deal with a group of thugs who wants them out of their humble abode.
The Forbidden Door
Man at Church
Gambir is an artist whose success masks a dark and shameful secret. which may be nothing compared to the sordid details of the past that his wife keeps hidden behind a mysterious door in their home.
Today We'll Talk About That Day
Angkasa Narendra Putra
Prequel to "One Day We'll Talk About Today". Follows the love story of young Narendra and Ajeng who come from different backgrounds.