Darleen Carr

Darleen Carr

Рождение : 1950-12-12, Chicago, Illinois, USA


Darleen Carr


Секрет Н.И.М.Х. 2
Helen (voice)
Мышонок Тимми Бризби, младший сын Джонатана Бризби, который однажды уже спас всех из страшного места под названием Н. И. М. Х. Но есть одна проблема: Тимми — новичок. Так что ему сначала необходимо пройти Курс N 101 для обучения героев. Он упражняется в «Змеином патрулировании» и многом другом, но еще перед сдачей выпускного экзамена Тимми приходится проверить свои новые знания. Дело в том, что мышке Дженни нужна помощь в спасении ее родителей из Н. И. М. Х., из места, которое угрожает всем жителям Долины Репейников. Справится с Н. И. М. Х. — это очень сложная работа для такого маленького мышонка, но Тимми принимает вызов и доказывает, что неважно какого ты размера, любой может стать героем.
Восемь дней в неделю
Erica's Mother
Peter loves his next door neighbour Erica and, on the advice of his grandfather, decides to camp out on her front lawn for the entire summer, or until she agrees to go out with him. His father is none too happy about the idea and refuses to let his son back in the house, even to get a change of clothes.
Dr. Leticia Baines
Закончилась ли холодная война, если ее наследие угрожает всему человечеству? Развалившиеся бараки, затянутый тиной бассейн, ржавые конструкции — вот, пожалуй, и все, что осталось от секретной военной базы. Очаровательная женщина — детектив и писатель — отшельник, попав на эти руины холодной войны в поисках пропавшей парочки влюбленных, сливают воду из бассейна в соседнюю речушку. Откуда им было знать, что здесь выводили гигантских пираний, стремительно размножающихся и пожирающих все на своем пути — смертельное оружие массового поражения. Из речки рыбы — людоеды попадают в озеро, и если они доберутся до океана, на земле может исчезнуть все живое!
Simon & Simon: In Trouble Again
Paige Dunning
En route to delivering an expensive yacht, Rick stops off in Seattle to visit A.J., who works there as an attorney. However, their reunion is disrupted and their investigative skills called into service when the yacht is hijacked--with mom on board.
The Halloween Tree
Additional Voices
Four children learn the origins of Halloween customs while trying to save the life of their friend.
Back to the Streets of San Francisco
Jeannie Stone
Mike Stone's back and his old partner, Steve Keller, is missing. So Mike heads up an investigation. At the same time, he is investigating another brutal murder. And he is trying to decide which of two inspectors shall he recommend for the position of Lieutenant; a woman who has a "Dirty Harry" tendency or a man who reminds him of Steve Keller.
Margo (voice)
From Hanna-Barbera's animated series depicting the tales of the bible, "Jonah" tells the story of the Prophet Jonah and his attempt to escape his responsibilities.
The Easter Story
Margo (voice)
The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible is a television series produced by Hanna-Barbera that tells of three young adventurers—Derek, Margo, and 'their nomad friend' Moki—who travel back in time to watch biblical events take place in the past. This segment of the story tells about the time the time travelers encounter Mark as he is gathering material to write the Gospel of Mark. He informs them of the events surrounding the Garden of Gethsemene, Jesus' numerous trials before Annas, Caiaphas, Herod, and Pilate, as well as the Crucifixion and Resurrection. He finishes by telling them of the Ascension.
The Creation - Greatest Adventure Stories from the Bible
Margo (Voice)
The three protagonists listen to a storyteller recount the creation as well as the Fall. At the same time, they learn their own lessons in honesty after tricking a gardener into giving them fruit for free.
The Nativity
Margo (voice)
The Nativity is seen through the eyes of three young visitors from the 20th century who are transported back through time to the Holy City
Samson and Delilah
Margo (voice)
From Hanna-Barbera's animated series depicting the tales of the bible, "Samson and Delilah" tells the story of the warrior Samson and the deception of Delilah.
Hero in the Family
Lisa Reed
A teenage son of an astronaut tries to help his father after he and a chimpanzee switch brains as the result of a space flight mis-hap in which the boy must protect the "chimp" in which his...
Joshua and the Battle of Jericho
Margo / Additional Voices (voice)
Learn the tale of Joshua's leadership and his determination to follow his God. Joshua leads the Hebrews through a battle with the Canaanites, who built a wall to prevent them from passing through to the Promised Land.
David and Goliath
Margo / Additional Voices (voice)
Derek, Margo, and Moki jump through time yet again and find themselves lost. As they search for information, they are threatened by wild animals. A young shepherd arrives on the scene and rescues them. They learn that this shepherd just happens to be the future King David. They follow David to Jerusalem, where they watch as he tries to help mend Saul's ill temper. Finally, they witness the defeat of Goliath.
Noah's Ark
Margo / Additional Voices (voice)
The story of the Prophet Noah. Violence and corruption fill the earth. To punish this wickedness, God vows to send a cleansing flood. Only one man - Noah - and his family will be spared because they alone honor God's law. God commands him to build an ark and fill it with two of every animal. Once building is under way, Noah and his sons face scorn and sabotage from their sinful neighbors - but they persevere. Noah's faith is vindicated when the heavens erupt with a rainy torrent for 40 days. But God's test of Noah's courage and commitment is just beginning.
Hildy (as Darlene Carr)
In an attempt to be rehabilitated, a rapist goes to therapy while in prison.
Young Joe, the Forgotten Kennedy
Kathleen Kennedy
The story of U.S. President John F. Kennedy's older brother Joseph, who undertakes a dangerous mission during World War II.
Man From Atlantis: The Disappearances
Dr. Mary Smith
Elizabeth is kidnapped, one of dozens of scientists held prisoner on the island of Felicitos, controlled by special mineral springs that render their victims completely happy and compliant. Dr. Smith is using them to build a rocket to take her away from our troubled planet in search of some better world, and Mark must find a way to counter the brain-washing and free the captives.
Law of the Land
Selina Jensen
A frontier sheriff and his young deputies search for a serial killer who is murdering prostitutes.
A young American woman visiting her author father in London discovers that her childhood habit of sleepwalking has recurred. She has a vivid dream of witnessing a murder in a strange house - or is it a dream?
The Chadwick Family
Joan Chadwick McTaggert
A father finds himself taking care of a family that, in addition to his son and three daughters, also consists of two sons-in-law and his youngest daughter's Chinese boyfriend.
My Darling Daughters' Anniversary
In this sequel, the daughters' anniversary present is the news that their widowed father is about to get remarried.
Carol Lerner
A group of skiers are trapped inside a runaway train hurtling down a mountainside.
The Horror at 37,000 Feet
A commercial-jet captain (Chuck Connors) has ghosts on board from stones of an English abbey being shipped overseas.
All My Darling Daughters
A judge has to deal with his four daughters, his four future sons-in-law and four weddings all on the same day.
Один мужчина, семь женщин. Неплохое соотношение! Особенно когда этот мужчина — капрал армии северян. Раненый янки Джон МакБарней был спасен от смерти юной конфедераткой из южной школы-интерната. Женский коллектив ухаживает за ним и делает все для его лечения. Вскоре Джон начинает поправляться и понимает, в какое благодатное место его привела судьба. Одна за другой девушки оказываются очарованы обаятельным выздоравливающим. Постепенно атмосфера в школе накаляется — каждая мечтает завоевать расположение красавца-мужчины. Ревность, обман и обиды приходят на смену душевной близости и сердечности.
Death of a Gunfighter
Hilda Jorgenson
In the turn-of-the century Texas town of Cottownwood Springs, marshal Frank Patch is an old-style lawman in a town determined to become modern. When he kills drunken Luke Mills in self-defense, the town leaders decide it's time for a change. That ask for Patch's resignation, but he refuses on the basis that the town on hiring him had promised him the job for as long as he wanted it. Afraid for the town's future and even more afraid of the fact that Marshal Patch knows all the town's dark secrets, the city fathers decide that old-style violence is the only way to rid themselves of the unwanted lawman.
The Impossible Years
Abbey Kingsley
Psychiatrist's teenage daughter gets arrested for demonstrating on a college campus — holding a sign with a "dirty word" written on.
Книга джунглей
The Girl (voice)
Выращенный волками человеческий детеныш Маугли по решению стаи должен вернуться к людям, чтобы не попасть в лапы к тигру-людоеду Шер Хану. Вместе с пантерой Багирой Маугли отправляется в путь, навстречу неожиданным знакомствам и опасным приключениям. Он подружится с беспечным медведем Балу, будет похищен обезьянами, станет пленником коварного удава Каа, и еще много чего случится со смелым мальчиком, который по словам самого Киплинга «любит дергать смерть за усы».
Monkeys, Go Home!
Sidoni Riserau
Henry Dussard, a young American, inherits a picturesque but badly neglected olive farm in southern France and is determined to make it operational again despite cautionary advice from the local priest and a pretty villager. Desperate for laborers, the inventive Dussard turns to the zaniest crew of olive pickers ever recruited - four mischievous monkeys! As former members of an Air Force space team, these intelligent chimps quickly pick up on their new responsibilities - but prove to have a turbulent effect on the local townspeople.