Lorielle New

Lorielle New


Lorielle New


A struggling and publicly disgraced Hollywood icon gets another shot at mega stardom when he is hired to star and direct an action movie in Uzbekistan.
Bruno & Earlene Go to Vegas
Earlene arrives at Venice Beach after running away from an estranged lover, only to become fast friends with an Australian skater who is also lost. Together, they set out into the desert to find themselves.
9 Full Moons
Frankie is an emotional train wreck, careening around the East Los Angeles music scene drinking and meeting strangers. Lev is a taciturn and tormented soul. He drives a limo and wants to work in the music business. They begin a relationship after they connect with each other one night at a party.
Bleed 4 Me
When hard-as-nails demon hunter Ramona (Tonya L. Harris) uncovers the Devil's plot to scorch the Earth, she enlists the murderous talents of long-retired demon-hunter Lady Jasmine (Brinke Stevens) and the infamous Lady Black (Tiffany Shepis). Together, these three ladies will wage a hellish war against evil that will show the Devil what Hell really is!
Past Obsessions
To the outside world, it would appear Shane Walsh (Josie Davis) has it all - a wealthy and loving husband, a beautiful home, and a lavish lifestyle... but appearances can be deceiving. Matt Walsh (David Millbern) is an attentive and kind husband, but behind closed doors, this monster turns his controlling and jealous rage towards Shane, leaving her battered and bruised. Knowing he will never let her go, she makes the only choice she feels will truly set her free. She must fake her own death and start a new life far away.
Orgy of the Damned
Fosco, a 300 year old vampire, lives in a beautiful mansion with his wife Sabina and their son Dimitri. Their lives are a non-stop lust orgy where anything goes and always does! Until, Fauna, a naive young woman, and her boyfriend, Micah, show up and turn the ecstasy-driven clan into murderous back-stabbers, hell-bent on revenge and power.
Колодец и маятник
Семеро студентов показывают, как озарение боли может изменить человека. Данный перфоманс не имеет почти никакого отношения к рассказу Эдгара По, но отлично воплощает на экране основные его мысли.
По мотивам компьютерной трэш-игры Postal. В городе Парадиз строят огромный развлекательный центр, и в один из магазинов завозят партии игрушек Крочи. Эти игрушки в форме задницы становятся объектом пристального внимания двух группировок. Террористы хотят выкрасть их, чтобы зашить в каждую штамм вируса птичьего гриппа. А банда хиппи хочет украсть Крочи, чтобы заработать. Между этими двумя «компаниями» мечется невезучий чувак, у которого в жизни все плохо. В какой-то момент парню все надоедает, и он устраивает в Парадизе «веселую» кровавую баню…
Werewolf Women of the S.S.
Werewolf Woman (uncredited)
Short mock trailer attatched to “Grindhouse.”
Werewolf Woman (segment "Werewolf Women of the SS") (uncredited)
Первый фильм — от Роберта Родригеса — про страшную чуму и толпы бешеных мертвецов. Здесь вам и черный юмор, и море кровищи, и красивые девушки с пушками, которые весят столько же, сколько они сами; количество взрывов — не менее двух на квадратный метр, ну и еще кое-что покрепче. Второй фильм — от Квентина Тарантино — рассказывает историю о маньяке-каскадере Майке, который охотится за красивыми девушками и в качестве орудия убийства использует свой гоночный автомобиль. Также ко всему этому в перерыве между фильмами представлены рекламные ролики к несуществующим картинам.
The Mummy's Kiss: 2nd Dynasty
In this sequel to the erotic cult hit, reporter Elyse Lam investigates a string of kidnappings involving sexy young women who turn into zombie love slaves. Elyse traces the crimes to a mummy that's controlled by crazed museum director Dr. Zita Furneaux . As she digs deeper into her big story, will Elyse fall victim to Dr. Zita's seductive charms?
Black Dahlia
A young rookie cop and his team discover dismembered female bodies in L.A. similar to the Black Dahlia cold case from 1947. A serial killer seems to be copying the brutal massacre of 1940s Hollywood starlet Betty Short. Ultimately his investigation leads him to a frightening lair of death and torture, all part of a terrifying fantasy that the killer is trying to bring to life.
South of Hell
A student film production is threatened when its faculty advisor unexpectedly dies. A guest artist agrees to help them, but the star of their movie -- a ravenous monster -- is not amused.
Freeze Out
Financed almost entirely by poker winnings, this comedy depicts the inner workings of a weekly South LA home game and the friendships that may or may not be broken at the table.
Going Shopping
A clothing designer tries to save her struggling boutique store by having a tumultuous weekend sale of her shop's inventory by playing on the addictions of shopping for the women of Beverly Hills.
Возрожденный Франкенштейн
Мрачная история о Викторе Фрэнксе — гениальном ученом, ищущем ключ к бессмертию. В погоне за открытием он незаметно для себя превращается в чудовище, убивая своих пациентов, чтобы заполучить материал для опытов. Годами Виктор бился над разгадкой заветной формулы, и вот удача, наконец, улыбнулась ему. Но то, что должно было стать великим открытием, эликсиром молодости и панацеей от всех болезней, обернулось проклятьем для всего мира…
Dirtyglitter 1: Damien
A precariously intoxicated hustler finds photographs of himself in a gallery and sets out on a cross-town mission to find the mysterious artist who created the enigmatic images, unaware of just how much impact the man may have on his own imminent salvation/demise. Shot entirely on greenscreen and stylishly animated, dirtyglitter 1: Damien explores pansexual excess and the dichotomous world that unhinges the boundaries between filth and glam.
Would I Lie to You?
Screwball romantic comedy based on The Importance of Being Earnest.
A mortician at a funeral home finds a way to bring back the dead for an hour at a time to do his dirty work. The town's chief of police (Fahey), gets suspicious and tries to get to the bottom of the mysterious and brutal deaths and events happening in the small town before too many people die.
Dead Doll
A beguiling doll plays a deadly game with all those who come into contact with it in this comedic horror film with an eerie erotic undercurrent. A frustrated sculptor loses control when his girlfriend insults his work and threatens to leave him, and in a fit of rage he murders her. He encases her body in a beautiful lifelike doll, but her spirit lingers behind, seeking revenge As the doll travels from one owner to the next, it goes about seducing men and bringing each one to a gruesome demise.
Alien 51
An alien creature escapes from a research lab at the infamous "Area 51" determined to hunt down its former tormentors.
Dr. Moreau's House of Pain
In a big mansion, a scientist has been experimenting with humans and animals, mixing their DNA together.
Anna's Eve
Eve Duncan / Ghost
A caring social worker stumbles upon a child's murder and experiences a nervous breakdown. Then, scary, crazy things start happening.
Bit Players
Actress in towel
The story of two men who played Oompa Loompas in the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie.
American Virgin
When your father is a pornographer, what can you do to shock him? If you're Katrina Bartalotti, you announce that you're going to lose your virginity -- live on the Internet, for the whole world to see.
Alone with a Stranger
Crystal (as Lori New)
Max never had the good things in life. A life of crime was his only legacy. So when he discovers an unknown brother, to whom fortune has granted all that is missing in Max's life, he decides to do anything to get what should have been his theft, kidnapping, murder, anything! Now all Max wants is his brother's money, his power and especially his beautiful wife!
Farewell, My Love
Brigit as a young girl saw her family killed by the Karpovs, a Russian crime family, she would have been dead too, if her neighbor did not come to her house and saved her. Years later, she plans to take out all of the Karpovs, and she does. However, the Reillys, the Karpovs rival are afraid that the Karpovs will think that they are behind it. So, they grab her so that they could find out what's going on
Her Married Lover
Film editor Katie and suspense novelist Richard share an erotically charged moment during a hostage crisis, before embarking on a rapturous affair. When Richard’s wife is killed in a suspicious accident, the lovers are accused of murder.
Armageddon Boulevard
Bikini Assassin
ARMAGEDDON BLVD. A ZEN FILM When the streets go bad, Jack B. Quick gets mad. STARRING: ◇ International Action Star and Martial Arts Master, Scott Shaw ◇ Penthouse Pet and B-Movie Queen, Julie Strain ◇ Co-Creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Kevin Eastman ◇ Ultimate Hollywood Bad Guy, Robert Z' ...
Джиллиан на день рождения
Blonde on the Beach
На небольшом острове живет одинокий мужчина со своей дочерью. И каждый вечер на берег моря приходит красивая и грустная женщина. Только при свете луны и шуме моря, когда никто не видит, Дэвид может увидеть свою жену. Это его счастье и его тайна — ведь Джиллиан, его возлюбленная и мать его дочери, уже два года мертва…
Близко к сердцу
Merino's Secretary
Стареющий мэтр тележурналистики Уоррен Джастис с первого взгляда проникается симпатией к Сэлли, поставившей перед собой задачу стать телезвездой, со второго — открывает в ней талант телеведущей. В конце концов Сэлли набирает такую скорость на пути к успеху, что по всем статьям обгоняет своего телеучителя, и теперь ему приходится, переключив скорость, мчаться навстречу опасности, чтобы утвердить свое человеческое достоинство и профессиональное реноме…