Кармеле 30, она красива и неукротима как наездница. Она безработная и изо всех сил пытается выжить, выполняя мелкие повседневные задачи. Кармела сводит концы с концами, используя иммигрантов, населяющих лабиринт переулков старого исторического центра Неаполя. Круг ада, где даже для получения вида на жительство нужно платить за работу.
Мальчик и его отец, который только что вышел из тюрьмы, отправились в долгий путь на юг Италии. Во время этого авантюрного путешествия, из Трентино в Апулию через Чиленто, они наконец имеют возможность узнать друг друга.
«Ковбой» Паскуале, Дон Франко и парень по имени Тоторе — экстравагантное трио браконьеров, которые охотятся за певчими птицами. Их будни полны опасности и красоты — например, когда они поставляют голубей на пышные неаполитанские свадьбы. Чтобы подзаработать, они решают совершить «преступление века» и поймать очень редких и дорогих белых щеглов, но еще не знают, к чему их это приведет.
Two brothers who own a buffalo farm near Caserta attempt to resist the pressures of local mobsters who want to turn their land into an illegal landfill.
The Spanish Quarter in Naples is a maze of alleys, squares, Baroque churches, and the “bassi”, the poor, teeming residential area behind Via Roma, the main thoroughfare. Yet the quarter is culturally far removed from the heart of the city: it's a world of its own, in which the young people spend their days looking for something to lift them out of their condition.
The Spanish Quarter in Naples is a maze of alleys, squares, Baroque churches, and the “bassi”, the poor, teeming residential area behind Via Roma, the main thoroughfare. Yet the quarter is culturally far removed from the heart of the city: it's a world of its own, in which the young people spend their days looking for something to lift them out of their condition.
Là-bas: A Criminal Education
Weaving together fact and fiction, this docudrama performs a portrait of the often seamy underside of the city of Naples.Ferrara traveled to Italy to interview the inmates at the Naples Pozzuoli State Prison, a high security lockup for women, and with the help of a translator he allows a number of women doing time to talk about their lives before and after they were convicted. Ferrara chose to expand the short profile of the prisoners into a feature by offering a look at life in the slums of Naples and the actions of a number of law enforcement officers and social workers struggling to improve conditions for the poor, as well as adding three short fictional segments shot of digital video gear.
Weaving together fact and fiction, this docudrama performs a portrait of the often seamy underside of the city of Naples.Ferrara traveled to Italy to interview the inmates at the Naples Pozzuoli State Prison, a high security lockup for women, and with the help of a translator he allows a number of women doing time to talk about their lives before and after they were convicted. Ferrara chose to expand the short profile of the prisoners into a feature by offering a look at life in the slums of Naples and the actions of a number of law enforcement officers and social workers struggling to improve conditions for the poor, as well as adding three short fictional segments shot of digital video gear.