Alessandro Borrelli


The Trial
1985 – two years after the end of the military dictatorship in Argentina, leading members of the junta are tried in court. Ulises de la Orden creates 18 succinctly edited chapters from 530 hours of footage, bearing witness to state terror.
Non morirò di fame
Chef Antonio's Recipes for Revolution
A feature documentary following Antonio de Benedetto, an Italian chef on a quest to change the world with food. His apprentices are aspiring chefs with Down syndrome, who travel from across Italy to train and work in hospitality and take their place at the table of life and find their pathway to freedom and independence.
The Moment of Transition
Until she was 16, filmmaker Chiara Marotta lived in a Christian community where everything revolved around prayer and reflection. Life was bound by regularity and rules that kept contact with the outside world to a minimum. The rebellious Marotta couldn’t stand it, but when she left, her grandmother, mother, and sister stayed behind.
Джузеппе, обычного работягу с юга Италии, беды настигают одна за другой. Сначала шальной осколок скалы лишает его глаза и заработка на каменоломне, затем жена внезапно умирает от сердечного приступа во время работы на виноградниках. Пытаясь спасти своего сына от нищеты, он решает вместе с ним отправиться на заработки на тот же виноградник. Здесь всем заправляет мафия — чтобы выживать приходится во всём подчиняться ей и соглашаться на её правила.
Dimmi chi sono
At The Matinée
In 2006 CBGB, the most famous rock club in the world, closed its doors forever. Everybody associated it with bands such as Blondie, The Ramones and Talking Head, but no one remembers that what made it legendary were the hardcore matinées in the 80s. Walter Schreifels, the musician of the most influential hardcore punk bands, tells us a story not only about some kids and their music but of New York and its changes, too.
River Memories
Over one thousand people of different nationalities live among rats and rubbish in shacks slapped together out of metal sheets and wood. It’s the platz, one of the largest shanty towns in Europe, on the banks of the river Stura in Turin. Many children, women and old people have been living here for years in what has become a practically invisible microcosm that will soon no longer exist.
Знаменитый швейцарский архитектор Александр Шмидт, специалист по Франческо Борромини, переживает кризис. Так ли верны те профессиональные принципы, которые он так долго исповедовал? Он путешествует по соборам Турина и Рима, показывая их молодому другу, который только собирается учиться архитектуре. Его супруга остается в это время в Стрезе вместе с сестрой юноши. Все они пытаются примириться с прошлым и найти гармонию в настоящем.
From the Depths
Seven Acts of Mercy
Luminita, a young illegal immigrant living on the edge of a shanty town, has hatched a plan to get herself out of her predicament. To carry it through she bumps into Antonio, a sick and mysterious old man. The clash between the two of them is unavoidable and harsh, and leads to unforeseeable consequences…
Giallo a Milano
Corsa di primavera
Isacco Carlini
L'esame di Xhodi