Tim Murdock

Tim Murdock


Tim Murdock


Повторное представление
Broadway star, Sheila Page, shoots Barney, her murderous husband on New Year's Eve. She flees her apartment and goes to her producer, John Friday. When she arrives, it is New Year's day, a year earlier. She has been given the chance to live life over and correct the errors of the past only to find that the end will be the same although the path will be different.
Philo Vance Returns
The Policeman
Playboy Larry Blendon introduces his grandmother Stella Blendon to his fiancée, radio singer Virginia Berneaux. Despite Larry's record of broken romances and divorces, Virginia decides she will marry him. Virginia is slain that night and Blandon telephones his friend, Philo Vance, to help find the killer.
Up Goes Maisie
Cameraman (Uncredited)
A showgirl working for an inventor battles crooks, who want to steal his ideas.
Intern (uncredited)
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
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