Catherine Salée

Catherine Salée

Рождение : , Belgium


Catherine Salée


Meanwhile on Earth
Elsa, 23, has always been very close to her older brother Franck, an astronaut who mysteriously disappeared 3 years earlier during a space mission. Elsa cannot grieve and her life is on hold. One day, she is contacted from space by an unknown life form who claims to be able to bring her brother back to Earth. But there is a price to pay…
La fille d’Albino Rodrigue
Rosemay, 16, lives in a foster home and only joins her biological family for the vacations. One day, her father is not there to welcome her as planned. Moreover, he does not reappear and seems to have evaporated. Her questions are met with lies, and Rosemay can only rely on her intuition.
The Channel
Natacha (25), a young single parent who works as a fast-food waitress, struggles to raise her 8-year-old son Enzo. Torn between a strong desire for independence and the comfort that her mother Irène unfailingly wants to provide for them, Natacha feels trapped. Her encounter with Walid, who is waiting to save enough money to pay for his crossing to England will open new horizons for her.
Let's Get Lost
Unable to meet all the demands of his job and family anymore, Mathieu feels he's in a mid-life crisis and hurriedly leaves for the forest. His relatives are left by themselves, faced with his sudden departure and their choices.
Alma Viva
Like every summer, little Salomé returns to her family village nestled in the Portuguese mountains for the holidays. As the vacations begin in a carefree atmosphere, her beloved grandmother suddenly dies. While the adults are tearing each other apart over the funeral, Salomé is haunted by the spirit of the one who was considered a witch.
Maria rêve
Maria a cleaning lady, who is reserved, shy and clumsy. When she is assigned to the School of Fine Arts, she meets Hubert, the school's whimsical guardian. There she discovers a fascinating place where freedom, creativity and daring reign.
La journaliste
Жизнь богатой издательницы и ее мужа-романиста меняется с появлением в их загородном особняке загадочной молодой женщины.
A Change of Heart
Beatrice, recently widowed by a far right sympathetic policeman, lives with her son & mother. She doesn’t like migrant and foreigners. When she meets Mokhtar, an Iranian entered illegally in France, her world crumbles. This is the beginning of a passionate love story leading Beatrice to defy her racist entourage and the law so that he can cross the Channel.
Dr Alievitch
(S)HE is the story of a transgender child named Juju, a girl born into a boy’s body. With the onset of puberty, JuJu’s discomfort explodes. Our film follows a child’s struggle to get her parents and friends to accept her true gender, as she transitions from boy to girl. But in this tiny rural town, where everyone knows everyone else, it’s an impossible challenge. Juju will have to move in with her mother while her parents break up. Juju becomes Emma, and sings in a rock band at her new high school. With everyone seeing her as a girl, she’ starts to blossom. But as her popularity grows, social networking sit’s rekindle the nightmare she thought she’d left behind...
Capucine, her sick mother and Eugénie hit the road to try to escape the radioactive cloud that is heading straight for their little town.
L'infirmière principale
После смерти брата Томас возвращается в отчий дом, где становится вовлеченным в семейную драму. Ему предстоит помочь своим родным справиться с ужасной трагедией.
Большой мир
La psychiatre
Корин на несколько недель едет в Монголию, чтобы забыть о смерти Поля, её любимого мужчины. Встреча девушки с шаманом изменит всю её жизнь — у Корин открылся дар, который шаман намерен развивать.
Trop belge pour toi
A hen house that causes a diplomatic incident, a child falling from the sky, a capitalist Christmas father, a plucky plumber with a Flemish accent and a killer bear: The best of the Belgian comedy. Five multi-award-winning shorts in the world.
Bérénice, the mother
It's All Saints' Day. Bérénice criss-crosses the city. Flowers must be found for the grave. Her son Sacha has other projects. Too bad. Flowers must be found for the grave.
Марвин или прекрасное воспитание
Odile Bijou
Марвин Бижу — уже одно его волшебное имя (фр. bijou — украшение, драгоценность) даёт повод для насмешек. А ещё ему не повезло, будучи геем, родиться в небольшой французской деревне в среде гомофобов. Однако благодаря новой директрисе в школе ему удаётся найти своё поприще — театр. И в один прекрасный день Марвин решает сбежать, чтобы стать актёром. Вольная экранизация автобиографического бестселлера современного французского писателя Эдуара Луи. Выходец из рабочей семьи Марвин становится мишенью для издевательств и угнетения со стороны других подростков, отца-алкоголика и озлобленной матери, когда обнаруживает свою гомосексуальность.
May Day
In Thierry's living room, several people have gathered. None of them know each other but they are all there to try and fulfil the same dream. They want to find a job... and quickly. But we're in Brussels, so nothing goes quite as planned.
La conseillère Pole Emploi
“Santa Claus is a capitalist. He brings toys to children of the wealthy and sweaters to those of the poor”. Nikos, aged five.
Ce qui nous tient
The mother
Alex is fifteen years old. Back from boarding school for the weekend, he reconnects with his little country village and his family, a family which seems to care more for its dogs than for Alex. This of course annoys him. He's better off without them. He's better off down at the cross-country motorbike track with Kader and the turning bikes. But he's obliged to take his grandmother's dog with him and it disappears into the forest.
La juge
Marlon is visiting her mother in jail for the first time since her imprisonment.
Light Thereafter
Julie's Mother
Pavel, an emotionally volatile and socially alienated young man, sets off across Europe in search of his idol, the enigmatic painter Arnaud. Desperately lonely and adrift, Pavel tries to adhere to the host of characters he meets along the way.
Longueur Fréquence Intensité Émotion
Even Lovers Get the Blues
Sex shop boss
After the sudden death of one of them a group of friends grieves trough sexual encounters.
The Plumber
Tom, a Flemish comedian and cartoon voice actor, spontaneously fills in for a dubbing actor friend. He finds himself on a French porn movie shoot. Catherine, an experienced actress, will be his partner. Tom is supposed to play the plumber.
The Tubes
The ex girlfriend
Laurent has to undergo a colonoscopy. Nothing is more worrying than a doctor who tries to reassuring you. However, it is next to nothing: Just a camera which goes in your colon.
After Love
Marie and Boris decide to get a divorce after 15 years of marriage. Tensions rise when cash-strapped Boris must continue to live with Marie and the two children while trying to figure out how to divide the assets.
Death by Death
Head of convalescent home
A man's hypochondriacal relationship with his mother.
The White Knights
Sophie Tinlot
Jacques Arnault, head of Sud Secours NGO, is planning a high impact operation: he and his team are going to exfiltrate 300 orphan victims of the Chadian civil war and bring them to French adoption applicants. Françoise Dubois, a journalist, is invited to come along with them and handle the media coverage for this operation. Completely immersed in the brutal reality of a country at war, the NGO members start losing their convictions and are faced with the limits of humanitarian intervention.
Maxime and Mélanie are a typical teenage couple. Like most lovestruck fifteen-year-olds, they can't get enough of each other and they think they'll be together forever. But when Mélanie becomes pregnant, their worlds are rocked.
Обыкновенная мать
Семнадцать лет назад Алин потеряла сына — он погиб в драке. Когда виновный в гибели выходит из тюрьмы, женщина встречает его и решает отомстить.
Молодая кровь
Gladys Valée
Малони с детства попадает в истории: дерзкий, харизматичный и совершенно неуправляемый. Шалости становятся всё опаснее, и взрывному подростку грозит серьезное наказание. На помощь приходит Флоранс, детский судья, у которой собственный взгляд на систему воспитания. Флоранс дает ему еще один шанс, а Малони впереди ждут первая любовь и первые оглушительные падения.
The Black Bear
Five friends have encounters with black bears in a national park.
Melody, 28 years old, a confused child born under the name X, decides to rent out her body in order to get the money she needs to realize her dream: opening a hair-dressing salon. To do so, she accepts to carry the child of Emily, a rich English woman 48 years old who can no longer have children. To make sure everything goes well and keep an eye on her future child, Emily decides to welcome Melody into her home and stay by her side throughout the pregnancy. Although they first appear to come from completely different worlds, the two women end up adopting each other: Melody finds in Emily the mother she never had, and Emily sees in Melody the daughter she always wanted to have. Evidently, the bonds that emerge during this double maternity create all sorts of doubts and questions.
Два дня, одна ночь
Судьба Сандры зависит от решения нескольких человек, вынужденных выбирать между ней и деньгами. Пытаясь склонить людей на свою сторону, она ищет в их сердцах то, что они, кажется, давно потеряли.
Жизнь Адель
Adèle's Mother
История о юной девушке, которая встречает женщину с необычной внешностью. Под впечатлением от нового знакомства девушка решает, что ей тоже необходимо покрасить волосы в ярко-синий цвет. Разумеется, такие перемены вовсе не нужны родителям, которые всеми силами стараются убедить дочь в том, что та выбрала неправильный путь. И у них есть для этого основания, ведь юная Адель полюбила не только синий цвет, но и обладательницу синих волос…
Celine and Brigitte are tired of organizing tupperware parties.
Я стану лучше
За нападение на полицейского двадцатилетняя Омблина приговорена к трем годам заключения. Оказавшись в тюрьме и теряя надежду на светлое будущее, девушка неожиданно узнает, что беременна. Спустя 8 месяцев у нее рождается мальчик Лукас — луч надежды. Но по закону Франции Омблина может быть рядом с сыном только первые полтора года. Не желая мириться с этим, девушка решает убедить судью, что в состоянии воспитывать своего сына после освобождения.
Bad Moon
Jean-Paul is different. His father is his mother. He deeply loves dogs. But he prefers beer. When the moon is bright, Jean-Paul lit up too Tomorrow he won't remember anything.
Частная собственность
Jan's friend
Старая, но красивая ферма в Бельгии является домом Паскаль и ее сыновей-близнецов Тьерри и Франсуа. Хотя они любят друг друга и заботятся друг о друге, каждый из них до сих пор окончательно не пришел в себя от развода, разделившего семью несколько лет назад.Бывший муж Паскаль снова женился, у него родился ребенок. Он сохраняет близкие отношения с Тьерри и Франсуа, но горечь, порожденная его разрывом с Паскаль, до сих пор ощущается каждым из них. Сейчас мальчики стали юношами и в определенной мере начали двигаться в разном направлении. Тьерри решил продолжить учебу, поступив в местный университет, а страстью Франсуа остается постоянная реконструкция семейного дома. Оба парня усердно трудятся, но, похоже, не один из них не стремится стать взрослым и принять на себя сопряженную с этим ответственность.
Ça rend heureux
The efforts of a Belgian director who has to stick posters of his film everywhere and harass crowds to get people to come and see his film. When it turns out to be a flop, he is jobless and his partner leaves him. An ironic account of rising director Joachim La Fosse’s directing debut.
Ça rend heureux
The efforts of a Belgian director who has to stick posters of his film everywhere and harass crowds to get people to come and see his film. When it turns out to be a flop, he is jobless and his partner leaves him. An ironic account of rising director Joachim La Fosse’s directing debut.
Private Madness
Pascale leaves Jan to start a new life with Didier. Unwillingly, Jan accepts to get a babysitter for their seven year old son, Thomas. She leaves him at his family home where she now has to live with her new partner. But when Pascale comes to love with Didier, Jan is still there and refuses to leave the house and separate herself from her child. Very quickly, conflict explodes and in less than a day, the destiny of each character is turned upside down.