A.T. Dinsdale


Cutting Oils and Fluids
Camera Operator
A BAFTA award winning documentary describing the various types of water-based fluids and neat cutting oils, their composition and qualities and explains how they perform their function.
Временной сдвиг
Director of Photography
Учёный-ядерщик с пулей в спине и радиоактивным ореолом вокруг тела найден в реке. Во время операции у него останавливается сердце, но спустя семь с половиной секунд он вновь оживает. Но не помнит ни своего имени, ни вообще ничего. К тому же у него находится двойник. Репортер журнала вместе со своей возлюбленной берутся разгадать этот сложный ребус.
Director of Photography
While perusing the books of an engineering company, fastidious auditor Frank Manning encounters rum goings on when he is approached by a woman who claiming she is being blackmailed. She begs him to find certain letters and he eventually agrees. Having obtained the letters, he takes them to a specified address where, to his horror, he finds a man, fully clothed, dead in the bath.
The Secret Tunnel
Director of Photography
Storyline Roger Henderson, the young son of a wealthy British gentleman, lives in one of those grand British country estates surrounded by huge gardens. When a Rembrandt painting is stolen from the vault in the basement of the mansion, Roger and John Wilson (young son of the butler) discover a secret tunnel leading from the vault to another building on the estate. They then set out on a dangerous mission to bring the smugglers to justice.
The Eyes
Director of Photography
A man attempts to convince his wife she is going mad so he can continue having an affair.