Paul Marco

Paul Marco

Рождение : 1925-06-10,

Смерть : 2006-05-14


Paul Marco


The Naked Monster
Kelton the Cop
Using soundtracks and extensive footage from many old movies, this spoof/homage of 1950's science-fiction films brings back many favorite actors from these classic movies, some reprising their former roles, to help destroy a giant stop-motion monster that is threatening to destroy Los Angeles.
The Haunted World of Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Often called the worst director in the history of cinema, Ed Wood is nevertheless a beloved figure among cult-film aficionados for his oddball productions. This documentary takes a look back at Wood's unique career at the margins of 1950s Hollywood, speaking to those who loved him and hated him. Bela Lugosi Jr. discusses his father's work in the abysmal "Plan 9 From Outer Space," while a Baptist reverend recalls how he was tricked into financing the film.
Эд Вуд
Фильм рассказывает истинную историю странной и пестрой жизни самой одиозной фигуры американского кино — Эда Вуда, признанного худшим режиссером за всю историю Голливуда!
Flying Saucers Over Hollywood: The 'Plan 9' Companion
A documentary detailing the making of the cult favorite "Plan 9 from Outer Space," featuring interviews with cast members and prominent filmmakers about the film, its lasting legacy, and its creator, Edward D. Wood Jr.
The Werewolf of Woodstock
Property Master
At the site of the 1969 rock concert at Woodstock, New York, an electrical charge turns a local farmer into a murderous werewolf.
План 9 из открытого космоса
Patrolman Kelton
Инопланетяне хотят превратить землян в рабов, но, опасаясь, что не справятся с их свободолюбивыми душами, вначале оживляют мертвецов на захолустном американском кладбище. От их рук гибнут всё новые люди, полицейские наталкиваются на разрытые могилы и отчаянно стреляют в неотвратимо надвигающихся живых мертвецов…
Night of the Ghouls
Associate Producer
Reports of strange activities out by the Old Willow's place signal new adventures for Kelton the Cop & Co. An apparent mystic, Dr. Acula is engaging in rituals designed to raise the dead. But he may get more than he bargained for...
Night of the Ghouls
Officer Kelton
Reports of strange activities out by the Old Willow's place signal new adventures for Kelton the Cop & Co. An apparent mystic, Dr. Acula is engaging in rituals designed to raise the dead. But he may get more than he bargained for...
Невеста монстра
Доктор Воронов, безумный ученый, пытающийся создать высшую расу, использует атомную энергию. Ему помогает монстрообразный ассистент Лобо. Доктор создает гигантского осьминога, который терроризирует окрестности...