Giuliano Carnimeo

Giuliano Carnimeo

Рождение : 1932-07-04, Bari, Puglia, Italia

Смерть : 2016-09-10


Giuliano Carnimeo
Giuliano Carnimeo


Computron 22
Luca, a young boy of eleven, lives with his grandfather in a majestic house in Rome. Learning that his mother, whom he believed to be dead, now lives in Argentina, he goes to look for his portable computer, Toto.
Rat Man
A maniac butchers a fashion model on a Caribbean island and leaves the body to be eaten by rats. The model's sister suspects something isn't quite right with the police investagation and decides to go snooping on her own. With her friend, Fred, their investagations lead them to an unknown part of the island where they discover a monstrosity of a rat like man. The creature is killed by Fred, but the true horror of it's nature is just beginning...
The Killer Is Still Among Us
Forensic student Christina Marelli decide to write about a mysterious serial killer targeting couples in love...
Zero in condotta
Sixties. A group of kids are in their last year of high school. Renato, a young student, is in love with the beautiful Manuela but she does not reciprocate her feelings. One day Renato, on the occasion of his parents' departure, decides to hold a party at his house to which he invites Manuela and two other companions, but a few days later he ends up being suspended from school after having peeked into the girls' gym. So the protagonist plans to leave for Sweden in search of easy conquests but on the train he meets a beautiful lady who intends to betray her husband. Renato is unaware that she is the wife of one of her professors and the situation gets complicated.
Уничтожители 3000 года
В отдалённом постапокалиптическом будущем главной ценностью для людей становится вода. Её мало и её трудно достать, а люди без этого ресурса существовать не могут. Из-за воды разыгрывается схватка между хорошими и плохими ребятами.
Pierino medico della SAUB
Alvaro Gasperoni, alias Peter returned to Rome with their families from Addis Ababa, where he received his bachelor's degree in medicine. Helped by his father through a recommendation from the P2 Lodge, he manages to get in a hospital in Rome as assistant to the primary. Here begins the struggle with other colleagues to buy up the post of deputy prime. As any good doctor is measured by the number of patients who, the whole family and all his friends are hospitalized; He, in this way, comes from the league winner. The fatal destiny wants its affair is discovered by an inspector of the Ministry of Health, and Peter will be dismissed from the hospital. This will not deter the protagonist by the medical profession; who continue to indulge in a private clinic run "family".
Моя жена возвращается в школу
Домохозяйка Валентина, недовольная своей малообразованностью, поступает на трехмесячные курсы в колледже, несмотря на возражения мужа Аристида, торгующего продуктами. Она поселяется в общежитии и сразу становится объектом повышенного вниманния для студентов и профессора Пьера Каппони. В то же время и Аристид, тоскующий по жене, неустанно пытается пробраться в колледж...
L'amante tutta da scoprire
Erika and George are two crooks hired by a rich lady to get rid of her philandering husband.
I carabbimatti
Lend Me Your Wife
Alex Fortini, a transplant to Milan, lives behind his lover who owns an advertising agency. When his wife, who had left five years ago, reappears, fearing that she will want to ask him for a divorce and alimony, he unwittingly gets into a lot of trouble.
School Teacher Dances... with Her Class
Girls' dance instructor Claudia Gambetti takes over the boy's gym class after gym teacher Martorelli breaks both his legs owing to one of his student's pranks. Soon both teachers and students are interested in learning more of Claudia's athletic dance moves. Director Fiorontori has made some debts betting on horses and wants Claudia to win a disco competition to balance the school budget, too. When the boys team are invited to face off against their superior Russian counterparts, Claudia calls in her dancing girls to be used as a secret weapon.
The Diamond Peddlers
Bumbling crooks Butch and Toby pose as priests in order to elude being arrested by the authorities in Africa. Butch and Toby deliver a statue of the Virgin Mary from Africa to Amsterdam. Unbenownst to the clueless duo, they're really smuggling diamonds. A group of equally inept mobsters give chase.
Carioca Tigre
Convoy Buddies
Toby and Butch are a couple of bumbling crooks who get a truck driving job hauling insecticide from Italy to France. Unbeknownst to the clueless duo, they're really smuggling guns. A group of equally inept mobsters try to steal the guns to no avail.
Poker in Bed
A poker player on a losing streak meets a beautiful young woman. He's attracted to her, but she appears to be perfectly content with her boyfriend, a somewhat wussy writer. The gambler gets the idea that if he can get this woman into bed, it will change his luck at the gambling tables.
The Crazy Bunch
Tricky Dicky is after a gold treasure with his companion. He tracks the treasure down in insane asylums, Ku Klux Klan rallies, and finally, the outlaw's hideout.
Красивая, но бедная девушка становится богатой, после того как знакомится с мафиози. Вскоре она понимает, какую цену ей придется заплатить за такую жизнь.
In the West There Was a Man Named Invincible
Holy God, Here Comes the Passatore!
George Hilton is the infamous highway robber Stefano Pelloni, known as Il Passatore and Edwige Fenech is his opinionated leading lady, Mora, in this slapstick 'comedy'
The Return of Halleluja
Ramirez, the general of the Mexican revolution against Maximilian who has been appointed king of Mexico, organizes his forces to attack the king's General, Miranda. Ramirez realizes that the Aztec Indians would be allies of great value, so he offers to return to them an idol statue that has been stolen from them. Only Alleluja is capable of retrieving the idol from the thieves.
Ирис в крови
Девушка по вызову зарезана в лифте престижного дома. Женщина-танцовщица, обнаружившая ее тело, также жестоко убита. Молодая английская модель, работающая в Италии, въезжает в освободившиеся апартаменты и вскоре понимает, что стала новой целью маньяка. Кто же убийца? Возможно, это подруга, с которой она вместе работает? Или ее новый бой-френд? Или ревнивый и обиженный брошенный любовник? Кто-то из очень странных и экстравагантных соседей? Вероятности бесконечны, а убийца все ближе…
His Name Was Holy Ghost
Gianni Garko stars as the Holy Ghost, a supernatural gunfighter dressed in white and with a dove sitting on his shoulder. With his sidekick (Chris Huerta), the Holy Ghost rescues some farmers from the fortified prison of the evil General Ubarte, then raids the castle again for gold treasure aided by some local prostitutes.
Пуля для незнакомца
Два брата-ирландца с обычной для ирландцев фамилией МакИнтайр, едут домой, к отцу, на Дикий Запад. По прибытии, они знакомятся с таинственной бандой в масках, которая держит в страхе округу и занимается грабежом и вымогательством местных фермеров. Братьям, в борьбе с бандитами поможет стрелок, которого все называют Могильщиком, ну а бандиты наймут его старого друга — Герцога.
Меня зовут Аллилуйя
Генерал Рамирез, лидер мексиканских повстанцев, приказывает одному из своих людей перехватить драгоценности, на которые его враги собираются купить оружие.
Облако пыли... предсмертный крик... Сартана идёт!
Коварный бродячий стрелок Сартана приезжает в маленький городок и пытается отыскать спрятанные полмиллиона долларов в золоте и два миллиона фальшивых долларов. Разумеется множество других темных личностей, в том числе вдова Сеньора Манассас, ушлый парень - стрелок Гранд Фулл и жестокий и сумасшедший Генерал Монк, тоже пытаются прибрать сокровища к рукам.
Добрых похорон, друг мой!... Сартана идёт
Сартана, как всегда, оказывается в гуще бурных событий где-то на Диком Западе. Многие, очень многие хотят его убить. Но “хотеть” и “мочь”, как известно, - это две очень разные вещи...
Стальной кулак Джанго
Главный герой фильма — охотник за золотом Сартана. Он прибывает в маленьких городок, которым правит банда Мантаса, а главой города является человек по фамилии Спенсер. Он регулярно покупает золото у добытчиков, затем нанимает людей и переправляет его в банк, а банда Мантаса всё время грабит дилижанс. Герой Джорджа Хилтона, поняв, что в городе нет честных людей, решает стравить Спенсера и Мантаса, а себе заграбастать золото. В этом ему поможет очаровательная хозяйка отеля по имени Трикси…
Я Сартана, ваш ангел смерти
Банк, считавшийся самым безопасным в США, успешно ограблен. Все считают, что это работа Сартаны — самого опытного налётчика в стране, но Сартана здесь ни при чём, и ему не меньше властей интересно, кто сумел провернуть такое дело.
Find a Place to Die
An outcast Confederate soldier protects a woman from bandits trying to steal her gold mine.
The Moment to Kill
Two famous gunmen, Lord and Bull are called to a southern western town by a judge to retrace a gold reserve, worth $500.000 which was hidden in the last days of the Civil War, by a Confederate colonel and people have been looking for it ever since.
I barbieri di Sicilia
First Assistant Director
In a little Sicilian village two hairdressers who are in love with the same girl manage to sabotage the bacteriological weapons the Nazis are preparing to use against the allied armies invasion.
Two Sons of Ringo
Another spoof from the Franco and Ciccio team in which the boys, who are running a scam pretending to be bounty hunters, are 'persuaded' to help a real bounty hunter discover a treasure by claiming to be the heirs of a deceased lawman.
I due sanculotti
First Assistant Director
The brothers Franco and Ciccio La Capra moves to France in the days of the French Revolution, putting themselves in a lot of trouble.
The Amazing Doctor G
First Assistant Director
Nefarious villain Goldginger (Fernando Rey) is thwarted by bumbling secret agents Franco (Franco Franchi) and Ciccio (Ciccio Ingrassia) in his scheme to spark an international war by zombifying all government employees in this Italian spoof of the James Bond movies.
Two Idiots at Fort Alamo
First Assistant Director
During the War of Succession, Franco and Ciccio are arrested for being accused of desertion from the Northern army. Rather than condemn them to death for his carelessness, they will be chosen for a special mission: to infiltrate as expert officers on a delicate espionage action.
I due toreri
First Assistant Director
In Sicily Franco and Ciccio are empowered by a local mafia man to guard for a wide range of salad. In reality however this is not simple salad vegetables but marijuana; the two bungling fools and friends do not realize it at first.
Two Gangsters in the Wild West
Assistant Director
In the late 1800's, Sicilians Franco and Ciccio are serving 20 years of prison for stealing two mules, when they are helped to escape by an American who says he is a friend of their grandfathers, who were killed in Texas by a gang of bandits who wanted to take over their gold mine. The two friends travel to America to take posses of the gold mine, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones who want it.
I due mafiosi
First Assistant Director
Two clumsy mobsters on a mission in Paris.
Ursus returns from war to find his fiancée, Attea, has been kidnapped by a mysterious sect which sacrifices virgins to its patron goddess. Ursus faces much treachery and is forced to display much courage and strength as he and the blind girl Doreide embark upon a quest to retrieve Attea.
Fontana di Trevi
Second Assistant Director
Fontana di Trevi
Winter Holidays
Assistant Director
Alberto Moretti arrives in Cortina D'Ampezzo, with daughter Marcella,who has just won a TV contest, the prize of which is a free stay in a luxury hotel.