Paola Quattrini

Paola Quattrini

Рождение : 1944-03-09, Rome, Italy


Paola Quattrini


Abbraccialo per me
...It's Snowing Outside!
Sorella di Giacomo Furia
After their mother dies, three brothers must live together in order to get their inheritance — and soon start to uncover dark family secrets.
Branchie: An Indian Dream
La bomba
La villa dei misteri
Young woman falsely suspected of murder, flees, adopts an alternate identity and tries to find the real killer.
The annual film festival in Venice is, of course, an ideal place to make a film (how come no-one has thought of it before). Everything is there in Pupi Avati's Festival: the famous hotels Des Bain and Excelsior on the Lido, the shimmering sandy beach which captivated Visconti. The film was made last spring and exploits the presence of passing film stars such as Jack Nicholson. We see the hysterical press conferences, where journalists and experts ask intelligent questions-without listening to the answers.
Я не говорю по-английски
Серджио Коломбо — руководитель небольшого страхового агентства в Италии. Его спокойная провинциальная жизнь круто изменилась от сообщения о том, что крупная английская фондовая компания приобрела в собственность его страховое агентство. Отныне нашему герою предстоит общаться только на английском языке, о котором Серджио имеет весьма смутное представление. Теперь у него только два пути: либо ему предстоит выучить английский язык, либо он уволен. В Оксфорде, где ему предстоит пройти курс обучения, Серджио оказывается единственным студентом столь преклонного возраста, т. к. все его одноклассники — это подростки! И более того, их преподаватель отдает предпочтение молодым мужчинам, а его жена отдала предпочтение Серджио! Наш герой попадает в водоворот невероятных комических ситуаций и уморительных розыгрышей, из которых он всегда выходит победителем, даже из постели симпатичной студентки.
Brothers and Sisters
After twenty years of marriage, Gloria discovers that her husband has been cheating on her. It' a terrible trauma and she decides to stay with her sister in USA in St. Louis. She takes with her Matteo and Francesco, her two sons. Matteo wastes no time in settling into his new life, but Francesco find it more difficult, being shy and full of complexes.
The Family Jewels
Sexual infedelity, blackmail, murder and suicide plague a fashion house and its nymphomaniac owner…
Le finte bionde
My First 40 Years
madre di Marina
Marina is a woman who never says men, money and fame! Determined to climb the social ladder, she works her way up from a marriage of a millionaire prince. At last, she's living the life of wealth and glamour she's always dreamed of. Then Love comes along and ruins everything! A starving artist steals her heart and seduces her away to his bohemian world. Will Marina manage to stay happy living a lifestyle out of the fast lane?
Se devi dire una bugia dilla grossa
Palace Hotel, Rome, the story begins with the Demitri couple, who turn out to be in a marital crisis due to their not having sex for quite some time. The husband says he has no time for that because it has to go to the interior of the Quirinal offices, but in secretly he has a date with a married woman, Mrs. Rolandi.
Di padre in figlio
Se stessa
Riavanti… Marsch!
Sofia, Pietro's Wife
Five forty-year-old boys, who had been soldiers together, find themselves, once again in uniform, for a forty-day update period, during which they should learn the use of a new NATO-supplied missile.
Death Hunt
Paola Corsi
When his baby daughter is was ran over by a car full of violent criminals her father decides to avenge her death by gorily killing them all one by one.
Rosalba Galluzzo
Sicilian baron, Mimì Galluzzo, will be able to enjoy the legacy of his deceased father-in-law on two conditions: that his wife accepts the will and that there is a compromising document to be delivered to the mafia. While, however, the precious "dossier" is, in reality, in the hands of an avid widow, Donna Maria, willing to sell it only if Mimi marries her. Rosalba, obsessed with the absence of a child, suddenly goes mad or pretends 'go crazy. Recommended by Donna Maria, of whom he became the lover Don Mimì tries, with the help of his friend Langatta, undertaker, and a nurse in the clinic in which Rosalba was hospitalized, to get rid of his wife. Instead, he finds himself without having reached his goal, involved in an obscure series of crimes that will make him lose his mind.
City Under Siege
A string of violent jewel robberies force Police Inspector Parrino to get rough with the city’s criminal scum. Things take a turn for the worse when he’s confronted with the murder of an prostitute.
The Governess
Elena, nuora di Leopoldo
Catania, Italy. The Platania family hires a new French governess, the beautiful Caterina. The life of the whole family will be soon turned upside down.
Incensurato, provata disonestà, carriera assicurata cercasi
Zaccherin's lover
Ирис в крови
Marilyn Ricci
Девушка по вызову зарезана в лифте престижного дома. Женщина-танцовщица, обнаружившая ее тело, также жестоко убита. Молодая английская модель, работающая в Италии, въезжает в освободившиеся апартаменты и вскоре понимает, что стала новой целью маньяка. Кто же убийца? Возможно, это подруга, с которой она вместе работает? Или ее новый бой-френд? Или ревнивый и обиженный брошенный любовник? Кто-то из очень странных и экстравагантных соседей? Вероятности бесконечны, а убийца все ближе…
Самая красивая пара в мире
Уолтер и Паола, ведущий программы и крестная мать шестого Кантаджиро, находятся в недоразумении: чтобы отделаться от поклонника, ведущий программы притворяется женатым на Куантрини.
Episodic comedy about the corrupting influence of money.
I cuori infranti
Lisa Von Tellen (segment "La manina di Fatma")
Two surreal/satirical comedy episodes.
Le magnifiche 7
Scandali al mare
First Love
Ugo meets the 18-year-old Renata in the hostel where she is staying. He falls in love with and leaves with her for several romantic places until the money ends. Ugo will try to get the girl engaged on a local TV station, but Renata falls in love with a manager.
Girls of Today
Simonetta Bardelotti
Peppino Bardellotti, a widower, lives in Milan with his four daughters and ex sister-in-law Matilde, who urges girls to settle down by marrying a wealthy man.
The Intruder
Bettina (uncredited)
A doctor saves a girl from suicide and marries her out of pity. Soon the evil man who had pushed her to the limit taking advantage of her re-enters her life. The ensuing crisis will help the newlyweds overcome their differences and start a fresh, better new life.
The White Angel
Alda Carani
Guido Carani, an engineer of noble descent, has just lost his son born to him by a chorus dancer, who, desperate, has become a nun. After a while he also loses his wife and daughter in a boating accident. Poor Guido is in despair, but soon he meets Lina, a woman who is a dead ringer for Luisa.
Guai ai vinti
A young woman, her sister-in-law and her ten year old daughter are violently traumatised by invading Austrian soldiers. Later, in Verona, both woman discover they are pregnant. After a suicide attempt, one has an abortion the other keeps her child - and both faces struggles with friends and family as they return to their homes.
Passionate song
Lucia Spinelli, orphaned by both parents, is taken as a housekeeper in the house of Mrs. Carla Parodi, when she reaches the age of majority, the young woman is almost forced to marry Mrs. Carla's brother. After the marriage and the birth of the first child, Parodi's intrusions on the life of the two spouses continue.
Madonna delle rose
Pia Venturi
A young couple, Renato and Maria, struggle to provide for their young daughter Pia.
Madonna delle rose
A young couple, Renato and Maria, struggle to provide for their young daughter Pia.
Il segreto delle tre punte
Luisa, figlia di Grimaldi
Gli innocenti pagano
Back from the war, a man discovers that his daughter has died and his wife has left their house. He searches for the girlfriend of a fellow soldier and falls for her.
Камо грядеши?
Crying Girl (uncredited)
Римская империя I века н. э. Военные победы. Кровавые зрелища в амфитеатрах. Гонения на новую веру. Запретная любовь патриция к пленнице-христианке. Пожар в Вечном городе (дело рук одержимого манией величия Нерона). Приговор императору, вынесенный разгневанным народом.