Masafumi Suzuki


Сестра уличного бойца: Кулак пятого уровня
Takeo Nakagawa
Kiku Nakakawa, the only daughter of an old kimono shop owner in Kyoto, is enthusiastic about karate. To help her friend Michi avenge her brother, she sneaks into a movie studio in Kyoto where a drug dealing syndicate is based.
The Decisive Power of Aikido
It is about the life of Ueshiba - the founder of aikido. We can see how he decided to develop aikido and how he did it. We can see why he developed aikido and where he has learned martial arts.
The Decisive Power of Aikido
Sokaku Takeda
It is about the life of Ueshiba - the founder of aikido. We can see how he decided to develop aikido and how he did it. We can see why he developed aikido and where he has learned martial arts.
The Karate 3
This is the third and final film of the ZA KARATE trilogy. Tadashi Yamashita reprises his role as the Karate World Champion. Local Japanese karate schools are not happy that a Chinese master will take over the Japanese karate organization and will do everything they can to prevent it.
Последняя месть уличного бойца
Kendo Masaoka
Терри Цуруги нанят кланом преступника Овады, чтобы найти пару кассетных лент, которые содержат формулу для изготовления синтетического героина.
The Karate 2
Masafumi Suzuki
This is the second film of the ZA KARATE trilogy (AKA BRONSON LEE CHAMPION). Tadashi Yamashita reprises his role as the Karate World Champion and must faces dozens of worldwide pretenders, such as the Guillotine Brothers of New Guinea, Killer Samson, Dracula Jack (Bolo) who all want a shot at him at all cost and also to steal the famous Orikirimaru Sword.
Budô dokyumento: Kengô no saiten
The Karate
Hoping to use the prize money to save his grandmother's mid-Western farm, kickboxer Bronson Lee (Tadashi Yamashita) journeys to Japan to compete in a karate tournament in director Yukio Noda's martial arts actioner.
Возвращение уличного бойца
Kendo Masaoka
Мафиози Отагуро, пользуясь репутацией мастера каратэ Масаоки, выманивает у людей деньги, якобы на строительство нового центра боевых искусств. Когда двое его подручных «смываются», он прибегает к услуге наемника Терри Сугури, чтобы тот наказал изменников.
Уличный боец
Martial Arts Choreographer
Каратиста-убийцу по имени Джинджи должны сегодня казнить. Его брат с сестрой нанимают другого каратиста-убийцу по имени Терри Цуруги для того, чтобы он спас их брата.
Уличный боец
Kendo Masaoka
Каратиста-убийцу по имени Джинджи должны сегодня казнить. Его брат с сестрой нанимают другого каратиста-убийцу по имени Терри Цуруги для того, чтобы он спас их брата.
Seaman No. 7
When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive drug war.