

Рождение : 1923-08-21, Constantinople, Turkey

Смерть : 1995-05-27




Фильм по мотивам биографии александрийского поэта Константиноса Кавафиса.
Λεζεντάνο, ο πιλότος της συμφοράς
Για Μια Χούφτα Τούβλα
Κος Μπερλέτσης
Ανάργυρος ο...γόης.!!
Ο Τελευταίος Γυφτοκράτορας
Tamtakos decides to save his own kind from turpitude.
Επαγγελματίας Οπαδός
Τα Καθάρματα
Полуночный экспресс
Police Detective
В основу этой драмы легли реальные события из жизни американского гражданина Билли Хейса. За незначительное правонарушение он был приговорен турецкими властями к беспрецедентно большому сроку. Хейс оказался в мире, где всем правит насилие и ненависть, где любой новый день может оказаться последним. Там, в тени безысходных стен, среди заключенных, родилась легенда о «полуночном экспрессе». Так несчастные называли таинственный поезд, который каждую ночь проходит где — то рядом с тюрьмой и на котором можно спастись…
Ο Τσαρλατάνος
Yes, But...
A young man pushed beyond his endurance remembers his life on the roof of a tall building. He's there to commit suicide.
Ο Κύριος Σταθμάρχης
Ένας Υπέροχος Άνθρωπος
In the courthouse, the new lawyer, Nikos Moushouttis, represents the industrialist Orestis Valsamis, accused by the assailant Dimitris Konstantinou, for slanderous defamation. even though he does not have the required evidence, conjures up the young lawyer. Following the condemnation of Constantine, he undertakes to defend him in the Court of Appeal and manages to capture Bolsam in the face of his own. He then leaves the law and is ranked as a lieutenant in the gendarmerie. From this position, he treats the microbes graciously, Nikos continues the fight from the position of the leader of a resistance group. Liberation finds him the commander of the gendarmerie of Thessaloniki. He has always faced the scapegoats with humility. His last desires, as an exemplary officer, concerned the fulfillment of certain obligations to his fellow human beings
Δύο Έξυπνα Κορόιδα
Η Ζαβολιάρα
Two Crazy and crafty, clever and cunning person
Philemon and Pausanias are two wretches, friends and roommates in the same chamber, which are constantly struggling to pay off their debts mainly rents, because the landlady is very grumpy. Their agarmposyni, however, does not help them to steriosoun in some work: either in a gas station or in antique or as waiters at a nightclub where she sings the amiable Michael, a poor student who lives in the same yard and is in love with Soula. But Uncle Soula, the Menios, wants to marry a rich kid, Tasos. She, however, also loves Michael manages to cajolery to obtain the consent of and become a successful singer in his side.
Ένας Βέγγος για Όλες τις Δουλειές
Hatzidavelis (as Giannis Zannino)
An honest man is trying to find a job, but finds it difficult just because of the honesty. The need becomes more urgent when falls in love for a young girl who lives near him.
Ένας Άφραγκος Ωνάσης
German businessman
A poor accountant, but with the enigmatic name Agisilaos Onassis (Kostas Voutsas), who dreams of a great life, suddenly learns that he only has a month left to live. He abandons everything and, with the savings he has on his side, is leaving on an island to spend this last month of his life as rich.
The Baldheaded Agent and the Land of Destruction Mission
Undercover cop takes to find and restore a rich girl who ran away from home
An Unbelievable Sucker
Thanasis and he will become barber, continuing the tradition of Chatzipapageorgakopoulokonstantinogiannopoulon in traditional shop in the neighborhood, without knowing that the court of the occupation, the German commander, Von Tzifren, has hidden a treasure. Thanasis is in love with Lisa's daughter Charoupoglou, rich neighborhood that made money held. Germany Von Tzifren is released ...
Ο Πεθερόπληκτος
man at the nightclub (uncredited)
Xristos is married to the rich Rena. In fact the rich is his mother-in-law, who has big business abroad. In Greece the mother-in-law gives the hotel's managment to Xristos but also loads to him all the work. Desperate, he decides to slam the yoke and kill her ...
Apollo Goes on Holiday
Prince Jan is spying on beautiful tour guide Elena from his helicopter while touring Greece. He escapes from his entourage and joins the girl's group, posing as a humble visitor. The two fall in love, but Prince Jan, knowing that he has duties and responsibilities to his country, leaves her, never revealing his true identity.
Καρδιά που λύγισε από τον πόνο
Ένας Κλέφτης με Φιλότιμο
Κίτσος Μίνι και Σουβλάκια
Οι Μνηστήρες της Πηνελόπης
gang's leader
Help Its Vengos Visible Agent '000'
trainer S.P.
Vengos studies in a secret agents' academy, dreaming of becoming a great spy like 007. Unfortunately, he can't do anything right, so he wreaks havoc during his final exams.
Σήκω Χόρεψε Συρτάκι
Φως... Νερό... Τηλέφωνο, Οικόπεδα με Δόσεις
Sotiris Sotiropoulos
A Bullet Through the Heart
A Bullet Through the Heart (French: Une balle au cœur, Greek: Μια σφαίρα στην καρδιά) is a 1966 Franco-Greek film directed by Jean-Daniel Pollet. Francesco, a young Sicilian aristocrat, scars an aging gangster who has set out to take away his property. The gangster vows to obtain vengeance, and Francesco is forced to flee across Greece with his girl friend, pursued by his antagonist's vicious henchmen.
Πονηρός πράκτωρ Καραγκιόζης
Meletis of the Flying Squad
Manolis Vardakakis
The life of the kind-hearted policeman Study, and endless unexpected incidents faced
He's a Mad Mad Veggos
When Thanassis leaves the orphanage tries to do various jobs but with no consolidates. A private detective manages to find his father who is rich. Thanasis will move into his luxurious house but there will come other problems.
The Virgin Mary's Miracle
For the past six years, a desperate mother and her husband have been trying to locate their only daughter who is in the clutches of a ruthless wandering Romani musician. Will the miracle-working Virgin Mary reunite her with her family?
A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush
The daughter of a miser grocer react to their father's effort to marry with the man he approves. When her uncle from America and her older sister arrive, the situation radically changes, because the new arrivals happen to be open-minded and view things in a different light.
Η Γέφυρα της Ευτυχίας
Giannis Messed Up
A retired General sends his nephew, Giannis, to Athens so to settle into a job. One day, Giannis discovers that a stolen suitcase which has given him to guard contains something suspicious. The naïve Giannis decides to hand it over to the police. The rich owner of the suitcase, is looking for a clever husband for his daughter Kathy, and Giannis seems to be the most appropriate person.
Бывшие друзья предали Ариса, представив его виновным в организации контрабанды. Отбыв срок, он возвращается и обнаруживает, что его девушка Лола теперь работает в стриптиз-клубе Стелиоса, ставшего злейшим врагом бывшего узника. Но ни он, ни она ничего не забыли. Девушка открыто возвращается к своему мужчине. Но хозяин заведения не намерен просто так терять свою главную звезду и ронять авторитет. Его подручные похищают Лолу и пытаются убить Ариса…
If Luck Favors You
A poor but very decent teacher, Telis, who has resigned from his job, finds a winning lottery ticket in the street. Suddenly, his life changes radically. But he then discovers that someone has put it in front of him deliberately.
Εξωτικές Βιταμίνες
Τα Δίδυμα
Mr. Masciolini
Σχολή για Σωφερίνες
Production Director
Babis and Dinos have a driving school in partnership with several customers. And while fetching Dinos manages to combine a joy of life with his conquests, the Wretch Babis, left the thicker, the poor and elderly clients faculty ..
Σχολή για Σωφερίνες
Babis and Dinos have a driving school in partnership with several customers. And while fetching Dinos manages to combine a joy of life with his conquests, the Wretch Babis, left the thicker, the poor and elderly clients faculty ..
Οι κατεργάρηδες
Jim Jim
Τύφλα Νάχη ο Μάρλον Μπράντο
Agathoklis Karamourtzoukos
An ordinary clerk decides to spend a few days vacationing in a hotel, but when he goes there, his life takes an unexpected turn. Everyone mistakes him for a famous poet, one known for his success with women. Soon, every girl in the area gets close to him, but what happens when the real poet arrives at the same hotel?
Молодые Афродиты
Действие картины разворачивается на неведомом острове, где местные жители живут идиллической жизнью. В то время как все мужчины деревни находятся в море, с гор спускается группа чужаков (пастухов), и юный пастушок пленяется красотой местной девушки. Не зная, как привлечь её внимание, он приносит ей свою добычу — мёртвого пеликана. Девушка заинтригована, но не уверена в чувствах мальчика. Случайно дети становятся свидетелями запретных любовных игр более старшей пары. Тем временем и за юными героями наблюдает мальчик постарше, грубо вмешиваясь в ход событий, что приводит к драматической развязке.
Ζητείται τίμιος
Τον βρήκαμε τον Παναή
Είναι σκληρός ο χωρισμός
Min eidate ton Panai?
Erotic tangles forced Fani and Panai to leave from Athens to Chalkida, there they await new adventures with women, which will result in marriage, but Panai will escape the wedding night.
An eccentric and little crazy professor of astrophysics, helped by his assistant and by a naive admirer of science fiction, working for the launch of the first manned rocket into space.
Δουλειές του ποδαριού
The King of Gaffes
Jim Loukas
A very clever detective is on a mission to find a shipowner's daughter, having as a sole research element a mole on the girl's buttock.
Μη βαράτε όλοι μαζί
Astropelekis Tzoras
Ο Αλήτης του Λιμανιού
A new and rich heir, Anna Margot, is receiving threatening phone calls from an old friend, Anna not knowing what to do requests the help of her friend Tonis Karzis, the anxiety will culminate as a series of unexplained murders follows .
Μας κλέψανε τη Γκόλφω
Στέγνωσαν τα δάκρυα μας
Αγάπη και θύελλα
Ερωτικά Παιχνίδια
Makrykostas and Kontogiorgis
Stelios Kondogiorgis (Dinos Iliopoulos) and Thomas Makrykostas (Costas Hajihristos) are two quiet men that come from the same Peloponnese village yet do not know each other. Their families however are involved in a bloody feud that started 80 years ago. Stelios and Thomas are the last male members from each family. After the last murders in the village where a member of each family died, Stelios' uncle (Pantelis Zervos) urges him to find and kill Thomas for revenge lest he finds him and kills him first. At the same time Thomas is visited by his aunt (Joly Garbi) who asks of him the same and provides him with weapons. Despite everything, neither Stelios nor Thomas are interested in murdering one another and they are both terrified from the idea that a stranger is looking for them in order to kill them. So, they decide to leave their respective jobs and hide at some remote hotel. Luck brings them together without them knowing of each other's identity as they share a room.
Ένα κορίτσι σε περιμένει
Η Νάνσυ την... ψώνισε!
Μήτρος και Μητρούσης στην Αθήνα
Two friends from the province dream of going to Athens. On board the train, however, two smugglers are being asked and offered to hire them as waiters in the nightclub as a showcase.
The Ogre of Athens
A peaceful, frightened little man is mistakenly identified as "The Dragon", a notorious criminal at large. He briefly and reluctantly rules the underworld until they realize their mistake.