Fritz Maurischat

Рождение : 1893-04-27, Berlin, Germany

Смерть : 1986-12-11


Wie einst im Mai
Production Design
1838: Fritz Jüterbog and Ottilie von Henkeshofen love each other, but the difference in status is too great for Ottilie's parents to give their consent to a marriage. And so Fritz sets off for America and returns from there 20 years later as a made man to ask for Ottilie's hand in marriage again. In the meantime, however, Ottilie - believing that Fritz had long since forgotten her - is married in a manner befitting her status, but very unhappily. Fritz, who is highly successful as an entrepreneur, is elevated to hereditary nobility because of his great services to the fatherland. It is too late for a union with Ottilie, but despite the years that pass, the two cannot forget their love. 75 years later, Fritz and Ottilie have died in the meantime, their grandchildren Fred and Tilla meet and fall in love.
The Ambassadress
Production Design
Sweetheart of the Gods
Production Design
Biography of the famous German actress Renate Müller, who died in 1937 under unsettled circumstances; While doing her first movie for the UFA in Berlin, she meets the elderly secretary-general Dr. Simon and is impressed by his charm. Although her Nazi-friend Volker discourages her to befriend a Jew, they start dating. While she ascends to one of the most famous German actresses of her time, Simon is suffering more and more under the Nazi regime.
The Ideal Woman
Art Direction
Art Direction
Production Design
Rosen aus dem Süden
Production Design
Once I Will Return
Production Design
A millionaire returns from the United States to his native Dubrovnik.
Production Design
The Last Illusion
Art Direction
Professor Mauthner, after many years of exile (having emigrated in 1933 to the USA), returns to Germany in 1948. He can in fact return to his teaching post, but the rejection and petty intrigues of his reactionary colleagues and students make his work almost unbearable.
Das Mädchen Juanita
Production Design
Der Verteidiger hat das Wort
Production Design
Jordan, a famous criminal lawyer, will only represent clients, of whose innocence he is convinced (must be financially not-too-well-off). One day, his future son-in-law, the jeweler Fabian, is arrested on suspicion of murder on the day before his wedding. He is said to have murdered his ex-wife, the dancer Ria Norady. The conductor Gillmore found her dead in her dressing room shortly after a visit from Fabian. Gisela Jordan asks her father to defend him. After speaking to Fabian, the lawyer is convinced he's innocent. But since there is no proof of this, he decides to go and try and find the real murderer himself.
Production Design
Директор "White Star Line" — компании-владельца "Титаника" — Брюс Исмей приказал капитану корабля Эдварду Смиту вести "Титаник" на максимальной скорости. Когда были получены первые предупреждения о ледовой опасности, капитан Смит должен был решить, стоит ли рисковать безопасностью лайнера в угоду Исмею. Знаете ли Вы, что... : Фильм был снят по заказу министра народного просвещения и пропаганды Третьего рейха Йозефа Геббельса, который хотел показать некомпетентность Великобритании.
To New Shores
Production Design
London 1846. Singer Gloria Vane has a resounding success at the Adelphi Theater. While she throws a brilliant party
La Chanson du Souvenir
Art Direction
A French-language remake of Douglas Sirk's "The Court Concert" (1936).
The Court Concert
Set Decoration
Before he became cult director Douglas Sirk, Detlef Sierck cut his teeth on such lavish European star vehicles as Das Hofkonzert (The Court Concert). Marta Eggerth is cast as Christine, a young singer who aspires to find out who her father was. Her odyssey brings her to the court of a mythical kingdom, where she is romanced by handsome lieutenant Walter (Johannes Heesters). He is warned not to lose his heart to a "commoner," but all turns out all right when King Serenissimus (Otto Tressler) turns out to be Christine's long-lost daddy. Hofkonzert was designed as a comeback for Marta Eggerth, whose star had eclipsed by the mid-1930s.
Нищий студент
Art Direction
Польша. В 1704 году в занятом саксонцами Кракове введены новые порядки и комендантский час. Но ясный, жизнерадостный город нельзя победить. Всюду звенит музыка, люди танцуют и веселятся, не признавая новый режим. Среди этого небезопасного веселья встречаются «нищий студент Симон», который на самом деле является герцогом Польши и польская графиня Бронислава. Молодые люди находят свою большую любовь, пройдя через опасности, заговоры и интриги.
Three Girls Around Schubert
Production Design
Composer Franz Schubert becomes involved with a family with three daughters, falling in love with the two blonds, first one, then the other; but will he notice the quiet brunet third daughter, who has fallen madly in love with him?
Ferryman Maria
Production Design
A beautiful young drifter comes to a small village and battles Death itself to save the man she loves.
Не забывай меня
Art Direction
Тенор Энцо Курти, вдовец с маленьким ребенком, влюбляется в секретаршу из Нью-Йорка. Лизелотта, пережившает разочарование в своей первой любви к офицеру океанского лайнера, Гельмуту. Она выходит замуж за Энцо Курти, но позже, когда ей встречается Гельмут, она переживает эмоциональный стресс, когда в её душе любовь борется с осознанием долга.
Не забывай меня
Production Design
Тенор Энцо Курти, вдовец с маленьким ребенком, влюбляется в секретаршу из Нью-Йорка. Лизелотта, пережившает разочарование в своей первой любви к офицеру океанского лайнера, Гельмуту. Она выходит замуж за Энцо Курти, но позже, когда ей встречается Гельмут, она переживает эмоциональный стресс, когда в её душе любовь борется с осознанием долга.
A Night of Change
Production Design
Nacht der Verwandlung (A Night of Change) stars Gustav Froelich as a globe-circling aviator, a character clearly based on America's Wiley Post. While basking in his celebrity at a nighttime carnival, Froelich romances Rose Stradner, the unhappy wife of brutish Heinrich George. When George refuses to give Stradner her freedom, she takes it anyway, but her fling with Froelich is doomed to disappointment. Our hero learns the hard way that one can be in a teeming crowd, yet still be all alone. Leading lady Stradner later resettled in Hollywood, where she appeared in such films as The Last Gangster and Keys to the Kingdom.
Le miroir aux alouettes
Art Direction
From Constantinople to Marseilles, aboard a cargo ship, an intrigue full of adventures brings together a courageous young girl and a young risk-taker who succeeds in thwarting a series of long-planned crimes.
The Rebel
Art Direction
A young medical student returns to his Tyrolean home to find out that Napoleon's troops have taken over the area and that his mother and sister have been murdered.
Девушки в униформе
Art Direction
В школу-интернат для девочек, дочерей прусских офицеров, поступает 14-летняя Мануэла фон Майнхардис. В школе царит военная дисциплина, и всеми делами железной рукой заправляет фрау директор, Фридрих Великий в юбке. Как и все остальные девочки, Мануэла влюбляется в свою учительницу, прекрасную фройляйн фон Бернбург, которая отчасти разделяет ее чувства. После постановки школьной пьесы Мануэла, будучи одета в костюм принца и пьяна от пунша, объявляет на всю школу о своей любви к фройляйн фон Бернбург. Фрау директор клеймит подобные чувства как греховные и намеревается исключить Мануэлу из школы.
Ludwig II, King of Bavaria
Set Designer
In the last years of his life, Bavarian king Ludwig II (1845 – 1886) devotes himself to ambitious architectural projects, which strain the state coffers to the extreme. The monarch, who is afraid of people, also withdraws more and more into a dream world at his various castles. His brother is already in a psychiatric institute and Ludwig is also eventually put under the care of psychiatrist Bernhard von Gudden. The king attempts to get out from under this guardianship at Starnberg lake…
The Brandenburg Arch
Art Direction
In the year 1914: The assistants of cobbler Lehmann compete for the affections of his daughter Frieda. Actually she’s in love with her ambitious cousin Fritz, but the cunning Franz knows how to string her along. When Fritz gets drafted, Frieda gives in and marries Franz. Soon Fritz is declared missing and the old cobbler dies of grief. Along the way Franz, who dodged the military service, earns his money with large-scale racketeering. Frieda is miserable. But then Fritz returns from Soviet captivity, prompting Frieda to divorce Franz. Finally Frieda accepts an inheritance from the USA and marries Fritz. With the money they open up a shoe store.
Sex in Chains
Art Direction
A young man is convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to a term in prison. There he forms a close relationship with his cellmate. Upon his release his wife is concerned as to how prison has changed the man she married.
Восковые фигуры
Assistant Art Director
Хозяин музея восковых фигур нанимает писателя, чтобы тот написал рассказы о персонажах его экспозиции — Гаруне аль Рашиде, Иване Грозном и Джеке-потрошителе.