Anna Maria Placido


Belle da morire
Edward Sacchi is a wealthy and apparently content married man but underneath he is driven by a desire to seduce and discard women. One of his conquests, Lucy, falls in love with him and when spurned, commits suicide. Edward is shocked but continues as before. Each of his lovers are subsequently murdered and he is arrested. However, his wife saves him by arranging an appointment with the real killer...
Irene Ullich
A prostitute is brutally killed by the road side by a maniancal killer. Nearby a horror film is being produced but the director is worried that the script is too passé for a modern audience and so he plans to include a séance scene - he hires a real medium to carry out a ceremony with the cast and crew to help inspire the script but she is attacked by an evil spirit. Meanwhile members of the cast are being picked off one by one and police detective Walter is desperate to stop his girlfriend, the lead actress Jennifer, becoming the next victim...
В гостях у тетушки
Richard's Mother
Добропорядочная семья из четырех человек решила посетить забытую тетушку, и наладить пошатнувшиеся родственные связи. После долгой дороги они приезжают в дом, но тетушки там нет. Согласно оставленной записке, любимая родственница приедет только утром. Но, вот, вопрос - доживет ли семья до утра, чтобы порадоваться долгожданной встрече?