Director of Photography
After getting out of prison, a Latino criminal tries to go straight.
Director of Photography
A man must choose between work or his family after he is called back to work during a family vacation. He and his son have set a harmless rabbit trap in the woods near the cabin they are vacationing in. When the family returns home they realize that they forget to retrieve the trap and the son fears that a rabbit will be captured and die a slow death from starvation. The man is in line for a promotion, yet feels that he is under appreciated by his boss. He must choose whether or not to follow his instincts and do the right thing or possibly lose the promotion he has worked long and hard for.
Director of Photography
An alcoholic captain sails a two-master through danger with a call girl and others on board.
Director of Photography
Young man just out of college tries to persuade his father, who owns a record company, to start signing up rock 'n' roll acts.
Director of Photography
Change of pace comedy casts Lana Turner and Jeff Chandler as competing pilots who fall in love.
Director of Photography
Judge Jim Scott must contend with the vicious relatives of a murderer he's about to sentence...and his unfaithful fiancee.
Director of Photography
In the 1930s, once-great World War I pilot Roger Shumann performs as a daredevil barnstorming pilot at aerial stunt shows while his wife, LaVerne, works as a parachutist. When newspaper reporter Burke Devlin arrives to do a story on the Shumanns’ act, he quickly falls in love with the beautiful--and neglected--LaVerne.
Director of Photography
The staff of "Yank" magazine are among the first American troops into Tokyo after the Japanese surrender. Their mission: produce an issue of the three days. To accomplish the seeming impossible, they reluctantly enlist the aid of black marketeer and arch-conniver Joe Butterfly, who sets them up in a palatial private mansion, complete with lovely daughter -- strictly against regulations. How much trouble can our heroes talk their way out of?
Director of Photography
Four young starlets, from various parts of the world, are called to Hollywood to test for the lead in a major film. Each is romantically pursued by the director, composer, playboy, and actor. Which one of an international quartette of beauties will replace Universal's glamour star in an upcoming Biblical epic?
Director of Photography
Jim Trask, former sheriff of Abilene, returns to the town after fighting for the Confederacy to find everyone thought he was dead. His old friend Dave Mosely is now engaged to Trask's former sweetheart and is one of the cattlemen increasingly feuding with the original farmers. Trask is persuaded to take up as sheriff again but there is something about the death of Mosely's brother in the Civil War that is haunting him.
Director of Photography
Картежника Бена Мэтьюса обвиняют в убийстве, которого он не совершал, он должен найти настоящего убийцу до того, как провоцируемая истинным убийцей, толпа, расправится с ним...
Director of Photography
A government agent's son wins respect and love when he challenges counterfeiters.
Director of Photography
Отец Джима Слейтера, которого Джим никогда не знал, погибает в стычке с апачами в долине Хила. Джим ищет единственного выжившего человека, который якобы отправился за помощью, но бесследно исчез. Вместе с ним исчезло и золото, найденное отцом Джима и его товарищами в долине Хила...
Director of Photography
Дэйв Барретт оказывается замешан в двух убийствах, которые не совершал. Теперь за ним охотятся полиция и гангстеры.
Director of Photography
France, 1803: 11 years after the Revolution, a royalist underground is led by a new 'Scarlet Pimpernel', the Purple Mask, who rescues nobles in distress and kidnaps Napoleon's officials for ransom, aided by the spy services of a group of lovely models headed by Laurette (really the Duc de Latour's daughter). But even she doesn't know the Purple Mask's real identity as foppish dancing master Rene...
Director of Photography
1815 год. Ирландия охвачена отчаянным сопротивлением против иностранного господства. Майкл Мартин является членом ирландского тайного общества, он разочаровывается в результатах его деятельности и переходит к активным действиям, нападая на английских лендлордов и их управляющих, отнимая у них деньги, полученные ими с арендаторов-ирландцев. Он вынужден бежать из поместья Баллимор в Дублин, где встречает легендарного лидера ирландских повстанцев капитана Тандерболта.
Director of Photography
Англия, XV век. Юноша Майлз и его сестра Мэг выросли в крестьянской семье, не зная своих родителей. От отца им осталось массивное золотое кольцо с гербом, на котором изображен черный щит. Понимая, что такая вещь не могла принадлежать простому человеку, Майлз решает во что бы то ни стало раскрыть тайну своего рождения.
Director of Photography
Peter Stirling (with his old friend the talking mule) is recalled to active the WACs!
Director of Photography
A young railroad surveyor returns to his hometown to find the man who murdered his father and brother.
Director of Photography
A Confederate officer travels to a wild Mexican border town to buy guns, aiming to keep up the fight against the Yankees - but who can he trust in this lawless place?
Director of Photography
A young man from a wealthy New York family pursues a career as the leader of a dance band.
Director of Photography
Карточный игрок и превосходный фехтовальщик, Марк Фэллон (Тайрон Пауэр), отплывает на пароходе в Новый Орлеан, где собирается открыть игорный клуб. В дороге он знакомится с Анжеликой Дюро и ее беспутным братом Лораном, которого обыгрывает в карты. Чтобы расплатиться, Лоран отдает Марку фамильную драгоценность, принадлежащую его сестре. Фэллон пытается вернуть девушке семейную реликвию, но та отказывается, обвиняя его в жульничестве, хотя на самом деле, Анжелика влюбляется в Марка с первого взгляда, но боится признаться в этом даже самой себе.
Director of Photography
After being released from prison, ex-gunfighter John Wesley Hardin hopes to have his autobiography published in order to rehabilitate his tarnished reputation.
Director of Photography
A Man investigates the disappearance of two of his friends who were the guests of a sinister Austrian count.
Director of Photography
Стивен МакНэлли в роли Лайтнинга, энергичного начальника полицейского участка в Силвер Сити. Главная цель Лайтнинга — задержать банду безжалостных преступников, терроризирующих и убивающих местных шахтеров, среди которых его лучший друг. В одной из перестрелок Лайтнинг теряет способность пользоваться указательным пальцем и, соответственно, свое блестящее умение владеть оружием. Он обращается за помощью в поимке преступников к знаменитому стрелку Силверу Киду — его отец погиб от рук бандитов. Однако осуществление их совместного плана усложняется, когда Лайтинг влю6ляется в красавицу, недавно приехавшую в город. Женщина ведет собственную опасную игру, и ее интерес к начальнику полиции — всего лишь хитрая уловка.
Director of Photography
An Irish-American girl asks the saint to guide her family and save them from an alderman.
Director of Photography
Deaf boxer Paul Callan captures the interest of gold-digging blonde Sonya Bartow and retired fight manager 'Pop' Richardson. For a time, Sonya has the upper hand with Paul, but ultimately a rival appears in the shape of upper-crust reporter Ann Hollis. With a 3-way fight under way for influence over Paul, he takes matters into his own hands, but learns that getting what he wanted isn't necessarily a happy ending.
Director of Photography
The homespun Nelson family must deal with various comical situations, including an encounter with gangsters.
Director of Photography
Пятидесятые года XIX века. При сопровождении каравана фургонов через горы, через прерии в Портленд, в поисках новой жизни Глен МакЛинток спасает от линчевания Эмерсона Коула, подозреваемого в краже скота. Благодарный Коул помогает Глену и его друзьям отбить неожиданную атаку индейцев, так они становятся друзьями.
Director of Photography
Having served a prison sentence for robbery, Pete Carver decides to go back for the hidden loot. But someone is on his trail.
Director of Photography
The wicked Alain plots an elaborate revenge against his younger brother Edmund, leading to a deadly confrontation in his dungeon deathtrap.
Director of Photography
A innocent dentist is murdered and the only apparent motive seems to be to steal a set of dental x-rays. To the police it looks like an accident, but private eye Brad Runyan thinks there's more to it.
Director of Photography
В XIII веке регент Танжера Мустафа посылает вора Юсефа убить малолетнего наследника принца Хусейна, чтобы занять его место на престоле. Юсеф слишком добр, чтобы убить мальчика, он вырастил его, выдавая за своего сына Джалну. Спустя 18 лет, пытаясь проникнуть в сокровищницу, Джална встречает дочь Мустафы, принцессу Жасмин, и оказывается поражен её красотой. Той предстоит выйти замуж за Алжирского принца Хиджаха, но кто-то крадёт его фамильную драгоценность - жемчужину Фатимы, и в гневе тот грозит войной, если жемчужина не будет найдена. Юсеф, рассчитывая на награду, а Джална, желая обратить на себя внимание принцессы, устраивают ловушку для похитителя, им оказывается юная девушка, и они решают не выдавать её, а использовать для проникновения во дворец "Маршан".
Director of Photography
In this funny sequel to the popular Francis the Talking Mule, the talkative Mule and his pal Peter get a job working on a horse-breeder's ranch. They end up saving it from financial ruin when Francis, who has the inside track with the racehorses, provides Peter with names of the winners before the races are run. Sure enough Peter finds himself with a fistful of cash and uses it to buy a racehorse for the farm. Unfortunately, the horse he chooses is suffering from a debilitating lack of confidence. When not dealing with the mare, Peter finds time to court the horse breeder's niece and trying to avoid the gangsters who want in on the winnings.
Director of Photography
Outraged by Redleg atrocities, the James and Younger Brothers along with Kit Dalton join Quantrill's Raiders and find themselves participating in even worse war crimes.
Director of Photography
Jack Early is a photographer who will stop at nothing to climb his way to the very top of the success ladder. On the strength of his sheer tenacity, he gets a job with a major newspaper, and it's not long before he's made a name for himself by charming a notorious crime boss, Nick Palmer, into allowing himself to be photographed. Palmer takes him under his wing, but Early decides to bite the hand that feeds him and sets Palmer and another crime boss, Colton, against one another.
Director of Photography
Roger Quain, escorting two zoo-bound black panthers on the train from Milan to Paris, is unaware that a Western agent, Catherine Ullven, has hidden a microfilm in the collar of one of the animals. But when the train is derailed in the Swiss Alps and the panthers escape, she is forced to involve him in her mission, which now includes enemy agents hunting the microfilm, the animals, Catherine and Roger. Corrected from an original submission by Guy Bellinger.
Director of Photography
A police detective uses any means possible to trap a gang of shoplifters.
Director of Photography
The truthful soldier Stirling didn't know how to lie about his source of information, the talking army Mule, Francis, so he was treated as a lunatic and led to one after another hilarious situations, where the mule was the only one that appeared in his right mind. In the process of all this, the mule assisted in uncovering a spy, Mareen, who pretended to be lost among the jungles, but was actually...
Director of Photography
Larry Nelson, paroled from prison after serving nearly half of his thirty-year sentence, is determined to not fall into the clutches of the law again, and takes a quiet job at a country sanitarium. Thete, he meets and falls for a nurse, Charlotte Maynard, and he knows the only way to enter her web is to have a lot of money, for Miss Maynard is somewhat of a gold-digger.
Director of Photography
Undertow stars Scott Brady as a gambler just out of wartime military service. No longer interested in wagers and speculations, Brady wants only to open up a mountain vacation lodge. Before this can take place, Brady is framed for murder, and forced to hide out in the home of Peggy Dow. With the help of Dow and a policeman friend, Brady searches for the real murderer. Watch carefully in Undertow and you'll spot new Universal contractee "Roc" Hudson as a plainclothes detective.
Director of Photography
Molly's husband Rick was a gang leader somewhere in the middle west. When he's shot, the tough woman moves to S.F. with a couple of the gang to start anew. Disguised as a noble woman, she and her gang rob security transports. But when one day Rob confesses to her that he killed Rick out of jealousy, she shoots him down immediately. In lack of proof she can't be convicted for the murder, but she goes to jail for the robberies. It's a new and very open female prison, where she learns a profession for the first time in her life.
Director of Photography
Drifter Sam Bass shows up in Denton, Texas (soon to host a great horse race) looking for work. Before long, he attracts the attention of pretty storekeeper Katherine Egan (the sheriff's sister) and that wild frontiers woman, Calamity Jane. Circumstances make Sam richer by a very fast race horse. But his seemingly good luck with horses and women leads him to disaster. Will he be forced into a life of crime?
Director of Photography
At a college, a group of ex-GIs clash with their wives about over playing football.
Director of Photography
First American film about the conflict between Jewish nationalists and the British in the creation of the state of Israel.
Director of Photography
A former outlaw goes straight and is determined to catch and tame a wild stallion. Western.
Director of Photography
John Payne is the no-good lowdown rat who tries to capitalize on postwar patriotism and grief. He finagles a war widow (Joan Caulfied) into giving up her savings for a nonexistent memorial. When Payne falls in love with the widow he has pangs of conscience, but he reckons without his con-artist boss (Dan Duryea), who tends to bolster his arguments with muscle and bullets.
Director of Photography
A fast-talking salesman is "kidnapped" by a town, which intends to use him in its annual race with a rival community.
Director of Photography
In the 1850s, in a logging town on the Mississippi River, a conflict between the people of a mill town and the lumberjacks who work downriver. Romance and deceit are catalyzed by the arrival of the gambling river boat, River Lady, owned by the beautiful Sequin. Bauvais, a representative of the local lumber syndicate and Sequin's business partner, is trying to convince H.L. Morrison, the mill owner, to sell his business.
Director of Photography
Виртуозный похититель бриллиантов Пепе Ле Моко бежит из Парижа в Касбах, французский район Алжира, и там организовывает новый воровской притон. Единственный человек, который не дает ему по-настоящему развернуться, — инспектор Слиймен, мечтающий вытащить вора за пределы Касбаха.
Director of Photography
Cheerful outlaw Charlie Boles leaves former partners Lance and Jersey and heads for California, where the Gold Rush is beginning. Soon, a lone gunman in black is robbing Wells Fargo gold shipments. One fateful day, the stage he robs carries old friends Lance and Jersey...and notorious dancer Lola Montez, coming to perform in Sacramento. Black Bart and Lance become rivals for both Lola's favors and Wells Fargo's gold.
Director of Photography
A brash young lawyer takes a short-term but high-paid job as bodyguard for a slick business exec being threatened by a former partner, and quickly realizes he may be in over his head.
Camera Operator
A showgirl working for an inventor battles crooks, who want to steal his ideas.
Camera Operator
A Brooklyn showgirl gets mixed up in a divorce between a soldier and his wife.
Camera Department Manager
A pretty young socialite falls for a charming but shady hustler, who abandons her when he finds that she has been disowned by her wealthy father. Three of the hustler's partners, who have also been left high and dry by heir former associate, come up with a plan to get her to the annual Yale-Harvard football game to reunite with her former sweetheart, an honest but nerdy bookworm.
Assistant Camera
College football player is asked to dope a star teammate by his crooked gambler brother. He refuses, but they player is doped anyway and collapses and dies. A detective has the whole game re-enacted to find important clues.
Assistant Camera
A hard-bitten saloon girl falls for a dashing outlaw, and tries to keep the local sheriff from catching him and sending him to prison.