Giovanna Mori

Giovanna Mori


Giovanna Mori


Leone nel basilico
Maria Celeste is a widow that lives in a retirement home. She is stingy, unpleasant, solitary and looks down on people. Every Sunday Maria sits alone on the park bench, though she tells everyone that she goes to her son's to cook a lovely meal. But on that Sunday, while dozing on the bench, a young girl places a ten month old baby in her arms and runs away leaving Maria stunned and confused. Finally the girl comes back and they start to know each other. The girl asks Maria to take the baby for a second, crosses the street and a tram hits her. She dies without a reason on a warm summer morning. Maria is alone with the baby. Her Maria Celeste's story begins.
День и ночь
Il sogno del maratoneta
The feat of marathon runner Dorando Pietri, who participated in the London Olympic Games in 1908.
1914 год. Главный герой — молодой Бенито Муссолини, тогда ещё редактор газеты «Аванти». Это история о тайной любви будущего диктатора к красавице-еврейке Иде Дальцер, от которой у него был сын.
The marriage of an actor and a freelance film editor breaks up unexpectedly in front of two filmmakers' camera.
The marriage of an actor and a freelance film editor breaks up unexpectedly in front of two filmmakers' camera.
Quasi quasi…
Paola and Andrea find out they both loved (and lost) the same man. They get over their mutual distrust and their friendship gradually develops to the point that they feel they should marry one another, but without giving up their personal freedom and sexual predilections. Theirs is a true love match: a marriage based on friendship and mutual respect, where sex does not come into the equation. The question is, will they stay together, or will society and its mores intervene?
La classe non è acqua
Prof.ssa Bonaiuto
Mille bolle blu