Reginald H. Wyer

Рождение : 1901-10-30, London, England, UK


Night of the Big Heat
Director of Photography
While mainland Britain shivers in deepest winter, the northern island of Fara bakes in the nineties, and the boys at the Met station have no more idea what is going on than the regulars at the Swan. Only a stand-offish visting scientist realizes space aliens are to blame.
Остров террора
Director of Photography
На побережье небольшого ирландского островка находят тело фермера, полностью лишенное костей. Прибывшая на остров для расследования столь странного случая группа специалистов вскоре обнаруживает и другие такие же трупы и приходит к выводу, что инциденты могут быть связаны с деятельностью некоего доктора Филлипса, одержимого идеей изобрести средство от рака. А вскоре они встречают и самих виновников смертей - химерических монстров, высасывающих костную ткань из живых существ.
Devils of Darkness
Director of Photography
A secret vampire cult, which has its headquarters beneath the town cemetery, searches for victims for its human sacrifice rituals.
Father Came Too!
When Dexter Munro and his new wife Juliet get married, they decide to escape Juliet's meddling father by buying a rundown cottage and doing it up themselves. But when the cottage proves to be more ramshackle than they thought, and the scale of the repairs needed far out of their budget, the newlyweds are forced into calling on Juliet's father after all. Before long he's employed incompetent builder Josh Wicks, and the situation goes from bad to worse.
The Informers
Director of Photography
When the detective in charge of investigating a series of bank robberies starts to get too close to the culprits, they set up a blackmail scheme to warn him off. But when the crooks begin to fall out with each other, the police learn the truth.
Unearthly Stranger
Director of Photography
A series of scientists working on a new techology to facilitate man's conquest of space are killed in mysterious circumstances. Suspicion falls on the wife of another scientist on the project, who may not be what she seems.
Night of the Eagle
Director of Photography
A skeptical college professor discovers that his wife has been practicing magic for years. Like the learned, rational fellow he is, he forces her to destroy all her magical charms and protective devices, and stop that foolishness. He isn't put off by her insistence that his professional rivals are working magic against him, and her protections are necessary to his career and life.
The Kitchen
Director of Photography
In the business end of a kitchen, a polyglot staff strives to cope with a superhuman task. A microcosm of the world, the kitchen looms around and encloses its workers; they include Peter, the German cook, who is in love with waitress Monica, and constantly asks her to leave her husband. The pressure of the day becomes unendurable, and when Peter realises that Monica does not mean to divorce her husband his grief and pain cause him to run berserk!
The Man in the Back Seat
Director of Photography
The haunting story of two incompetent crooks and an unwanted passenger which obviously has its roots in the Banquo’s ghost segment of Macbeth.
Заверните мне норку
Director of Photography
Группа неудачников под руководством стареющего майора Альберта Рейна решает ограбить меховой салон. И пока участники преступления находят в этих приключениях новый смысл жизни, невольной участницей событий оказывается экономка хозяйки квартиры, недавно вернувшаяся из мест заключения.
Dentist in the Chair
Director of Photography
The misfortunes that befall three dental students when they become unwitting accessories to a burglary.
Так держать, учитель!
Prepare for Six of the Best as the Carry On team cause chaos in the school yard. When a well-loved headmaster decides to retire, his scheming pupils have other ideas. The cunning boys unleash a campaign of practical jokes, armed with gin, itching power and bombs!
Так держать, медсестра!
Director of Photography
В госпитале «Приют» одна из мужских палат причиняет больше проблем, чем весь остальной госпиталь. Огромная главная медсестра наводит ужас на всех пациентов, и только Рекитт противостоит ей. Среди прочих персонажей: майор, который является для всех постоянной неприятностью, неуклюжая медсестра, влюбленные Тед Йорк и медсестра Дентон, и Белл, который требует срочно сделать ему операцию. Однажды, после пьянки, мужчины из этой палаты решают помочь Беллу…
Rockets Galore
Director of Photography
The inhabitants of Todday are content to live their lives in peace and quiet, until, that is, the government decides their little corner of the world would be the perfect place for a rocket launch site.
Violent Playground
Director of Photography
A Liverpool juvenile liaison officer struggles with a young and dangerous pyromaniac.
Across the Bridge
Director of Photography
In Mexico, a financier on the run poses as a man he just murdered, only to find out that the man was also a murderer.
True as a Turtle
Director of Photography
Tony Hudson offers his young wife Jane a cruise on a yacht as a honeymoon trip. Although Jane suffers from chronic seasickness, she accepts and one day they go on board the Turtle, a fine yacht owned by an industrialist friend, Dudley Partridge. A lot of misadventures await them before they finally reach France.
The Weapon
Director of Photography
A boy accidentally shoots a friend with a gun he found in the rubble of a destroyed building. The gun turns out to be a clue in a ten-year-old murder case.
An Alligator Named Daisy
Director of Photography
Returning from a cricket match in Ireland, Peter Weston gains a pet alligator from another passenger who abandons it with him. He is horrified and while his first instinct is to get rid of it he develops a relationship with a young Irishwoman who appears to be entwined with the reptile. He soon discovers that Daisy is tame and seems to be the way to Moira's heart.
The Prisoner
Director of Photography
A cardinal is arrested for treason against the state. He is a popular hero of his people, for his resistance against the Nazis during the war and his resistance when his country again fell to a totalitarian conqueror. In prison, his interrogator is determined to extract a confession of guilt, and thus destroy his power over his people.
Personal Affair
Director of Photography
A British girl disappears for three days after a frank talk with the wife of a Latin teacher she loves.
Wheel of Fate
Director of Photography
Two brothers work in their invalid father's repair garage. Johnny is the quiet, reliable one while Ted is younger and wilder. The brothers feud over Lucky, a beautiful band singer. Then their life is complicated: first by a police search for the unknown killer of a man in a dance hall fight, and then by a bookie pressuring Ted to pay his gambling debts.
Director of Photography
The test launch for the first inter-planetary research station goes wrong when the satellite station is inadvertently set up instead of returning to earth. Two people attached to the secret project are missing, presumed murdered, and all suspicions fall on the cuckold husband, the scientist responsible for the lack of fuel aboard the rocket. The theory is he murdered his wife and her lover, depositing the bodies on the errant rocket. Desperate to prove his innocence he volunteers for the next mission to link up with the satellite and clear his name.
Four Sided Triangle
Director of Photography
A young man, in love with a woman who can never be his, discovers a way to fulfil his dreams. In their childhood the three were the best of friends, the perfect triangle. But years later when Lena returns to her sleepy home the tone of the relationship changes and it is Robin she loves. Bill has discovered a method of duplication and decides to make an exact replica of the woman he cannot have... .with disastrous consequences for them all.
Street Corner
Director of Photography
London policewomen handle rescues and larceny as they go about their work in Chelsea.
Tread Softly
Director of Photography
Story of a chorus girl who is "discovered" and finds romance during the unraveling of a mystery in a once derelict theatre.
Highly Dangerous
Director of Photography
A US newsman and a British entomologist spy on germ-warfare research in a mythical country.
Так долго на ярмарке
Director of Photography
Викки и её брат Джонни приезжают в Париж на Всемирную выставку 1889 года. На следующий день после того, как они остановились в отеле, Джонни исчезает. Хозяева отеля и персонал настаивают, что девушка приехала одна и что комнаты 19, якобы занимаемой братом, вообще не существует…
Diamond City
Set in the diamond fields of South Africa, Stafford Parker is a lawman trying to maintain a semblance of law and order in the "Wild South".
The Huggetts Abroad
Director of Photography
Life is not going well for the Huggetts. Father has lost his job. Jimmy and his wife cannot get to South Africa where he has a new job. So the family decide that they should go to South Africa by truck. With their travelling companion they travel across the desert which includes a brush with the law.
Vote for Huggett
Director of Photography
A firm of solicitors do battle with the head of the local council over a parcel of river front land, owned by the Huggett family, in order to build a lido/community center.
Here Come the Huggetts
Director of Photography
The Huggetts have their first telephone installed, sleep rough on The Mall whilst waiting for the Royal Wedding and deal with a fire at the 'Oatibix' factory.
Director of Photography
Somerset Maugham introduces four of his tales in this anthology film: "The Facts of Life," "The Alien Corn," "The Kite," and "The Colonel's Lady."
My Brother's Keeper
Director of Photography
War hero turned villain George Martin escapes from the police, but he is handcuffed to a naive young crook Willie Stannard. After using a clever plan to obtain railway tickets, and with the police and the press in hot pursuit, George has to find a way of breaking loose from Willie, and to make his escape.
The Calendar
Director of Photography
The favourite for the big race is nobbled and suspicion falls on the owner. His secret admirer proves it wasn't him.
Director of Photography
A mysterious barber hides a secret identity that eventually leads to tragedy.
The White Unicorn
Director of Photography
In a home for delinquent girls, the worst offender exchanges reminiscences with the warden.
Dancing with Crime
Director of Photography
When his best friend is murdered inside a London dancehall, a cab driver and his girlfriend involve themselves in the investigation and discover a major criminal operation hiding behind the club's friendly facade.
The Upturned Glass
Director of Photography
A neurosurgeon relates to his students in medical school a story about an affair he had with a married woman and how after the affair was over, the woman fell out a window and died. The surgeon, suspecting that she was murdered, set out to find her killer -- but, instead of turning the suspect over to the police, he planned to take his own revenge on the murderer.
The Years Between
Director of Photography
Michael Redgrave, Valerie Hobson, Flora Robson and Felix Aylmer star in this moving and sophisticated story of love and loss set against the backdrop of the Second World War and based on the play by Daphne du Maurier. After hearing news that her officer husband has been killed in battle, Diana Wentworth forges a new life for herself, becoming an MP and learning to love again. Then, out of the blue comes the shattering news that her husband is not dead after all.