Executive Producer
Marion Callevero has her guest list checked twice to host the company Christmas event, but gifts quickly turn to gore. This struggling staff has been invited to the party but no one will be returning home for the holidays.
An self-destructive comedian falls in love with the singer of a punk band.
A Chicago Police Detective is being investigated by Internal Affairs for misconduct following his confession of ghost sightings.
A Chicago Police Detective is being investigated by Internal Affairs for misconduct following his confession of ghost sightings.
Tommy O'Hara
A Chicago Police Detective is being investigated by Internal Affairs for misconduct following his confession of ghost sightings.
Death is no stranger to Zeta house, where events surrounding a panty raid gone awry have become the stuff of legend. Now, more than 20 years later, death is in the air again as five Zeta girls set up summer residence off-campus.
Death is no stranger to Zeta house, where events surrounding a panty raid gone awry have become the stuff of legend. Now, more than 20 years later, death is in the air again as five Zeta girls set up summer residence off-campus.
A police detective is investigated when he claims to see ghosts.
Detective Tommy O'Hara
A police detective is investigated when he claims to see ghosts.
A police detective is investigated when he claims to see ghosts.
Reporter (uncredited)
Телевизионный комментатор Фил Коннорс каждый год приезжает в маленький городок в штате Пенсильвания на празднование Дня сурка. Но на этот раз веселье рискует зайти слишком далеко. Время сыграло с ним злую шутку: оно взяло да и остановилось.
Теперь на календаре Фила чернеет одна и та же дата — 2 февраля, из которой он никак не может выбраться. Неунывающий ведущий пытается извлечь выгоду из своего комичного положения: впереди у него уйма времени и безмятежное предсказуемое будущее.
Отныне с ним не случится ничего плохого… и ничего хорошего. У Фила осталась одна заветная мечта, простая и незамысловатая — 3 февраля…
Executive Producer
A father, businessman and secret doomsday prepper escorts people to the safety of his bunker – actually an underground house – when a massive and potentially deadly fog descends and cuts the power at his home.