Ahmed Awad


Bonn Sawarih
The film is about the issue of inheritance, through the three girls, a graduate of the rights and sister, a graduate of Darul Uloom and other narcissistic left her and married the Faculty of Commerce and failed, and their fathers. Large inherit the estate, where a cabaret called Bonn Swaraih, and holds the two of them ... (Ghada Abdel Razek and Nahla intelligent) administration happily, which will bring them a quantum leap on the physical level, amid objections and the advice of their sister the third religious (May Kassab) that Atkhalsa of this nightclub, they Nidtan and refuse to accept her advice, but provides each paragraph in this cabaret. As a result of entering this new world they were subjected to many problems, ending Petrkhma this place and the search for decent work.