Vijay Tendulkar


Khamosh Adalat Jaari Hai
A mock trial during the rehearsal of a play quickly turns into a gripping drama about desire, gender issues, power and control, this is an adaptation of playwright Vijay Tendulkar's Shantata. Court Chalu Aahe (1963).
Bioscope is an anthology film having 4 short films inspired from 4 poems.
Sardar is a 1993 Indian biopic on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, one of India's greatest freedom fighters, directed by Ketan Mehta and written by noted playwright Vijay Tendulkar.
Jaisingh Jadav (Marc Zuber), a Delhi based journalist finds that even to this date, flesh trade exist in a village in Madhya Pradesh, the victims being girls belonging to the Bhil tribe. Like any avid journalist he travels to the village followed by really buying a girl named Kamla (Deepti Naval) and takes her to his home in Delhi. As his intentions were good, some days later he holds a press conference where he reveals the actual wrongdoings going on in the village.
Только что принятый на работу неопытный полицейский сталкивается с коррупцией, любовью и жестокостью.
Только что принятый на работу неопытный полицейский сталкивается с коррупцией, любовью и жестокостью.
The story of a poverty-stricken family, one of the countless fringe dwellers in India's slums. A man tries to earn some money by selling aborted fetuses to medical institutes.
The story of a poverty-stricken family, one of the countless fringe dwellers in India's slums. A man tries to earn some money by selling aborted fetuses to medical institutes.
Женский приют в отдаленном районе Индии. Здесь процветают коррупция, спекуляция, воровство. Но вот в этом мире хаоса и бесправия появляется новая управляющая — Сулбха Махаджан. Она пожертвовала своим семейным благополучием, чтобы помочь социально незащищенным обитательницам приюта.
A remote, backward village sacrifices five women to appease the evil spirit in a tree.
When a successful manager decides to sell his plantation in his ancestral village to another company, his young daughter begins acting very strangely.
Крик раненого
Рассказ о судьбе крестьянина, жену которого изнасиловал, а потом убил помещик. Вину же за варварское убийство пытаются приписать этому беззащитному, затравленному человеку.
As a heated race for the post of chief minister erupts between the incumbent and a challenger from his own party, political passions play out behind the scenes as seen through a journalist's eyes in this landmark drama. Directed by Jabbar Patel and inspired by Arun Sadhu's novels Mumbai Dinank and Simhasan, the film -- one of India's earliest political pictures -- stars Arun Sarnaik, Shriram Lagoo and Nilu Phule.
The Strange Fate of Arvind Desai
Arvind Desai is the only son of a rich businessman who deals in luxury handicrafts and products. His feelings for his father are mixed—while he hates his dominating nature, he admires his power and lack of scruples. He has long discussions on art and politics with a Marxist friend Rajan, is seeing his father's secretary Alice, and sometimes he visits a prostitute, Fatima. Much against his wishes, his marriage is arranged to a girl from a high-class family that has just returned from Paris; much to the dismay of Alice's mother, who realizes that Alice was just time-pass for Arvind and nothing more.
A veterinarian, Dr. Rao, makes a visit to a village, where he intends to commence a co-operative society dairy for the betterment of the rural people. The film is set against the backdrop of the White Revolution of India (Operation Flood) which started in 1970. It was entirely crowdfunded by 500,000 farmers who donated Rs. 2 each.
Ghashiram Kotwal
A stylized version of Vijay Tendulkar’s radical Marathi play chronicling the Peshwa regime in western India, a collective effort of direction and cinematography made by an independent group of young filmmakers.
Wealthy and influential Hindurao Dhonde Patil finds a homeless drunk, brings him home, looks after him, feeds him, finds a room for him, gets him employed, calls him Master, and even finds a woman to look after him. In return, this male steals from Hindurao, is apprehended by the local police, but Hindurao pays for his bail. Hindurao is forced to make a final decision about him after he finds out that Master has been inquiring about a missing army officer named Maruti Kamble.
Wealthy and influential Hindurao Dhonde Patil finds a homeless drunk, brings him home, looks after him, feeds him, finds a room for him, gets him employed, calls him Master, and even finds a woman to look after him. In return, this male steals from Hindurao, is apprehended by the local police, but Hindurao pays for his bail. Hindurao is forced to make a final decision about him after he finds out that Master has been inquiring about a missing army officer named Maruti Kamble.
Wealthy and influential Hindurao Dhonde Patil finds a homeless drunk, brings him home, looks after him, feeds him, finds a room for him, gets him employed, calls him Master, and even finds a woman to look after him. In return, this male steals from Hindurao, is apprehended by the local police, but Hindurao pays for his bail. Hindurao is forced to make a final decision about him after he finds out that Master has been inquiring about a missing army officer named Maruti Kamble.
Конец ночи
Вишам — младший сын влиятельного деревенского землевладельца —заминдара. В отличие от отца, который ради достижения своих цепей не гнушается нарушать закон, у Вишама нет вредных привычек. Он женат на Рукмани и хранит ей верность. Вскоре в деревню приезжает новый учитель с женой Сушилой и однажды поздно, под конец ночи, Вишам видит как несколько человек насильно захватывают Сушилу и увозят ее прочь...
Silence! The Court Is in Session
A political and social satire on middle-class society's hypocrisy. A group of teachers plan to stage a play in a village. When a cast-member does not show up, a local stagehand is asked to replace him. An improvised, free-flowing 'rehearsal' is arranged and a mock trial is staged to help the novice understand court procedures. A (mock) charge of infanticide is levelled against Miss Benare, another cast-member. Suddenly the pretend-play turns into an accusatory game when it emerges from the trial that Miss Benare is carrying an out-of-wedlock child from her failed illicit relationship with Professor Damle, the missing cast-member.