Thanassis Arvanitis


Behind the Curtain
Antonis lives alone in his family's beach house, hiding away from the world. He has given up on life and is literally watching the world pass him by. It has been left up to his best friends - two offbeat cupids - to remind him that there are things to live for.
Eyes of Night
Sound Mixer
Chronis, Vaillia and Elftheria are not "IN." They are not featured in glossy magazines. They don't have perfect bodies, they don't make love on the first date. These three characters will cross paths.
Every Saturday
Sound Mixer
A divorced actor meets his 15-year-old son each Saturday. While the father encounters professional and relationship problems in his everyday life, his son is anxious about his first date with a girl.
Dream a Little Dream
Sound Mixer
As his wedding day approaches, the architect Yannis keeps having a recurring dream that leaves him shaken when he wakes up. The girl in his reverie is stunningly beautiful, a blithe spirit who taunts him with her smile, her shapely figure, her sensual persona - all that a man would want as a companion for life. The real world, however, offers him someone entirely different. Anna is sweet, attentive, down to earth - all that a man could wish for in a normal marriage. The right decision, it appears, is made. And then it happens: Yannis's dream comes true - on his wedding day.
Sound Mixer
In this wry retelling of the ancient Medusa myth, strange, clothed statues of men are appearing all over Greece. Only Perseus, a leader of a gang of modern Athenian thieves, with a strange childhood, holds the answer to the mystery--and it has something to do with beautiful, long-haired women in black. One night his group breaks into the house of one such creature. Filled with low-key humor and suspense, Medusa unfolds in a simple and tantalizing way
Sound Recordist
In this wry retelling of the ancient Medusa myth, strange, clothed statues of men are appearing all over Greece. Only Perseus, a leader of a gang of modern Athenian thieves, with a strange childhood, holds the answer to the mystery--and it has something to do with beautiful, long-haired women in black. One night his group breaks into the house of one such creature. Filled with low-key humor and suspense, Medusa unfolds in a simple and tantalizing way
It's a Long Road
Sound Mixer
Three stories dealing with three men and their stance towards life, given their personal background. All stories are held in Northern Greece (Macedonia and Thrace), covering all the spectrum from urban to rural settings.
1950s Athens. Prince, a self-made impresario and the owner of the "Acropole" review theater, fires one of his leading ladies when she shows up drunk on opening night. In order to replace her, he turns to Lakis Loizos, an expert at comic female roles and an ex-wonder-child of movies, who now runs an agency for extras. At first, Lakis is surprised by the prince's proposal, but finally decides to try his luck on the stage of the legendary theater.
The real-life story of the life and murder of an 18-year-old girl by her husband.
Взгляд Одиссея
После 35 лет отсутствия на родину в Грецию возвращается знаменитый кинорежиссер. Но по завершении шумной премьеры своего последнего творения он неожиданно отправляется в путешествие по Балканам с целью отыскать три киноролика режиссера Янакиса, которые предположительно могут являться первыми греческими фильмами
I Dream of My Friends
Sound Mixer
Four episodes, four instances from a man’s life covering 25 years, from 1965 in Germany to 1990 in Athens. The episodes seem to be irrelevant to one another, yet they all focus on male powerplay, reveal the self-consciousness and moderation of the protagonist’s idiosyncrasy and depict some special aspects of the Greek male mentality. Probably Nikos Panayotopoulos’ most personal film, covering a substantial period of his generation’s years, “I’m dreaming of my friends” is based on the book by Dimitris Nollas, looks a lot like a “road movie” and features an all-male cast, as if there’s no room for women in it.
Баллада для Байрона
Главный приз МКФ в Салониках-92. Знаменитый английский поэт отправляется в Грецию, где идет народно-освободительная война. Он грезит о подвигах и революции. В реальности Байрон сталкивается с тем, что народ, за который он так переживал, глубоко равнодушен к происходящему. Байрону присваивают звание генерала греческой армии, которое воспринимается как насмешка. Уставший от бесцельного существования, истосковавшийся по активной деятельности, Байрон ухватился за предложение лондонского Греческого комитета помочь Греции в войне за независимость и в начале января 1824 прибыл в Мессалонги - маленький городок в Греции, чтобы участвовать в революции...
Please, Ladies, Don't Cry
Sound Designer
A village in Arcadia invites a "famous" icon painter and his assistant to restore the worn-out murals in a historic church. One is an amateur astronomer, and the other is involved in various scams.
Take Care
Sound Mixer
A young man just released from the army is making great dreams for his life. Finally he gets a job in a butcher's shop and gains the confidence of the owner. After the butcher's death he falls in love with his daughter but also has an affair with the widow and cannot decide between them
The Red Daisy
Sound Mixer
An employee of a pharmaceutical company is unjustly accused of doping a racehorse and finds refuge in a provincial troupe, where he becomes the man for all errands.
Пейзаж в тумане
Sound Mixer
Фильм-путешествие про двух детей (Вула и Алешандри), ищущих своего отца, который, предположительно, живёт в Германии. Одержимость личностью отца будет удерживать их на границе между детством и юностью.
Living Dangerously
Sound Mixer
A gifted electrician, Michalis Karamanos works for Greek Telecommunications Organization and it seems that he is the only one who hasn't been completely absorbed by the corrupt and all-devouring system. Acting as a member of the revolutionary organization Constitutional Struggle, which is fighting against the unpopular policy of the government, he connects the computer of the director of OTE to an explosive device. He threatens to destroy the telecommunications of the country if he is not allowed to broadcast on television his revolutionary message during the broadcast of an important football game. The Authorities, thinking that he has gone crazy, try to bring him around using his old friends from the army, whom they pick up one by one as intermediaries. This is a situation comedy with excellent, mature plot development, plenty of suspense as well as masterful criticism of sociopolitical reality.
Sound Mixer
A family story of incest, decadence and desolation. Greece, early twentieth century. A bourgeois family is on the verge of breaking up. The mother has abandoned the family, and the father, a retired officer, keeps his three daughters, as well as the illegitimate son of the oldest daughter, confined in the house. After his death, the three sisters live through their personal drama. The eldest, Eleni, imbued with the morals of the time and closely identifying with her father, tries to take his place. The middle one, Maria, representing rebellion, goes off with a captain of the sanitation service, while the youngest, Anna, skating on thin ice through all this, is completely destroyed.
Happy Homecoming, Comrades
Sound Mixer
Eighteen hundred Greek political refugees and their children return to Greece after 35 years of exile in the village of Beloiannisz, built near Budapest in 1950.
Such a Long Absence
After the death of her father a young woman who was a student in Germany suffers a nervous breakdown and withdraws inside herself. Her younger sisterʼs attempt to stop the family from having her locked up in a mental hospital fails and brings about her own mental decline. The film marked Stavros Tsiolis re-emergence after a 14-year absence but was also the film debut of actress Pemi Zouni.
Stone Years
Sound Mixer
The true story of a young couple (Babis and Eleni) fighting for love and freedom. An odyssey in and out of prisons during the dark period between the Greek civil war until the end of dictatorship in 1974
Meteor and Shadow
Sound Mixer
A biopic about the rise and fall of one of Greece's most esteemed poets, Napoleon Lapathiotis.
Sound Mixer
An actor's troupe puts up a variety show.
Путешествие на Китеру
Sound Designer
В центре сюжета одна из самых траги­ческих страниц новейшей истории Греции — гражданская война конца сороковых годов и судьбы сотен ты­сяч греков, вынужденных бежать от преследования в СССР и другие страны «социалистического лагеря».
Athens, Return to the Acropolis
Sound Mixer
A poetic visit to the city of Athens, based on paintings, poems and philosophical texts.
Educate Yourself My Son
Sound Mixer
The most important political, post-military junta satire about the nation, the religion, the education, the family.
One Village, One Villager...
Sound Designer
A documentary shown on Greek television in 1981, that describes the plight of Greek villages abandoned by their inhabitants. Some scenes from this film were rewritten into Voyage to Cythera.
Layer of Destruction
Sound Mixer
In 1972, to provide Athens with water, a bold project began, involving the creation of an artificial lake from the water of Mornos River, leading, however, to the destruction of the Velouchovo village, and the ancient town of Kallipolis.
Eleftherios Venizelos: 1910-1927
Sound Mixer
A biographical film about the great Greek politician Eleftherios Venizelos for the period between 1910-1927. The film highlights his vision of a Greater Greece and refers to important events in Greek history such as the formation of a government by Venizelos after the Goudi movement, his dispute with the King over Greece's stance in the First World War, the temporary his withdrawal from politics after his defeat in the 1920 elections and the Asia Minor disaster. A biography of the former Greek prime minister Eleftherios Venizelos and the recreation of his acts and the political and social climate in Greece from 1910 to 1927.
Romantic Note
The story of four fellow students who fall in love with the same girl (Adriana/Maria Perdiki), who has shook up their lives with her unexpected appearance as well as her enigmatic presence, and who will give them up in the same dramatic way, as if she never existed. The incurably romantic Takis Kanellopoulos returns to his favorite theme of "lost youth". This autobiographical film by Takis Kanellopoulos won an honorary photography distinction at the 19th Thessaloniki Film Festival.
Лентяи плодородной долины
Sound Mixer
Отец и три сына переезжают в сельскую местность, когда получают в наследство особняк и деньги, на которые можно спокойно жить, не работая и пользуясь услугами горничной. Постепенно все их время начинает занимать сон, даже прогулки на природе, разговоры и пение за обеденным столом начинают восприниматься как ненужное отклонение от сна.
A Dream of Passion
Sound Engineer
Melina Mercouri plays Maya, a jet-setting Greek actress who returns to her homeland to undertake the role of Medea. Searching for inspiration and clues as to how a mother could kill the children she loves, Maya discovers Brenda (Ellen Burstyn), a bible-spouting American woman serving time in an Athens prison for that very crime.
The Hunters
Sound Recordist
During a hunting party on New Year's Eve 1976, five representatives of the bourgeoisie encounter with their companion the body of a partisan from the Civil War of the late forties. What they are most confused about is the fact that the corpse that lies at their feet is still bleeding…
The Hunters
Sound Mixer
During a hunting party on New Year's Eve 1976, five representatives of the bourgeoisie encounter with their companion the body of a partisan from the Civil War of the late forties. What they are most confused about is the fact that the corpse that lies at their feet is still bleeding…
Sound Designer
Действие фильма разворачивается в конце 1930-х — начале 1950-х годов. В картине глазами странствующих актёров показана драматичная борьба фашистов и коммунистов на сломе исторических эпох.
The Colors of Iris
Sound Engineer
A mysterious disappearance takes place during the shooting of a commercial on the beach in the early morning hours. An unknown man suddenly comes into the shot, then walks into the sea holding an umbrella and seizes to exist, before the bewildered eyes of the whole crew. After the police are notified, a confusing array of red tape manoeuvers begins, revealing the close affiliations of the Authorities with the advertising company manager and the whole mechanism of Mass Media, all of which are trying not to investigate the event but to conceal or even exploit it in their own interest. Only the musician involved in that commercial is trying to figure out what really happened.
Days of '36
Sound Designer
The assassin of a prominent trade unionist takes a conservative MP hostage, throwing in the government into disarray.
Το Κοροϊδάκι Της Πριγκηπέσσας
Sound Recordist
Stavros has a cafe with his brother years and are the only ones in the family who care to get by. He is in love with Mary, which, however, not turning to look at him. Mary comes from an ...
Μια Ελληνίδα στο χαρέμι
Sound Recordist
Poor Rena tries to find money to pay her lottery partner because she destroyed the wining lottery-ticket.She and her brothers who try to help her end up in harem.
Sound Editor
A magistrate reconstructs the murder of Costas Ghoussis, a labourer who was killed by his wife and her lover.
Ξύπνα Βασίλη
Sound Recordist
Vasilis is a poor conservative man who works in a company and tends to buy the lottery very often - but with no luck. His life will turn upside down when his younger sister turns out to be an anarchist and gets involved with a leftist rebellious man he already knows and hates. Eventually, in an ironic twist of faith, the two of them will earn millions and gain the exact lifestyle they used to fight against and Vasilis will lose his mind.
Τα δύο Πόδια σ' ένα Παπούτσι
Sound Recordist
An Unbelievable Sucker
Sound Recordist
Thanasis and he will become barber, continuing the tradition of Chatzipapageorgakopoulokonstantinogiannopoulon in traditional shop in the neighborhood, without knowing that the court of the occupation, the German commander, Von Tzifren, has hidden a treasure. Thanasis is in love with Lisa's daughter Charoupoglou, rich neighborhood that made money held. Germany Von Tzifren is released ...
The Young Runaway
Sound Recordist
A boy escapes from the reformatory and hides in a young girl’s house. The two kids become friends...
Sound Recordist
The team of journalists of a radio show asks women on the street for their definition of the ideal man in order to conduct a search for someone to fill the bill, a specimen who has all these characteristics. The lucky guy will spend a few hours in the company of a well-known movie star
Letter from Charleroi
Everything the People Wants
Sound Recordist
Thanasis (Giannis Gionakis) succumbs to the pressure of his wife (Kati Lambropoulou) and buys an old car that turns out to be a shame. Until he can get rid of it and take back his money, there will be a number of misunderstandings and confusions, comic situations, and emotional fools.
Εταιρία Θαυμάτων
Assistant Sound Engineer
A God-fearing young man refuses to sell his, rich in ore, pasture to a mining company. So an agent of this company creates a scam of a so-called miracle in order to convince him.