Joaquín Bollo Muro


De barro y oro
Manuel, a young man of eighteen, arrives in Madrid with the illusion of being a bullfighter. On arrival he meets Juan a ruined singer in his fifties who, along with his friend Lola, will help the boy to get a chance to bullfight in a probe at the estate of a famous businessman.
De barro y oro
Manuel, a young man of eighteen, arrives in Madrid with the illusion of being a bullfighter. On arrival he meets Juan a ruined singer in his fifties who, along with his friend Lola, will help the boy to get a chance to bullfight in a probe at the estate of a famous businessman.
Malena and José are two gipsy lovers whose love is impossible: their respective families became enemies a hundred years ago...
Коплан, секретный агент FX-18
В Риме убит отравленной ядом кураре стрелой один из агентов французской секретной службы. Суперагент Франсис Коплан преследует опасных преступников. События остросюжетного фильма развиваются на яхте недалеко от Балеарских островов. Именно на яхте спрятано устройство, передающее секретные сообщения на иностранный разведывательный спутник. Коплан предотвращает шпионские замыслы противника…
Stories from Madrid
Dawn in Madrid. In the Plaza de la Cibeles begins the daily grind. The statue of the goddess, from its source in the center of the square tells the story of a man, petty speculator, owner of an old building that is going to ask Saint Nicholas for his cooperation to make it sink, and thus be able to lift a twelve-story modern building. But the inhabitants of the block have also implored the Saint to prevent this from happening.