Jos ten Klooster


Оккупированный город
Sound Recordist
Рассказ об Амстердаме, оккупированном Германией во время Второй мировой войны.
Не говори никому
Sound Recordist
Во время отпуска в Италии молодая семья из Дании знакомится с милой нидерландской парой с немым ребенком. Несколько месяцев спустя они получают неожиданное приглашение посетить загородный дом новых знакомых. Но обещавший быть приятным уик-энд постепенно становится совсем не приятным.
So What Is Love
Sound Recordist
Cato is given the opportunity to become a partner in a commercial office where there is a need for change. Cato seems to be the right person to teach the grumpy lawyers a bit of morale.
Кровавая Мэри
Sound Recordist
Мэри Ванкелмут, некогда успешная художница комиксов, живет среди проституток в амстердамском квартале Красных фонарей. Пьяная и дерзкая, она ввязывается в один конфликт за другим. Однако ошеломляющее происшествие у соседей заставляет её задуматься над образом жизни.
Sound Recordist
Наркодилер средней руки вместе с подругой Сашей и членами банды приезжает на отдых в Турцию. Шоппинг, водные аттракционы, барбекю, вечеринки дни и ночи напролет. Не особо считаясь с окружающими, члены ОПГ придерживаются строгих правил общения внутри коллектива. Однажды Саша знакомится с милыми голландскими туристами.
The Fury
Albert has always looked up to his aunt Tiny: this beautiful woman from Brabant can make any man’s heart skip a beat. Through Albert’s eyes Tiny’s life seems quite exciting. But why is she so furious at everyone and everything? It takes him half a lifetime to discover that his beloved aunt’s existence is a lot more complex than he had ever thought.
Miracle Monks
Five monks live harmoniously in the monastery but suddenly their peace is disturbed by a gang of construction workers. The leader of the church sold the monastery to the town council, and now their beloved home is destined to become a spa! The monks' desperate attempts to stop this situation seem in vain, but then - a miracle! The monastery is saved. But that is just the start of their troubles...
The Unknown Runner
Sound Mixer
A STORY OF STRUGGLE, SACRIFICE AND DEDICATION Discover the world behind the Kenyan long-distance runners. See how they train, live an work hard to realize their dreams. Follow top athlete Geoffrey Kipsang. Watch him as he trains and paces for Haile Gebrselassie, and makes his debut at the 2012 Berlin Marathon.
Anton Corbijn Inside Out
Sound Recordist
An intimate portrait of Anton Corbijn as he travels the world as a photographer, film maker and video artist…
Sound Recordist
Youssef, a professional liar, falls in love with airhead waitress Andrea. Things get awry as she never wants to date a guy who keeps secrets or lies.
Sound Recordist
A 12-year-old boy who is yet to feel the first trembles of love. He is shy when a girl calls him for a bike ride and then at the beach it becomes clear that he is a bit embarrassed of his body, as he struggles behind a towel to change into his swimming suit.