Tony Dadika


Jaci v. Solitaire
Stand Off
Dan Grant
A group of elite female bank robbers are thrown into a Mexican stand off when they discover that someone on their team might be a snitch for the cops...
Jack + Jill
An action thriller that follows two homicidal assassins, named Jack and Jill, as they take over a New York news television station and hold its employees hostage
Children of João, Brave New Baiano World
A panorama of Brazilian popular music from the 60s and 70s through the musical group Novos Baianos. A retrospective of the community lifestyle adopted by its members and the influence inherited from singer João Gilberto.
Sordid Things
A wealthy couple hires their cousin to be the surrogate for the child they are unable to have on their own, but chaos ensues when the woman holds the baby hostage for ransom. In this vicious game of cat and mouse, unlikely alliances are forged and nothing is ever what it seems.
Mr. Winters
После вступления в связь с большим количеством парней на вечеринке, Эприл делится впечатлениями в высшей школе. Ее лучшая подруга Мишель, решает последовать ее примеру и стать более сексуально продвинутой. В то же время их общая подруга Каролина настолько без ума от своего взрослого парня Райана, что не осознает, что он попросту пользуется ею. Тем временем, Джон неделю пересказывает двум своим лучшим друзьям, Колину (забитому брату Эйприл) и Тайлеру (которым увлечена Мишель) никому не известные городские сексуальные сплетни из Интернета, в которые, как в конце концов выясняется, втянуты многие. В том числе наивный ректор доктор Джордан, который оказывается отцом Мишель и мистер Кимбэл, учитель химии, делающий отчаянные попытки обольстить своих студенток.
Maniac Cop
A young woman walking home alone gets attacked by two vicious muggers in a New York City back alley. A lone cop arrives on the scene, but turns out to be anything but your average police officer.
Dan Grant
Methodic tells the story of a boy who becomes demonically possessed by an ominous presence known as "The Dollman". Forced to obey his dark half, the boy ultimately murders his parents on his birthday and is sentenced to a life under a microscope at the state mental hospital. But evil cannot be contained so easily.
The Protector
Old Protector
This is the story of a Golden Age superhero living in the Modern world. In his heyday, the Protector was greatest of all superheroes. But now, as an old man with a heart condition, this former hero is learning that even though his will might be strong, there are some things you can't save from time.