Jeanne Leblanc

Jeanne Leblanc


Jeanne Leblanc


Our Own
OUR OWN is a social suspense about Magalie, a teenager who will have no choice but to take back the reins of her own life. Against all odds.
Our Own
OUR OWN is a social suspense about Magalie, a teenager who will have no choice but to take back the reins of her own life. Against all odds.
Isla Blanca
Isla Blanca
Andres and his friends get together for a soccer game. The afternoon, that was supposed to go as usual, is troubled by the return of Kevin, whom had disappeared for days. The game will be interrupted by the sudden arrival of young men with apparent malicious intentions.
Andres and his friends get together for a soccer game. The afternoon, that was supposed to go as usual, is troubled by the return of Kevin, whom had disappeared for days. The game will be interrupted by the sudden arrival of young men with apparent malicious intentions.
10 Seconds of Carla
During a party, Gaby begins to suspect that spreading rumours of a football team gang-bang may well involve her best friend, Carla.
10 Seconds of Carla
During a party, Gaby begins to suspect that spreading rumours of a football team gang-bang may well involve her best friend, Carla.
Second Assistant Director
В основу фильма легли реальные события, случившиеся 28 июня 1969 года в баре «Стоунуолл», расположенном в Гринвич-Виллидж в Нью-Йорке. Этот бар принадлежал мафии и представлял собой, по сути, гей-клуб: здесь собирались гомосексуалы и трансгендеры со всего Большого Яблока. 28 июня в «Стоунуолл» ворвалась полиция, и это событие стало пиковым моментом в деле развития движения за права геев. Главным героем картины станет молодой человек, в котором именно после известий об облаве на геев в «Стоунуолле» проснулось политическое и гражданское самосознание.
Sullivan's Applicant
Sullivan's Applicant explores the mundane, the everyday task of commuting into a city and encountering all of the barriers and frustrations along the way. However, although the film captures this idea of 'the everyday' it also illustrates how things can happen unexpectedly, forcing us to see that things happen for a reason, and that there are silver linings to almost everything bad that comes our way. This film was part of a larger project which explored the character of the city of Montreal. Each film was to examine smaller corners of everyday life in Montreal and make those moments accessible and relatable to those who would see them.
The silence will echo us
First Assistant Director
Claude and Martin, two police inspectors, arrest Philippe, a withdrawn young man, and question him about the murder of his father.
Sortie de secours
Dans un univers post apocalyptique, deux hommes cherchent à sortir... Une mise en scène simple et efficace, bien soutenue par le jeu des acteurs, crée ce sentiment d'être pris au piège.
Sortie de secours
Dans un univers post apocalyptique, deux hommes cherchent à sortir... Une mise en scène simple et efficace, bien soutenue par le jeu des acteurs, crée ce sentiment d'être pris au piège.
One night with you
Since childhood, Samuel has always been fat. However, at age 23, his fantasies, like all man his age, turned to the pretty, thin girls. Faced with the indifference of his inaccessible desires, he try to fall back on Emily, a young woman in the same situation he is.