André Bervil

André Bervil

Рождение : 1905-01-01,

Смерть : 1972-01-01


André Bervil


Of Flesh and Blood
Garage Owner
Samuel finances his participation in a card game by stealing parts from a jeep. He cheats at cards, and has his hands broken as a consequence.
Le directeur de la prison
Молодой Гаспар, ожидающий решение суда, попадает в камеру к четырем приятелям, задумавшим побег. Пока длится следствие по их делам, они не хотят прохлаждаться впустую и готовят путь на волю. Жео, Ролан, Монсиньор и Маню посвящают новичка в свою тайну, и вот уже пять человек ломают стену в тюремном подземелье, день за днем увеличивая дыру и приближая себя к долгожданной свободе…
Les truands
Ange Bonacci
"Thieves We Are" - In flashback, the audience learns why 104-year-old Amedee steals the watch belonging to the town mayor. The story develops into a history of the watch-thievery business, told in anecdotal fashion.
Дамский портной
Париж, 1956 год. Фернан Виньяр вступает в права на владение довольно скромной мастерской по пошиву модной женской одежды. И эта увертюра заканчивается самым прозаическим образом - у нашего героя возникают немыслимые сложности как финансового, так и морального плана, так как его клиенты - просто женщины...
Girl on the Third Floor
Un commissaire
A Parisian reporter tries to exonerate a fugitive neighbor of charges he murdered his wife.
Anatole, le boulanger
Manon of the Spring
Anatole, le boulanger (uncredited)
Marcel Pagnol's adaptation of his own novel Manon des sources, the story of a shepherdess who exacts her revenge on the townsfolk she blames for killing her father, in two parts: Manon des sources and Ugolin.
Her Last Christmas
Le droguiste
A very ill little girl having expressed the wish to live until Christmas, the whole neighborhood agrees to anticipate the celebration.
Rooster in dough
A famous lawyer is irritated to see his fiancée spending her time trying to educate Languille, a tramp. Wanting to discourage his Saint-Bernard side, he asks a young engineer to introduce himself to her, under the guise of a tramp. But his plan turns against him, because the young man falls in love with his beautiful.
Life Is a Game
Evanella, who writes the “Horoscope” section of a major newspaper, and her brother Méristo, create with the help of a young journalist, Jean Lassère and the capital of their uncle Amédée, a “Bureau des Prédictions”. Success being expected, they manage to obtain revelations about a gang of gangsters which they publish as predictions. It is success and fortune. Jean marries the newspaper director's daughter and Evanella the director himself.
Employed in a beauty salon, Amédée must undergo a pentothal injection. The dose is too strong; suddenly Amédée reveals the truth to everyone; to clients of the institute; to his cheating wife; to his boss that he robs; to the tax collector; etc. When the effects of the truth serum wear off, everyone returns contentedly to their little swamp.
Keep an Eye on Amelia
Young Amélie is currently enjoying life as the kept woman of her reasonably well off boyfriend Étienne. But when Étienne is called off for military duty, he enlists his playboy friend Marcel to keep an eye on her....something of a problem seeing that he is currently looking for a woman with which to create a sham marriage so he can quickly inherit a large sum of money from his father. Then suddenly the Prince of Palestra enters into the picture and boldly asks for Étienne's romantic favors to assess whether or not he would consider taking her as his bride. What's a free-spirited girl to do?
At the Grand Balcony
World War I aviator Carbot attempts to establish a commercial airline after the war, for the purpose of delivering the mail to the outermost regions of France.
Return to Life
Bartender (segment "Le retour de René" (uncredited)
In France in 1946, the difficult return to civilian life of five deportees and prisoners of war after having lived through the hell of the Second World War.
Bonheur en location
Le marquis de Santa Lucia
Saint-Aignan needs a family. He hires people to act as his people to achieve his goal: to succeed in the business world.
The Cupid Club
Isabelle is a lawyer who has Flip, a private detective, convicted of speeding. But shortly after, a murder is committed of which Isabelle's best friend is suspected. To save her, Isabelle is forced, despite her reluctance, to ask Flip for help, who agrees to look for the culprit.
Летающий шкаф
Альфред Пюк - добросовестный налоговый инспектор живёт в одной квартире со своей пожилой тётей. Когда в одно зимнее утро мадам Лоближуа отправляется на грузовике в Клермон-Ферран, чтобы забрать оставшуюся мебель из проданного дома, её племянник убежден, что никогда не увидит её снова. И это подтверждается. На обратном пути тётя внезапно умирает, и водители грузовика, чтобы избежать проблем с полицией, помещают её тело в платяной шкаф. По приезду в Париж, пока водители объясняли всё происшедшее Альфреду, их грузовик был украден, вместе с грузом, который включает мёртвую мадам Лоближуа. Нотариус объясняет Альфреду, что его тётя не может быть объявлена мертвой, пока не будет найдено тело, и Альфред начинает поиски украденного платяного шкафа...
Cité de l'espérance
The City of Hope is the place where left-behind artists subsist by scraping by. When one of them is accused of murder, all try to find the real culprit.
3rd chimney on the right
Pierre Lavilie
The difficulty in finding accommodation in Paris, will cause many stories, between some colorful characters.
The Seventh Door
An old man about to die gives all his fortune to a young beggar he meets in an Arabian town. He takes him to his house (now the poor man's property) and he strongly advises him not to open one of the doors, the seventh door. "I could throw the key into the sea" says the young lad" No use, you'd dive to get it back". The young man is curious and he cannot resist temptation: he opens the forbidden door. A strange world is waiting for him where a girl, Leila, will be his guide .
Devil in the Flesh
Le fêtard qui annonce l'Armistice avec un jour d'avance
In France during World War I, Marthe waits for her husband, Jacques, while he fights on the front lines. Marthe then begins a tempestuous affair with 17-year-old François, with whom she had a dalliance before marrying Jacques. Jealous François struggles with the fact that Marthe is married, while she tries to prove her devotion to her young, hotheaded lover. Things become even more complex when Marthe becomes pregnant with Jacques' baby.
Le Mystérieux Monsieur Sylvain
The killer
In an aero-naval base, a marine engineer who was about to deliver the name of a redoubtable spy is murdered. Shortly afterwards three different men appear on the crime scene, each of them claiming to be Monsieur Sylvain, the expected sleuth. But which of the three investigators is actually Sylvain? And what about this delightful young lady who arouses one of the police inspectors? Couldn't she be the murderous spy?
Loves of Casanova
On his way to Paris, Casanova keeps on collecting female conquests, does not shy away from duels and gets into many a colorful adventure. Once in the capital, the fearless knight saves the honor of a great lady, conquers the niece of his implacable enemy but courts disaster for love of Coraline, a faithless opera dancer.
A wealthy man has two sons,one of them is legitimate,the other is not.The first offspring has had a life of luxury and he has become a lazy good for nothing whereas the youthful indiscretion has turned into an artist.He is nicknamed "Gringalet" .Now his father wants him to meet his half-brother ,his mother-in-law and the rest of the family. Gringalet will turn this bourgeois family upside down:they become nice,the big brother becoming a perfect businessman who stops scouring nightclubs to spend most of his time with his fiancee Josette.There's the rub,cause Gringalet is also in love with her.
Master Love
The radio reporter
Director of a music hall, the dubious Ribero, to save himself from bankruptcy, only hopes for the victory of his horse. An English lord enlists his crack Master Love in the race. Ribero will try to prevent its departure. He is thwarted in his dark projects by the lord's daughter, captain of a troop of girls, and by a wise and determined sportsman who does not hesitate, for the occasion, to become a jockey. Master Love wins the race, Ribero is confused, a few weddings are celebrated.
Барбизонское искушение
Портье издательства Мишель и сотрудница того же издательства Мартина очень любят друг друга и решают пожениться. Однажды после работы они вместе возвращаются домой и не подозревают, что всего через несколько часов их счастье окажется под угрозой. Ведь этим же вечером в маленькой загородной гостинице дяди Мартины появились два странных постояльца.
Mademoiselle X
A famous writer takes in a young amnesiac who, thanks to his care, remembers having tried to kill her unfaithful lover. He will know how to console her and share with her a new happiness.
Un moine
По новелле Проспера Мериме. Драматическая история любви Кармен, цыганки, и Дона Хосе, бригадира драконов. Из любви к прекрасному Дон Хосе становится дезертиром. Но она оставляет его ради привлекательного тореадора Лукаса. Раздираемый ревностью, солдат совершает непоправимое, убивая Кармен.
L'Enfant de l'amour
The bartender
This woman's melodrama pivots around a child that a famous actress had in her youth, but whom she has concealed from the wealthy businessman she is now with.
As her neighbor Rémi Courmont has told her off for making his ears bleed with Ravel's Bolero, a music piece she plays at full volume all the time, Anne-Marie decides to get even with him. She sets up a hoax with the complicity of her friend Catherine, who agrees to post as Remi's mistress to embarrass him. Just then, Niquette, Rémi's real lover, resurfaces.
Despite a perfect marriage and a superb career as a singer, Jean Dupray cheats on his wife. She dies while listening to the song he dedicated to her, "Maria". He then retired to the south where he led a life in complete anonymity. But his best friend's fiancé recognizes him and seduces him. Following a fight with his best friend, he decides to return to order by becoming a monk.
Happy Days
Five young people - brothers, sisters, cousins ​​- are on vacation in the countryside. Pernette suggests to Marianne, who wants to be appreciated by her cousin Olivier, to make him jealous by inventing an aviator in love. At this announcement, Olivier bursts out laughing, but an airman knocks on their door, his private plane having had a breakdown. The mirage then becomes reality, and thanks to this unexpected visit many feelings will come to light.
Monsieur Breloque a disparu
Detective Pierre Martel
The brave Monsieur Breloque has a friend, Pierre Martel, a private detective. When the latter asks him to replace him for a while, Breloque, although having no competence in the matter, accepts. He anticipates adventures and misadventures but also happy surprises.
Les Nuits blanches de Saint-Pétersbourg
Pozdnycheff, a young party animal, destroyed by his lightness the marital happiness of one of his childhood friends who committed suicide. Since then, he is haunted by the memory.
My Little Marquise
Pierre Mareuil
Jacotte, a little orphan, is adopted by two single uncles who are looking for a governess for her. Monique hides that she is very rich to be hired because she is seduced by the little girl. Her father, chocolate manufacturer and competitor of the uncles, decides to sink them. But everything works out when Monique marries one of the brothers.
Mon député et sa femme
An outgoing deputy, put on ballot, experiences many political and marital difficulties before regaining his seat. Ultimately and without suspecting it, he owes his victory obtained by a withdrawal at the last minute, to his young wife who did not hesitate to seduce the opponent.
The Beauty of Montparnasse
Mr. Pontbichot has long dreamed of cheating on his wife. To achieve his goals, he looks for a son-in-law who could help him, and finds him in the person of a young painter, who pleases his daughter.
La dame de Vittel
In Paris, Jean Bourselet, a great lover of pretty women, meets the charming Madeleine, whom men are not afraid of, and whose husband is a hotelier in Vittel. Provided with a note from his doctor, Bourselet goes off to Vittel. His wife Henriette, on her guard, joins her there and discovers that her husband is pretending to be a widower to better woo his beautiful. Henriette declares herself a widow, and flirts with a man. The lesson will bear, and after a few adventures, Bourselet is delighted to find his wife.
Les Petites Alliées
A young girl has left her family and lives as best she can on the generosity of her lovers. A naval officer introduces her to Toulon in a special environment which provides companions to sailors on leave. After some setbacks, she finds love and protection with a doctor who marries her.
Justin de Marseille
A respected gangster, Justin, finds himself in a deadly feud with his rival, the unscrupulous Esposito. The latter plans to steal a cargo of opium bound for China and to have Justin killed.
Famille nombreuse
Follenfant, father of a large family, completed late military service. He looks a lot like the commander who is shy and thanks to this resemblance, Follenfant who is also a ventriloquist, makes his superior and his own happy by marrying the widowed seamstress and mother, too, of a large family.