James Todd


High School Confidential!
Jack Staples
A tough kid comes to a new high school and begins muscling his way into the drug scene. This is a typical morality play of the era, filled with a naive view of drugs, nihilistic beat poetry, and some incredible '50s slang.
The High Cost of Loving
Marshall (uncredited)
Middle-aged middle-manager Jim Fry, with the same company for fifteen years, is in a comfortable rut. But life becomes less predictable when he doesn't receive an invitation to an important luncheon being held by the new company president. Convinced that he's about to lose his job, Jim begins to mull over his limited prospects when his wife confirms that she's pregnant.
This Could Be the Night
Mr. Hallerby
To earn extra money, a prim schoolteacher takes a second job as secretary to the uncouth owner of a boisterous nightclub.
Крылья орлов
Jack Travis
Посмертный биографический фильм о легендарном в Америке лётчике, а позднее писателе, Фрэнке Виде, сделавшем большой вклад в дело становления военно-морской авиации США.
Кто-то там наверху любит меня
Colonel at Court Martial (uncredited)
Отец юного Рокки Барабелла был известным боксером-любителем, поэтому мальчик с детства хорошо усвоил, что с помощью кулаков можно быстрее достичь желаемого. Оказавшись в тюрьме, Рокки продолжает выяснять отношения кулаками. Его замечает менеджер Ирвинг Коэн. Выйдя на свободу, Рокки, взяв фамилию Грациано, под руководством Коэна начинает выигрывать бои. Но серьезный успех приходит к нему только после того, как он встречает Норму, которая становится его женой.
The Scarlet Hour
Inspector Paley
An unhappy wife uses her powers of manipulation to draw an infatuated man into an ill-fated jewelry heist.
Восстание Кейна
Comdr. Kelvey (uncredited)
Фрэнсис, Джонсон и МакМюррэй служат на одном эсминце в начале 2-ой Мировой Войны. Новый капитан сразу же железной рукой устанавливает свою власть и обнаруживает явный невроз. Когда он схватывается с Джонсоном, последнего отдают по трибунал, и Хосе Феррер должен его защищать.
The Bigamist
Carl Forbes
San Francisco businessman Harry Graham and his wife and business partner, Eve, are in the process of adopting a child. When private investigator Mr. Jordan uncovers the fact that Graham has another wife, Phyllis, and a small child in Los Angeles, he confesses everything.
Грустная песня
Philip Norton
Одинокая звезда, комедийная актриса, встречается со слепым аккомпаниатором, ветераном войны. Она притворяется, что тоже ничего не видит, чтобы быть вместе с ним...
Sandy Comstock
Неудовлетворенная жизнью Джулия Стерджес решает отправиться за океан с двумя детьми. Ее муж, не желая терять контакт с детьми, садится на тот же корабль, чтобы приехать в Америку вместе с семьей. Корабль назывался «Титаник»…
Mr. Gardiner
Professor Brookfield along with daughters Peggy and Susan move to small town Pasadena, California. Their new neighbor Mrs. Fielding helps them move in, and urges the girls to participate in the annual Rose Bowl beauty pageant. Meanwhile Mrs. Fielding's son Tom makes eyes at Peggy but she's smitten with a famous football star so she tries to redirect his interest to Susan.
Colonel Saunders
The truthful soldier Stirling didn't know how to lie about his source of information, the talking army Mule, Francis, so he was treated as a lunatic and led to one after another hilarious situations, where the mule was the only one that appeared in his right mind. In the process of all this, the mule assisted in uncovering a spy, Mareen, who pretended to be lost among the jungles, but was actually...
Fighting Man of the Plains
Former bandit Jim Dancer becomes marshal of a Kansas town and cleans up the criminal element - with the help of his old pal, Jesse James.
Jack Sylvester
U.S. Treasury Department agents go after a ring of counterfeiters.
The Gal Who Took the West
Douglas Andrews
In order to gain passage to the West, a woman poses as an opera singer, and causes a feud between two cousins.
The Lone Wolf and His Lady
A newspaper man, and former jewel thief, is accused of gem theft.
The Luck of the Irish
Bill Clark
Following American reporter Stephen Fitzgerald from Ireland to New York, a grateful leprechaun acts as the newsman's servant and conscience.
For the Love of Mary
Justice Van Sloan
Young girl gets a job at the White House as a switchboard operator and gets mixed up in politics.
The Velvet Touch
George Tesman
After accidentally killing her lecherous producer, a famous actress tries to hide her guilt.
Careless Lady
Peter Towne
Innocent Sally Brown thinks men are only attracted to experienced women, so she poses as the wife of an unmarried businessman on a trip to Paris.
Шанс Чарли Чена
Kenneth Dunwood
Чарли является предполагаемой жертвой убийства, и он избегает смерти только случайно. Чтобы найти убийцу (поскольку убийства, конечно же, случаются), Чарли должен перехитрить Скотланд-Ярд и полицию Нью-Йорка.
Riders of the Purple Sage
Vern Venters
Lassiter's sister was killed and her young daughter taken and raised by outlaws. Years later Lassiter arrives at the Withersteen ranch looking for the now grown daughter. He immediately gets caught up in the ranch's struggle against rustlers. Trailing a rustled herd of horses leads him to the rustler's hideout and the missing daughter.