Howard J. Green

Рождение : 1893-03-20, San Francisco, California, USA

Смерть : 1965-09-02


The Hawk of Wild River
Steve Martin is sent to Wild River to recover stolen gold and finds the town is being terrorized by The Hawk and his outlaw gang. The Hawk attempts to murder Sheriff Jack Mahoney and is captured and jailed. Steve helps the Hawk break jail and thus makes contact with the bandit gang. He sends a bungling photographer, Smiley Burnette, to warn the sheriff that the gang plan to rob the express office.
Joe Santa Claus
Disgusted that he's been moved from the hardware department to duties as a department store Santa Claus and angry that his wife wants to go to work and earn money, young father Joe Peters deserts his family. While in his Santa role, Joe chances to meet his daughter and discovers what she really wants for Christmas.
My True Story
Ann Martin (Helen Walker) is serving time as a jewel thief. She is paroled and determined to stay clean. She quickly finds out that she was paroled by an old, vicious boss that has picked her for a job. It is dangerous for her to say yes or no.
State Penitentiary
A man wrongly accused of a crime must decide between getting involved in a prison break, or remaining in jail until his wife can prove his innocence.
The Winner's Circle
A Thoroughbred makes the long journey from initial training and workout to ultimate triumph as a champion horse.
The Invisible Wall
A former GI gets his old job back working for a bookie after returning from serving in the military. Unfortunately, he loses the $20,000 he was supposed to deliver to gambling and a con artist. His attempts to get the money back leads to bigger problems including a murder plot.
San Quentin
An ex-con sets up a program to straighten out hard-core prisoners. Things don't go as planned.
George White's Scandals
Two couples work through their issues in this backstage Broadway musical.
Having Wonderful Crime
Newlyweds (George Murphy, Carole Landis) drag their lawyer friend (Pat O'Brien) to a mountain resort on a search for a missing magician.
Take It Big
Jack Haley plays Jack North, the nether end of a vaudeville horse act who inherits a western ranch. When he heads to the Great Outdoors to take possession, Jack winds up at the wrong place: a swanky dude ranch. He immediately begins running things, at it's quite a while before his error is discovered. By the time he shows up at his own ranch, he's up to his ears in unpaid debts-which naturally requires a fund-raising musical show as a bail-out. Harriet Hilliard handles the romantic portion of the proceedings, occasionally dueting with her real-life husband, bandleader Ozzie Nelson.
The Racket Man
A gangster is drafted into the Army and, soon realizing how wrong his life of crime has been, agrees to help the FBI break up a black market ring by pretending to have been kicked out of service and to have resumed his old life of crime.
Doughboys in Ireland
According to Doughboys in Ireland, there were those who sang their way through WW2. Radio tenor Kenny Baker plays Manhattan orchestra leading Danny O'Keefe, who is drafted into the army along with a Ritz Brothers-like quartet called The Jesters. Stationed in Ireland, Danny believes that his New York sweetheart Gloria (Lynn Merrick) has forgotten about him, thus he inaugurates a romance with Irish colleen Molly Callahan (Jeff Donnell).
High Explosive
Mike Douglas (Barry Sullivan), owner of a nitroglycerin concern hires his old friend "Buzz" Mitchell (Chester Morris), a race-driver of midget-auto cars who has been banned from racing, to go to work hauling nitro. "Buzz" makes a play for Connie Baker (Jean Parker), Mike's secretary and girlfriend, and also for Doris Lynch (Barbara Lynn), fiancée of Connie's younger brother, Jimmy ('Rand Brooks'), and gets Jimmy to replace him on a dangerous nitro haul and Jimmy, of course, has an accident and gets killed. But "Buzz" finds a way to redeem himself. The hard way.
After Midnight with Boston Blackie
Blackie is arrested when retrieving stolen gems from a safety deposit box for a friend.
Reveille with Beverly
Beverly Ross, the switchboard operator at a local radio station, jumps at the chance to be the DJ for an early morning show before the soldiers at a nearby army camp assemble for reveille. Beverly, with her modern music, camp bulletins and chatter, is a hit with the soldiers. Beverly's younger brother and his two buddies are soldiers at the camp. The buddies vie for Beverly's attentions.
The Spirit of Stanford
Columbia's Spirit of Stanford is built around the talents of a real-life college football star, in this instance all-American quarterback Frankie Albert.
Cadets on Parade
A military school cadet runs away after failing to fit in at sports or school life. He's befriended by a newsboy and they tutor each other, but soon get embroiled in a ransom scheme.
Harmon of Michigan
A former University of Michigan football star (Tom Harmon) rejects an opportunity to play professional football. Instead, he marries his college sweetheart (Anita Louise) and begins a career as a college football coach.
The Big Boss
Why did the Governor want to resign?
The Big Boss
Why did the Governor want to resign?
The Mad Doctor
A reporter sleuths the mystery behind an oft-married Viennese doctor whose wives met mysterious fates.
Dreaming Out Loud
Lum and Abner work at a general store in Arkansas. There they get involved in some misadventures with the locals.
Curtain Call
Two theatrical producers plan to get even with a demanding actress by tricking her into starring in the worst play they can find.
Inside Story
A good-hearted reporter attempts to find the loneliest woman in New York so he can give her an old-fashioned Christmas on a farm..
Making the Headlines
Angry, because he is making too many headlines with his gang-busting activities, the police chief transfers Lt. Lewis Nagel to the sleepy suburban town of Fairview, where he is followed by reporter Steve Withers because he knows Nagel will find a story.
Making the Headlines
Angry, because he is making too many headlines with his gang-busting activities, the police chief transfers Lt. Lewis Nagel to the sleepy suburban town of Fairview, where he is followed by reporter Steve Withers because he knows Nagel will find a story.
This Way Please
A famous singer and matinée idol helps a pretty young theater usher in her dreams of becoming a singer, but when her career begins to take off and she becomes engaged to a wealthy young man, he realizes he's fallen for her and plots to break up her impending marriage.
New Faces of 1937
A crooked producer makes money from Broadway flops by selling more than 100% interest to multiple parties. He only fails if it makes a profit.
They Met in a Taxi
A cab driver takes in a young woman who claims to be a reluctant bride, and becomes involved in the search for a stolen necklace.
Devil's Squadron
In this action film, a courageous test pilot works with experimental aircraft for the US Armed Forces. When an important airplane manufacturer dies, his daughter is left to run the company. The company seems to be producing dangerous prototypes, so the woman decides to close the company.
Если бы вы только умели готовить
У автомобильного магната Джеймса Бьюкенена есть невеста, которая совершенно его не любит, и совет директоров, который никогда к нему не прислушивается. Как-то раз, сидя в раздумье на скамейке в парке, он знакомится с безработной Джоан Хоуторн, прекрасной поварихой, которая как раз ищет себе партнера, чтобы устроиться на работу «парой» (дворецкий / повар) к изысканному гурману — бывшему бутлегеру Майку Россини. Ошеломленный таким предложением, Бьюкенен без лишних слов соглашается на роль дворецкого. Но ведь когда-нибудь обязательно настанет день расплаты…
Men Without Names
A G-man woos a newswoman and corners bank robbers with a hostage in a factory.
Звезда полуночи
Тим Уинтроп просит своего друга - нью-йоркского адвоката и детектива-любителя Клея Далзелла, найти свою девушку Элис, которая бесследно исчезла в Чикаго год назад. Уинтроп не может перестать думать о ней и считает, что она находится в Нью-Йорке. Когда Клей и питающая к нему романтические чувства Донна Мантин приглашают Тима в театр на нашумевшее шоу „Полночь“, в звезде представления Мэри Смит Тим узнаёт Элис. Но девушка снова исчезает.
A bored society girl sets her sights on a dancer in a Broadway show.
The Lemon Drop Kid
The Lemon Drop Kid is a fast-talking racetrack bum who swindles $100 from an old, ailing man. He takes it on the lam with his sidekick, The Professor.
Shoot the Works
Jack Oakie stars as seedy sideshow barker Nicky, who uses everyone he meets to get ahead. Nicky isn't even above exploiting his singing sweetheart Lily (Dorothy Dell) to suit his purposes, but this time it is he who ends up the loser -- at least until he gets wise to himself.
Sing and Like it
Associate Producer
While breaking into a bank safe, a gangster overhears a bank employee singing and decides to put her in a Broadway revue
Success at Any Price
A young man ruthlessly climbs the corporate ladder only to attempt suicide when the stock market crashes.
Man of Two Worlds
A British explorer brings an Eskimo hunter to London, where he misreads a woman.
Ранняя слава
Ева Лавлейс, желающая стать актрисой, приехала в Нью-Йорк из маленького городка штата Вермонт, имея при себе только письмо от Бернарда Шоу, в котором он пророчит ей большое будущее. Она пытается попасть на нью-йоркскую сцену театра и при этом настроена решительно и оптимистично.
Я – беглый каторжник
Ветеран Джеймс Аллен отказывается вернуться на старую фабрику и постепенно деградирует. Случайно он оказывается вовлеченным в ограбление. После этого он попадает на каторгу…
They Call It Sin
An innocent, young, small town church organist is thrown out of her home, told she was adopted and that her mother was an evil woman. She follows a crush to the big-city and left fending for herself.
Blessed Event
A New York gossip columnist feuds with a singer and enjoys the power of the press.
The Cohens and Kellys in Hollywood
The Cohens and the Kellys invade a Hollywood studio after Kitty becomes the darling of the studio.
A Dangerous Affair
Holt plays police lieutenant McHenry, while Graves is his friendly rival, crime reporter Wally Cook. After the two men verbally duel over a variety of details, they hunker down to business, that of solving the murder of a lawyer who was in the midst of reading a will to a motley collection of heirs.
Maker of Men
Bob plays football badly so his father Coach Dudley, his girlfriend Dorothy and his school reject him. He joins a rival college team and aims to defeat his dad's team.
Maker of Men
Bob plays football badly so his father Coach Dudley, his girlfriend Dorothy and his school reject him. He joins a rival college team and aims to defeat his dad's team.
Slaves of Fashion
A woman owning a small dressmaker's shop decides to reopen it in Broadway in luxury at all expenses, trusting merely on the cards'premonitions. She wants her little children to pair with the richest boys. Her husband, who discouraged her, dies and the business soon takes flight.
Украденные драгоценности
У Нормы Ширер на балу украли жемчужное ожерелье. Детектив принимается искать пропажу, опрашивая всех подряд кинозвёзд.
The Princess and the Plumber
A derogated prince hopes to restore his wealth and power by marrying off his daughter to royalty. Unfortunately, she has fallen in love with a young man who has been hired to fix the plumbing in their run-down castle.
Part Time Wife
The story concentrates of neglectful husband Jim Murdock (Edmund Lowe) and his frustrated wife Betty (Leila Hyams). For lack of anything else to do, Betty takes up golf, soon achieving professional status. Meanwhile, Jim's doctor advises him to start playing golf as an outlet for his frustrations. Sure enough, Jim and Betty are reteamed on the links, and all is well -- for everyone except Betty's erstwhile beau Tommy Milligan (Tom Clifford)
Суп для придурков
Mr. Schmidt's costume store is bankrupt because he spends his time on Rube Goldberg-style inventions; the creditors send a young manager who falls for Schmidt's niece Louise, but she'll have none of him. Schmidt's friends Ted, Queenie, and some goofy firemen try to help out; things come to a slapstick head when Louise needs rescuing from a fire.
On Your Back
On Your Back is a 1930 American drama film directed by Guthrie McClintic and written by Howard J. Green. The film stars Irene Rich, Raymond Hackett, H. B. Warner, Wheeler Oakman, Marion Shilling and Ilka Chase.
Cheer Up and Smile
When a popular radio singer is knocked unconscious during a robbery, a squeaky-voiced college boy fills in for him. To everyone's amazement, especially his recent girlfriend, who just broke up with him, he becomes an overnight sensation.
High Society Blues
After selling his business in Iowa, Eli Granger and his family move to an exclusive Scarsdale area in New York, where by chance he occupies a house adjacent to Horace Divine, a wealthy businessman with whom he made his business transaction...
Down with Husbands
When their wives go on strike, two husbands form an organization they call the "Husbands Protective League".
Broadway Scandals
Ted Howard, a vaudevillian left, stranded in a tank town. A local girl, Mary (Sally O'Neil), proposes to finance a new act with her savings and the team succeeds in a minor way until Ted is discovered by Broadway femme fatale Valeska (Carmel Myers). Not wishing to stand in her partner's way, Mary nobly resigns from the act and instead accepts a minor role in the show. She proves a sensation on opening night, however, and a jealous Valeska demands her ousted. But Ted, who is in love with Mary, reorganizes their old act and they begin a new life together as man and wife.
The Long, Long Trail
Its time for the big race and its the Rambling Kid riding Dynamite versus Wilson's horse Thunderbolt. When Gyp informs Wilson that Lightning is faster, Wilson has Gyp drug the Kid's coffee just before the race.
Scenario Writer
Two Marine pilots in love with the same girl are assigned a mission to find a notorious bandit in Nicaragua. This early talkie from director Frank Capra, released in 1929, stars Jack Holt, Ralph Graves and Lila Lee.
The Donovan Affair
Inspector Killian tries to solve a murder case with his assistant Carney.
The Younger Generation
Soap-opera about a social-climbing Jewish man and his old-world parents who are heartbroken by his rejection of them. Young Morris Goldfish follows his immigrant father into business. His ruthless business practices cause him to become a big success, and he moves the family to Park Avenue. They go, but were happier back on the East Side. Morris is ashamed of this parents and his humble origins, but learns in the end that there is more to life than money.
Behind Closed Doors
Behind the doors of a foreign government's embassy in Washington D. C., a group of royal loyalists is attempting to raise funds to aid a counter-revolution and restore the deposed emperor in a new republic. They are led by an unknown leader called 'The Eagle."
The Faker
Rita Martin, the partner of a phony spiritualist who uses information supplied by her to gull and astonish the rubes, gets work as private secretary to John Clayton, a wealthy man who has just disinherited his worthless son, Frank, and left his entire fortune to his upright stepson, Bob Williams. At Frank's request, the spiritualist later performs for the elder Clayton a seance during which Rita impersonates the late Mrs. Clayton and arranges for a reconciliation between Frank and his father. Rita falls in love with Bob, however, and, in order to protect Bob's interests against Frank's, exposes the spiritualist as a faker. Frank is disgraced in his father's eyes, and Bob quickly forgives Rita for her past complicity in Frank's schemes.
The Sideshow
Melrose's circus is being threatened by his competitor, who's angry that Melrose has outmanuevered him in bookings; what he doesn't know is that the competitor has also planted a saboteur who creates accidents in hopes of reducing the value of the circus. Meanwhile, he's also hired a beautiful young woman as the magician's assistant, with eyes toward more - but he realizes that, as a midget, she won't have him.
The Sideshow
Melrose's circus is being threatened by his competitor, who's angry that Melrose has outmanuevered him in bookings; what he doesn't know is that the competitor has also planted a saboteur who creates accidents in hopes of reducing the value of the circus. Meanwhile, he's also hired a beautiful young woman as the magician's assistant, with eyes toward more - but he realizes that, as a midget, she won't have him.
The Head Man
Because he refuses to be a tool for a political mob, Watts, an ex-senator, is relegated to the public wastebasket. When he opposes a rival politician in a mayoral campaign, Watts evokes the public's sympathy and is elected to the mayor's chair, again becoming a power in local politics.
Vamping Venus
A present-day stereotypically-Irish American politician is vaulted into ancient Greece after receiving a bump on the head.
The Life of Riley
Silent comedy film directed by William Beaudine..
Младший брат
Scenario Writer
Гарольд Ллойд в роли обыкновенного парня, живущего в небольшом городке вместе с отцом и двумя старшими братьями. Отцу Гарольда, местному шерифу, в знак уважения, городская община поручила сохранить крупную сумму денег, собранную на строительство дамбы. Случилось так, что деньги из сейфа таинственным образом исчезают. В воровстве обвиняют отца, но Гарольд полон решимости во что бы то ни стало спасти честь семьи и разыскать пропавшие деньги, за одно стремясь доказать, что отношение к нему, как к незрелой личности, является несправедливым.