José Algueró
Рождение : 1914-09-28, Madrid, Spain
Смерть : 2000-09-26
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
A group of rich businessmen and military officers who are partying in an old castle are spared when a nuclear war ravages the earth. When they venture out into the nearest town to search for food and supplies, they find most of the residents blinded, and soon they discover the existence of a sinister group called The People Who Own The Dark.
Set Decoration
A killer is cleaning up the streets of Milan by murdering those considered as deviant. An ornamental dragonfly, soaked in the blood of the victim, is left on each body.
Production Design
An evil ruler uses witchcraft and evil spirits to keep his subjects in line, but the his reign of terror prompts the people to revolt.
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
Art Direction
Set Decoration
This is the fifth film to feature Spanish actor Paul Naschy as Waldemar the Wolfman. Here he comes to swinging seventies' London, seeking a cure to his malady. Unfortunately he meets Dr. Jekyll who injects him with a serum that turns him into the lascivious killer Mr. Hyde. In his top hat and black cloak, Hyde haunts the flesh pots of Soho, while two gorgeous women fight for possession of his wolfman soul... Top grade Euro-horror and definitely the craziest werewolf film ever.
Set Decoration
During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) a Republican detachment occupies a huge mansion near the front. One of the daughters of the owners of the house falls in love with a soldier, a young priest who seeks to keep hidden her condition.
Art Direction
Братья Клеменс, известные преступники, ворвались на ранчо, где жили Ханни Колдер и ее муж. Муж был убит, дом сожжен, а Ханни зверски изнасилована. Ханни поклялась отомстить и обратилась к стрелку-одиночке, чтобы тот научил ее обращаться с оружием…
Set Decoration
A prostitute promises to the Virgin Mary not to practice her trade for a year if she heals her sick child.
Art Direction
Дэвид Голт покидает своего отца, ветерана Гражданской войны, Джозиа и обосновывается в Техасе. Сын меняет свое имя, живет в относительном одиночестве, пока банда его отца не вторгается в Техас шесть лет спустя...
Art Direction
Панчо Вилья и его правая рука Фьерро сражаются бок о бок с мексиканскими правительственными войсками на стороне «истинного» президента Мадеро. Один из офицеров Вильи, корыстолюбивый Хуэрто, прибегнув к хитрости, убивает президента Мадеро и занимает место лидера Мексики. Но вскоре в сторону Мехико выдвигается пятидесятитысячная армия, во главе которой идет Панчо Вилья, требующий справедливости.
Art Direction
Продолжение легендарной «Великолепной семёрки» Некий бандит угоняет всё мужское население деревни на строительство церкви в местечке, где погибли его сыновья и практически превращает крестьян в рабов. Мужественные ковбои набирают отчаянных ребят, что бы освободить несчастных.
Production Design
Another Eurospy flick featuring Craig Hill as a secret agent.
Assistant Art Director
Франция пятидесятых годов прошла через целую цепь поражений в так называемых локальных войнах, а ее солдаты и офицеры приобрели не только бесценный военный опыт, но и неудовлетворенность и депрессии, свойственные такого рода конфликтам. С позором выдворенные из Юго-Восточной Азии, французские солдаты сразу оказываются в охваченном партизанской войной пустынном Алжире и вынуждены вступить в схватку с коварным и изощренным противником.
Set Decoration
Art Direction
Set during the Allied invasion of the island of Guadalcanal in the Pacific theater during WWII, this film is based on the novel by James Jones. Keir Dullea is Private Doll, who dreads the invasion and steals a pistol to help him protect himself. Sergeant Welsh (Jack Warden), a caustic, battle-scarred veteran, hates Doll, whom he considers a coward. In battle, Doll kills a Japanese soldier and is filled with remorse, which further angers the sergeant. The next day, an emboldened Doll wipes out an entire enemy machine gun post and begins to feel as sadistic as Welsh. The two must work together to clear away some mines, but as they do, their platoon is surprised by a Japanese raid.
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
Art Direction
Set Decoration
A parapsychology student investigates his father's death.
Set Decoration
A financier decides to take a vacation somewhere where nothing can disturb him. He travels to the south of Spain, to a small village where he lives a primitive life. A chance meeting with a young American sociologist who works to guide women towards a healthier and more comfortable life change the pace of his life.
Production Design
As the era of silent films finds itself at a close, four down-and-out silent film actors and musicians struggle to find work. Fate leads them to a former star of the silent era as she struggles to escape her reputation as a wild and evil vamp of the silver screen and longs to be just thought of as an honest and decent woman. They join forces, and for a short time have a decent amount of success singing and dancing at clubs and bars. But the public has an insatiable taste for foreign black jazz bands, and they will stop at nothing to become a success.
Set Decoration
Tom Rodriguez, a young cowboy, arrives in Torrejón City. However in Torrejón City the unsuspecting Tom is mistaken for the famous outlaw Tim El Malo and the people want to lynch him.
Art Direction
Alfredo is a cheerful party animal, son of a wealthy man. Alfredo's brother, a young very focused and mature boy, and their father try unsuccessfully to change the profligate lifestyle of Alfredo to remedy the dissolute life of the latter, which, by all indications, is clearly gay.
Set Decoration
Северная Африка. Четверка французов пробирается к своим через пустынную территорию, контролируемую немцами. Они совершенно разные по происхождению и образу мысли люди со своими достоинствами и недостатками, но их объединяет одна цель- выжить и пробиться к своим! По пути они захватывают в плен немецкого офицера (Крюгер), потомственного германского военного, человека культурного и образованного. На пути их ждут смертельные опасности и напряженные психологические ситуации. Несмотря на его отчаянное положение немец ведет себя с достоинством и не теряет надежды удрать к своим. Но и тех и других всегда что-то останавливает от жестокого соблазна застрелить беззащитного врага или бросить его без воды в пустыне, что по сути то же самое, что и расстрел.
Set Decoration
Two men, father and son, meet Carmen la Martillo, a regular at the soirees organized in the evenings of flamenco. The contact with this woman will altere their lives, especially when one death cames to scene and nobody knows where it came from.
Set Decoration
Inspired by the classic novel by journalist and writer Emilio Romero. Shortly before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), a group of Phalangist friends, who dream of a revolution to transform Spain, are dedicated to spreading their ideas among the population. As war begins, one of them, Lopez, is about to be shot, but is saved by a Republican. Then he joins the national side. After the war, an old comrade encourages him to involve in an operation to destroy the maquis of Asturias. Although he is married and has children, he accepts the proposal, infiltrates among the guerrillas and convinces them that he will provide weapons to continue fighting.
Set Decoration
A police inspector makes his service in a patrol car attenging emergency calls. A memory hauns him, the death of her daughter, who was killed hit by a car that fled. The car is located and the inspector goes there and confrontation will be violent.
Production Design
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
Pedro, a street photographer who fought during the Spanish Civil War on the Republican side, becomes obsessed with a young model.
Set Decoration
In North Africa, an anguished husband tests the character of the doctor he believes is responsible for his wife’s death.
Production Design
An American police detective's investigation into a series of murders leads him to drug smugglers in North Africa.
Assistant Set Decoration
Estrella, a wild young woman, is lusted after by every man and therefore hated by the female community.
Assistant Art Director
Ivón, a chorus girl, and Hugo, a failed writer, arrive at a seaside hotel on a stormy night, along with Carlos, Hugo's 19-year-old son. When they decide to lean over the cliffs of the coast to observe the wild dance of the turbulent waves down below, an unexpected event tragically happens.
Assistant Set Decoration
Coral is a girl who works in a Seville ceramics factory to raise her family, but her greatest illusion is to sing. She is chosen for her good voice and qualities to go to an art academy. That's the beginning of a great success in her career and an advantageous contract.