José Frade


Olea… ¡Más alto!
Self - Film Producer
An account of the life and work behind the camera of Spanish filmmaker Pedro Olea, whose very personal viewpoint, interested in all kinds of subjects, approached in very different ways, but always with a very characteristic style, has analyzed the social and political life of Spain for more than five decades.
Clawing! A Journey Through the Spanish Horror
Associate Producer
In the late sixties, Spanish cinema began to produce a huge amount of horror genre films: international markets were opened, the production was continuous, a small star-system was created, as well as a solid group of specialized directors. Although foreign trends were imitated, Spanish horror offered a particular approach to sex, blood and violence. It was an extremely unusual artistic movement in Franco's Spain.
Don Mendo Rock ¿La venganza?
Production Manager
Y decirte alguna estupidez, por ejemplo, te quiero
The adventures of a group of secondary school . Juan, one of the group, falls in love with Sara, the new girl.
El cianuro… ¿solo o con leche?
The argument between Enrique and Javier, his best friend and Marta's husband, his lover, ends with the accidental death of Javier. Faced with the difficulty of proving his innocence, Enrique decides to start, along with Marta and the corpse of Javier, a trip without direction.
El cianuro… ¿solo o con leche?
The argument between Enrique and Javier, his best friend and Marta's husband, his lover, ends with the accidental death of Javier. Faced with the difficulty of proving his innocence, Enrique decides to start, along with Marta and the corpse of Javier, a trip without direction.
Tretas de mujer
The Naked Target
A New York executive is handcuffed to a precious briefcase to which only his Spanish contact holds the key and of which many others are in hot pursuit.
На острие топора
Маленький городок потрясает серия убийств, совершаемая неизвестным в маске. По началу полиция делает все, чтобы происходящее воспринималось как несчастные случаи, и лишь после 5-6 смертей отрицать становится бессмысленно — в городе появился маньяк…
На острие топора
Маленький городок потрясает серия убийств, совершаемая неизвестным в маске. По началу полиция делает все, чтобы происходящее воспринималось как несчастные случаи, и лишь после 5-6 смертей отрицать становится бессмысленно — в городе появился маньяк…
На острие топора
Маленький городок потрясает серия убийств, совершаемая неизвестным в маске. По началу полиция делает все, чтобы происходящее воспринималось как несчастные случаи, и лишь после 5-6 смертей отрицать становится бессмысленно — в городе появился маньяк…
The Brother from Space
Rest in Pieces
A newlywed couple move into the mansion of the bride's recently dead aunt. Soon strange things begin to happen when the various tenants and servants of the mansion don't want to leave and the bride and groom are in a deadly predicament.
Comedy thriller directed by Miguel Hermoso.
The Sea Serpent
A serpent, created by radioactivity, threatens a Spanish coastal town.
La hoz y el Martínez
The Angry Cid
Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, “Mio Cid”, is in love with Jimena, but the Count of Oviedo, his father, challenges him to a duel and is killed. He before him curses Rodrigo, that if he marries Jimena, he will lose his manly faculties. And, in fact, when he gets married, Rodrigo becomes effeminate.
Juana la Loca… de vez en cuando
Good Evening, Mr. Monster
Four boys get lost in the forest in the middle of a storm and go take refuge in an abandoned mansion. There they will meet and face Dracula, the Werewolf, Quasimodo and Doctor Frankenstein. Despite the attempts of the monsters to scare them and, in passing, recover the lost prestige, the boys, with the help of Count Dracula's son, will face the evil creatures.
Cristóbal Colón, de oficio... descubridor
Buscando a Perico
El primer divorcio
Magical Witches
The National Mummy
Saturnino, a young archaeologist, bourgeois and wealthy, lives in a luxurious mansion. He receives a visit from his old teacher, Don Felipe, accompanied by his daughter and a monumental mummy he has just discovered in one of his excavations in the Upper Nile. The Mummy, was in his time a princess and has on his bandages a curse, that when it breaks ... it will be dedicated to chasing and raping all the men it finds in its path.
¡Qué gozada de divorcio!
The Vocational Masseur
A soccer player is injured and decides to recuperate at a secluded villa accompanied by a sexy masseuse.
El erótico enmascarado
Волшебное зелье
Пако в сопровождении своего друга Артуро направляется в старинный горный замок, где его ждет очаровательная невеста Сульфурина. Правда, семейное гнездышко красавицы на поверку оказывается мрачноватым местом, где гостей встречают разлегшиеся в тени виселицы скелеты, но мало ли какие странности бывают у хозяев. Впрочем, оказавшись в самом замке молодые люди обнаруживают еще много необычного. Для начала, хозяин поместья и отец невесты оказывается мертв и лежит в гробу, окруженном черными свечами. Священник отчего-то носит на груди перевернутое распятие, а в доме шагу некуда ступить, чтобы не наткнуться на статую некоего козлоподобного существа. Слегка растерявшись от такой обстановки Пако и Артуро не заметили, как поменялись ролями.
L'anello matrimoniale
Monica, the young wife of a luminary plastic surgeon, and the mother of a little girl, is tempted to sleep with a handsome neighbor: Giorgio, the owner of a beauty salon and the father of a boy. Since she is very much in love with her husband, she asks him for permission to yield to Giorgio, very insistent on her point. The surgeon, tolerant, gives her permission ...
Действие происходит в Триесте (в Италии) в 1911 году. Эрнесто — испорченный подросток из средних слоев общества. Он — молодой симпатичный клерк работает в конторе итальянского порта Триест и мечтает стать скрипачом. Внезапный роман с красавцем рабочим открывает для него мир чувств, которым он не хочет противостоять, но он боится быть арестованным за свою гомосексуаьность и прерывает связь с парнем. Через некоторое время Эрнесто знакомится с красивым мальчиком Илио и его сестрой Рашелью. Их знакомство начинает перерастать в роман, в то время как все считают, что он влюблен в его сестру Рашель.
La ocasión
Rare Ramón Larraz thriller in which Teresa Gimpera and her husband get terrorized by a gang of hippies.
A Man Called Autumn Flower
Lluis de Serracant leads a double life. By day he's a young lawyer, scion of a Catalan bourgeois family. At night he's a transvestite performer known to his fans as "Flower of Autumn".
Пришествие греха
Суеверная служанка, которой снятся кошмары о голом мужчине верхом на лошади, приезжает жить к одинокой художнице в ее загородный замок. По мере того, как художник берет девушку под свое покровительство, между ними завязываются чувственные отношения.
At the end of the Civil War, a Union soldier is released from prison and travels with a fellow prisoner to Missouri where his travelling companion is shot and hung for horse stealing. California decides to take the dead companion's belongings to his family's ranch, where he falls in love with his friend's sister. But then the "ghosts" of the war return in an unexpected way haunting him again.
Secretos de alcoba
The Clear Motives of Desire
A morbid curiosity leads Andrea and her friends to spy on a couple of young people during their amorous outings. Javi, the boyfriend, feels bothered because that situation, but ignores that Andrea is attracted to him.
Uno del millón de muertos
La Corea
Toni is a seventeen year old young man who comes to Madrid from a little village in search of work. A friend from the same village of Toni puts him in touch with Charo, "La Corea", a mature woman dedicated to facilitating contacts and boys to American men at the military base of Torrejón.
The Shameful Secret of a Good Boy
Долгие каникулы 36-го
Лето 1936-го года несколько семей из Барселоны привычно собирались провести в своих загородных домах. Но началась гражданская война, и отпуск для большинства из них затянулся на три года. Несмотря на то, что симпатии невольных дачников разделились между разными сторонами конфликта, все они прекрасно понимали, что выжить в начавшемся противостоянии могут только вместе, какие бы власти не сменялись на их многострадальной земле…
Las delicias de los verdes años
In the Middle Age, a farmer named Mauro is heading to Madrid following the last will of his father.
La siesta
The seemingly peaceful life of a little village located in the Spanish Levant hides the most turbid and ardent passions. Calixto, a repairman of television antennas, is required by the fiery midwives to quench their sexual instincts.
La trastienda
Pamplona (Spain), 1975: Dr. Navarro, a famous doctor in the city, feels strongly attracted to Juana, his nurse, who is also in love with the doctor. Navarro, however, moved by his strong religious convictions (in fact, he is a numerary member of Opus Dei) remains faithful to his wife and tries by all means to prevent that their relations with Juana break through professional boundaries. For the purpose of that, he orders the nurse will sent to another hospital. This will push Juana to take the initiative and provoke the doctor during San Fermines.
Blanca's Weddings
A divorced woman is abandoned by her betrothed on the eve of her second marriage, and resigns herself to a humdrum life with her first husband.
Ready, Aim, Fire!
Madrid, in the forties. In the post-war period, Paca, a chorus girl who aspires to enter the Celia Gámez Company, returns to Madrid after a provincial tour. In the same train travels Luis, undocumented young person to whom Paca allows him to spend the night in the room where she lives with her sick father. Paca's relationship with Julio, a mogul without remorse, offers her financial support, but Luis gives her the tenderness and love she does not have with Julio.
Doctor, me gustan las mujeres, ¿es grave?
A rich emigrant returns to Madrid where he meets the beautiful Amparo . The girl, however, lives a secret affair with a priest
A rich emigrant returns to Madrid where he meets the beautiful Amparo . The girl, however, lives a secret affair with a priest
La revolución matrimonial
Begoña and Pedro are stuck. Despite having been married for many years, now the only thing they have in common is a son obsessed with basketball. A new conjuncture will cause love to resurface.
The Girl from the Red Cabaret
Harvey hires Mary to seduce his rival Larry and help him gain his revenge. But Maria and Larry fall in love and things become complicated.
Las señoritas de mala compañía
A Chaste Spanish Man
Don Santiago, a forty-year-old owner of a pastry shop in Madrid de los Austrias, receives surprising news: a woman, in fact his real mother, leaves him with a brothel in England.
Капля крови, чтобы умереть любя
Действие происходит в ближайшем будущем. Шайки бандитов на мотоциклах терроризируют обывателей, в секретной лаборатории ведутся эксперименты по контролю над мозгом, медсестра пытается облегчить конец смертельно больным людям. Но какова реальная цель этого ангела милосердия?
The Vampires' Night Orgy
A busload of tourists stops in to visit a small European town. What they don't know is that the town is completely inhabited by vampires.
Los días de Cabirio
Los días de Cabirio
You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor's Wife
Préstame quince días
A wealthy landowner haunted by the spectre of his dead mother has a fling with a beautiful fugitive who bears a striking resemblance to his missing wife, who may have been murdered.
Холодные глаза страха
Герой-адвокат, чей дядя несколько лет назад несправедливо приговорил к тюремному заключению человека. Однажды ночью вместе с проституткой он попадает в плен к психопату Вольфу и его близкому другу Матеосу. Оказывается, что Вольф — это тот человек, который был осужден его дядей, и теперь он ищет судебные документы из своего дела, чтобы реабилитировать себя. Он подкладывает динамит в офис бывшего судьи. Герой понимает, что безумец полностью потерял над собой контроль.
Ящерица в женской коже
Молодая женщина обвиняется в убийстве шумной соседки, которое ей недавно приснилось. Теперь ей нужно выяснить, совершила ли она преступление в реальности или все это лишь страшный сон.
Торговец оружием Йолаф Петерсон собирается провернуть сделку с партизаном Монго. Однако деньги Монго заперты в банке, а комбинацию от сейфа знает лишь профессор Ксантос, находящийся под стражей у американцев. Йолаф соглашается освободить Ксантоса и в сопровождении лейтенанта Васко отправляется в стан американского флота.
Торговец оружием Йолаф Петерсон собирается провернуть сделку с партизаном Монго. Однако деньги Монго заперты в банке, а комбинацию от сейфа знает лишь профессор Ксантос, находящийся под стражей у американцев. Йолаф соглашается освободить Ксантоса и в сопровождении лейтенанта Васко отправляется в стан американского флота.
Грязные фото для дамы вне всяких подозрений
Молодая жена бизнесмена по имени Мину прогуливаясь по ночному городу подвергается нападению со стороны какого-то странного человека который говорит, что знает об убийстве, которое совершил её муж.
Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Fifth Floor Neighbour
Executive Producer
Pedro, a handsome gynecologist who lives in Toledo (Spain), does not have just a clientele due to the jealousy that his sex appeal causes in the husbands and boyfriends of his patients. To make matters worse, his mother still treats him like a child and the traditionalist members of his girlfriend's family don't look kindly upon Pedro. But on a trip to Madrid to attend a conference on medicine he meets Antón, his effeminate neighbor of the fifth floor, whose fashion boutique for women thrives thanks to the complicity he knows to establish with his customers.
La tonta del bote
Executive Producer
Susana is an unappreciated, naive and somewhat clumsy orphan who has lived since she was a child at doña Engracia's house, because her mother died a few days after she was born. In this house, which also houses three nephews of doña Engracia without a penny to one's name, Susana is the maid of all. Economic necessities lead Engracia to rent a room. Felipe, a handsome man with a bad reputation, will reply to the ad.
Challenge of the McKennas
A former priest becomes embroiled in the drama raging between a Mexican rancher, his unhappy daughter and psychotic son whilst dealing with his own issues of guilt and a loss of faith. A new relationship with the local brothel keeper seems to offer a fresh start but the rancher and his son are set on making him pay for his interference and his own inner demons are never far away.
A Bullet for Rommel
Executive Producer
During World War II, a tough officer organizes a commando raid into Germany.
Panthers Eat the Rich
Executive Producer
In order to access a more important position in the company, Don José, a wealthy bachelor, must get rid of his lover. To try to achieve this, he must get her romantically entangled with his friend Vicente.
A Nun at the Crossroads
During an uprising in the Belgian Congo, a convent of nuns are besieged and the Reverend Mother is killed and Sister Maria is raped. Returning to Belgium, Sister Maria finds out to her horror that she is pregnant. Rejected by her family and her sister, she is told by the Vatican that she is supposed to either give the baby to the church and still be a nun or keep the baby and leave the order. This film follows her decision.
Django Does Not Forgive
A halfbreed seeks revenge for the death of his sister, who kills herself after being raped by an officer of the Canadian Mounted Police. He gets involved in the historical revolt of halfbreeds and Indians led by Louis Riel in 1885 against the Canadian government.
Левша Джонни Уэст
Одинокий стрелок Джонни Уэст ссорится с нехорошими парнями на золотом руднике. После чего ему приходится собирать команду, чтобы справиться с негодяями ...
Los cuatreros
Production Manager
A band of fierce rustlers is ravaging the region of Las Cruces. Appears an outsider who saves the ranch owner "The Spur" of being kidnapped by members of the band. Thankfully, he was appointed foreman, and his daughter is in love with him. But things are not what they seem and there are murky intrigues in the background.
Relevo para un pistolero
Production Manager
A stranger from Boston offers a notorious Arizona outlaw a job he can’t refuse.