Carmen Sevilla

Carmen Sevilla

Рождение : 1930-10-16, Sevilla, España


Carmen Sevilla


Barefoot in the Kitchen
What was the role of women in Spanish cinema from the 1930s to the present explained through fragments of different films, both fiction and non-fiction. (Followed by “Manda huevos,” 2016.)
El asalto al castillo de la Moncloa
Carmina (archive footage)
In the style of Woody Allen's "What's Up, Tiger Lily?", this is a comedic redubbing of "Los Amantes del desierto (1957)" that became a spoof of the Spanish political situation of its day.
The Woman
Psychological horror.
The Apolitical Man
Enrique Tolosa is a boss administrator of a small company which employs 50 workers. There never has gotten into politics, has made ​​himself stood professionally and created a family and no one has asked opinion on how would be the destiny of their country. The story begins whenheI first asked to give their vote at the polls for the election of political parties. With the decision to vote is faced with doubt and decides to investigate on their own to know which political trends that are managed as possible, is the one he goes to his temperament.
A child is witness to an assault on a monk by the gang of Lorenzo the Fifth. The monk escapes and takes refuge in the estate of Doña Carlota, a countess who lives with her son Juan and daughter Beatriz. Basilisa, the maid, conjures the devil to free her son from an irreversible illness, but to do so the evil must be transmitted to an innocent soul, and for that she chooses Beatriz. The child begins to be the victim of a possession, for which everyone blames the monk.
Guerreras verdes
Dolores / Rosa
Nosotros, los decentes
La Promesa
La noche de los cien pájaros
The young Enrique leaving to study at the University and is married to Juana. One day he meets a painter who takes Enrique into another life and confused begin to think about taking some drastic measures.
Death of a Hoodlum
A jewel heist goes wrong, resulting in several deaths. Naschy is left with the loot and he takes off with the the cash before the gang is supposed to meet back up. Gang leader Frank Brana sets out to track down the man and the jewels with the help of his gang.
Canciones de nuestra vida
Terapia al desnudo
Doctora Sol Esteve
Cross of the Devil
A British novelist travels to Spain to visit his sister. However, when he arrives he discovers that she has been murdered by a gang of devil-worshiping bandits called the Devil's Cross.
Una mujer de cabaret
Rita Medina
House of the Damned
A young woman just released from a mental institution returns home to her mansion and faces a new set of horrors.
Sex o no sex
Paco, a frustrated office worker, goes to the office of a psychologist, to whom he tells his most delirious sexual fantasies in the hope that he will apply a curative therapy. Unfortunately, the doctor will end up confessing that he can not help, because he lives with a doll that has become his companion sentimental.
Dormir y ligar: todo es empezar
Herself (uncredited)
It's Not Good for a Man to Be Alone
Martín is a tormented and solitary man who hides a shameful and unspeakable secret: he lives with a life-size doll which he treats as if it were his wife. This idyliic, loving existence will be gravely threatened when a prostitute, her daughter, and a pimp enter his life.
Никто не услышал ее крик
Элиза за приличные деньги становится на несколько дней любовницей старых богатеев. Однажды она отказывается от очередной встречи и не летит в Лондон, чтобы отправиться в свою новую квартиру в фешенебельном доме. Ночью Элиза слышит крики: это Мигель ссорился со своей супругой. Чуть позже за дверью послышалась какая-то возня и Элиза решила посмотреть, что там творится и это было роковой ошибкой. Открыв дверь, женщина увидела Мигеля, который сбрасывает труп своей жены в шахту лифта. Теперь она стала свидетелем убийства, а убийца не оставит её в покое. Он врывается в её квартиру и предлагает два варианта решения проблемы: либо он убивает Элизу, либо она становится его соучастником и помогает замести все следы. Естественно, женщина выбирает последнее и вместе они успешно избавляются от трупа. Но она ещё не знает, что Мигель рассказал ей далеко не всё и что у этой истории будет очень неожиданная развязка…
Антоний и Клеопатра
Воссоздана история любви великого римского полководца Антония и восточной красавицы Клеопатры, трагического самоубийства обоих.
The Boldest Job in the West
A bandit gang successfully executes a complicated bank heist but disagreements arise in the aftermath.
La cera virgen
María works in a hostess bar in Madrid because, forced by the Puritans of her little village, she had to leave accused of public scandal just for having kissed her boyfriend. María, together with her three sisters, decides to return and builds a club in the village faced with the scandalized don Florencio, a repressed banker and overlord who secretly desires María. In order to go unnoticed, María and her sisters run the club through a wax-chandler's shop where the majority of men of the village will parade, which excites even more the lascivious and hypocritical don Florencio.
Embrujo de amor
The plot is situated in the Duchy of stultus, more precisely at the Primrose Valley, a place that one day is visited by an old caravan under the command of Chief Servant. Among them is Toxzo, a gypsy prince whose entourage is dedicated to breeding race horses. The young gypsy fall soon surrendered to the charms of Sovira, the daughter of the Duke ...
El apartamento de la tentación
Juliet and Alberto are a marriage in which peace reigns home. Mood surely be upset if Juliet suspecte that her her husband uses the vet who runs to assist clients instead of animals.
Стеклянный потолок
Марта проводит дни в одиночестве, пока ее муж находится в командировке. Со временем ее начинают пугать шаги, раздающиеся каждую ночь с верхнего этажа. Соседка пытается убедить ее, что эти шаги принадлежат ее мужу, когда он возвращается с работы. Но Марта не верит этому и начинает собственное расследование.
A Lady Called Andrew
From the Olymp the gods keep an eye on a married couple whose disputes are endangering the stability of their marriage. In order to repair the relationship they use unconventional methods...
Enseñar a un sinvergüenza
Rosana Cubero
Rosana is an attractive teacher who is losing his youth with such discipline in the study. When suddenly bursts into his life a perfect cheeky who lives of game and odd jobs as photographer, but wants to acquire a little culture for personal reasons. So he hires the services of the best teacher of the place ...
El relicario
Virginia / Soledad
While watching on television a bullfight where his son Luis acts, the matador Rafael Lucena dies of a heart attack upon discovering Virginia in the bullring, a woman who looks like Soledad. Soledad was his father ‘s, Manuel Lucena, great love. Both Luis and his brother Alejandro meet the singer Virginia and fall in love with her but when Luis suffers serious goring, he begins to think that Virginia brings bad luck.
Un adulterio decente
Federico is having an affair with Fernanda, which he believes widow, when in fact she is married. When the trick is discovered, a doctor appears very opportunely saying that infidelity is a disease caused by bacteria and has no cure. In his private clinic he applies a treatment that consists of locking up every adulterer with his mistress.
El taxi de los conflictos
Musical. Thaddeus (Juanjo Menéndez) is a taxi driver who is about to experience a busy work day. Throughout the day you climb into his cab heteogéneos the more characters, which give rise to the most varied situations. When one of them left in the taxi leaves a baby, Thaddeus will have to find out who's not forget that at the end of the day has a date with a mysterious woman (Concha Velasco), apparently, have to tell you something very important.
La guerrillera de Villa
Camino del Rocío
Esperanza Aguilar
Esperanza and Maria Jesús are two orphans because their father, Don Fernando, dies. He shared his buissines with Martina Echave, an old lover, who hated him because she has always wanted to marry him. Esperanza and Maria Jesús fall almost into ruin for Matinas' handling. They had to take refuge with their aunt. Esperanza is Martinas' soon's girlfriend against her will, and they have a stormy relationship because José Antonio is also in love with her.
Operación Plus Ultra
Crucero de verano
Patricia is guide of a travel agency. One night, when accompanying a group of tourists through the old Madrid, she meets Carlos and falls for him. Days later, Patricia embarks on a summer cruise meeting up again with Carlos. The romance begins, but Patricia is not the only one chasing Carlos. Three villains want to kidnap him
El balcón de la Luna
Charo Ríos
Buscando a Mónica
Mónica Durán
A man has a street accident with his car in his way to Buenos Aires. While he waits for his car repairing, this business man learns that everybody in the little town where he's stuck seem to know about his wife Mónica. He knows little about her past, but the reactions of the townsfolk towards him range from laughing at his back to practically don't want him around. He won't leave the town until he could learn more about the secret past of his wife. But the former life of the young beautiful mother of his daughter involves a turbulent story.
Царь царей
Mary Magdalene
Блаженны нищие духом, ибо их есть Царство Небесное. Блаженны плачущие, ибо они утешатся. Блаженны кроткие, ибо они наследуют землю. Блаженны алчущие и жаждущие правды, ибо они насытятся. Блаженны милостивые, ибо они помилованы будут. Блаженны чистые сердцем, ибо они Бога узрят... Потрясающее кинополотно, нестареющая классика о жизни Величайшего из великих, когда-либо ходивших по этой грешной земле - Иисусе Христе.
Bread, Love and Andalucia
Carmen García
Determined to postpone his own wedding, a former marshal leaves his bride-to-be and participates in an international music festival in Spain, where he falls for a young dancer.
Andrea Díaz
Хуан Диас возвращается в родную деревню после окончания тюремного срока за убийство, которого он не совершал. Его сестра Андреа убеждает его отомстить брату убитого Луису, показания которого отправили Хуана в тюрьму. В свою очередь, мать Луиса заставляет своего сына отомстить за смерть брата. Вынуждаемые к смертельной вражде молодые люди, тем не менее, вынуждены на время объединиться – ведь приближается время жатвы, дающей поденным рабочим возможность заработать. Однако в деревенской артели не хватает рабочих рук, и там очень надеются на помощь молодых и сильных Хуана и Луиса. Вместе с ними на заработки отправляется и Андреа…
Secretaria para todo
Cristina is the perfect secretary. She helps her boss to get an important contract with an holand businessman. He goes to Madrid to get married with a spanish girl similar to Cristina, but she hesitates between the foreign and Lorenzo, her co-worker.
Desert Warrior
Princess Amina
Omar Sultan's army has been defeated. However, Prince Said, son of the Sultan died, encourages people to form an army and fight again to Ibrahim. The town gets excited and running quickly, while crossing the desert, they encounter the enemy caravans and raid without knowing that one of them is Fatima, daughter of Ibrahim, who poses as a singer of the harem. Said, dazzled by the beauty of the girl, released. But soon after, Fatima, who also doesn´t know the origin of the robber, sees him again, and among them born a strong attraction.
Spanish Affair
Mari Zarubia
Merritt Blake, an American architect who is travelling in Spain, contracts the services of beautiful local interpreter Mari Zarubia. Sensing there may be something more going on, her jealous lover is not happy about the arrangement.
Новый дон Жуан
После очередного любовного приключения Дону Жуану грозит смертная казнь. Его слуга Сганарель вынужден выдать себя за своего господина, чтобы спасти ему жизнь. Сганарель становится настоящим героем-любовником! Но как не просто быть донжуаном, когда всю жизнь был всего лишь скромным слугой… Вместо своего хозяина неуклюжий Сганарель вынужден скрываться не только от разгневанных мужей, но и от сгораемых от любви почтенных синьор. Сердцеед приговорен к сожжению заживо. Но герои не горят, как не горят любовь и легенды…
La fierecilla domada
Catalina de Martos y Ribera
The Miller's Saucy Wife
Lucía Villanueva
In a region of Andalusia, all the men lust after the miller's young wife.
Congress in Seville
Carmen Fuentes
Carmen is a Spanish emigrant in Stockholm who does not have the money to run her business or buy a ticket back to Spain. Thanks to a misunderstanding she meets Dr. Petersen who has an invitation to a medical congress in Seville and does not plan to attend. Carmen uses the ticket and impersonates the doctor just enough time to get to the city, but then she will be forced to keep the lie.
A rancher fleeing from marriage is conquered by a Spanish singer.
Un caballero andaluz
Esperanza 'Colorín'
In the farmhouse Los Laureles, owned by Don Juan Manuel Almodovar, wealthy Andalusian landowner, everything is being prepared to receive José Luis, only child of Juan Manuel, who is being educated in a Jesuit school in England and is returning for a holiday with his father. Since the death of his wife, Juan Manuel has set all his love in his son. The father does everything his child says, even when he is asked to accompany him to the Venta del Remedio where a blind gypsy called "Colorín" lives. But at the after party a serious accident occurs
Love on Wheels
A taxi driver participates in a singing contest of a radio station for non-professionals and enters the final round. Being among the finalists he meets at the radio station a famous singer and falls in love with her.
La belle de Cadix
A group of French filmmakers travel to Andalucia for film a movie titled" Beauty of Cadiz". It stars are Carlos, a famous heartthrob, and an unknown gypsy named Maria-Luisa.
Gitana tenías que ser
Pastora de los Reyes
Pastora de los Reyes is a beautiful Spanish that goes to Mexico with a contract to film a movie. The main actors will receive her at the airport, among them is Paul, a little-known mariachi that has been chosen to become a new idol. Automatically, both had bad relations and during filming many discussions happens. This arguments gives way to a deep love.
María Eugenia Bazán
Reporters compete for cash prize awarded for biggest scoop on New Year's Eve.
Imperial Violets
Feather in the Wind
Héléna Châtelain
Carlos, veterinary, poet, musician in his spare time and a fun-minded Don Juan,pretends to be his friend Fernando who has inherited a pharmacy in Madrid. There he meets an old girl friend that attracts him.
La hermana San Sulpicio
Gloria Alvargonzález / Hermana San Sulpicio
Gloria and Ceferino are two antithetical characters. He is a Galician doctor, serious and upright; she, on the other hand, is a beautiful and rich Andalusian with an extroverted and dominant character. However, Gloria makes a surprising decision: to become a nun. Coincidentally, she goes to a hospital where Dr. Ceferino is the director.
Love and Desire
Lola - sa finacée
A French crew is working on location in Spain. But when they want to film a scene in which Gérardn the male star is supposed to be swimming across a river, the matinée idol proves water-shy and the director decides to double him. The one that replaces him is Antonio, a local fisherman. The latter does the job so well that he is chosen as a stunts man for the whole film. This does not please Lola,his fiancée; all the more as Antonio has fallen in love with Martine, the female star.
Dolorès / Estrellita
Having fallen out with his girlfriend Dolorès, Juanito leaves for Mexico, where he becomes a famous matador.There he meets a Viennese singer, Fanny Miller, who falls for him so much so that she intercepts the letters Dolorès keeps on sending him. In desperation, Dolorès devotes all her time and efforts to dance and she becomes the celebrated dancer Estrellita. After a series of misunderstandings and ups and downs, the sun of Andalusia will finally reunite the two lovebirds.
El sueño de Andalucía
Dolores / Estrellita
Juanillo is in love with Dolores, the daughter of the owner of an inn. He likes to sing, she likes dancing. After the village festivals, where Juanillo has acted as a bullfighter and Dolores has performed, he has been hired as bullfighter for a tour in America. They exchange vows, but their letters will be intercepted.
Cuentos de la Alhambra
Mariquilla is a beautiful gypsy who is in love with Lucas, a soldier of the garrison in the Alhambra, but her father wants to marry her with Don Cosme, a rich old clerk for the service of the mayor. Soon, the girl asks for help to the governor of Granada, a gentleman who has always had a great adoration for the girl.
La Guitarra de Gardel
A young man is dedicated to singing, but only for his friends, and his godfather wants him to do it professionally.
Filigrana is in the prime of his career. His dressing room is full of flowers and always the same fan: William Harrison who asks her to marry him. Watermark says he heard those same words in the mouth of another man, the Earl of Montepalma, player and womanizer who loved and yet humiliated by a gypsy.
Jalisco canta en Sevilla
Araceli Vargas
A charro and his sidekick go to Spain to collect an inheritance.
The Unruly Girl
Mari Pepa
Adaptation of the operetta of the same title. Mari Pepa, who works as a laundress, has gone to live in the neighborhood courtyard house, which is also tenant Felipe, who courted.
Serenata española
Clementina (joven) (uncredited)