Suman and Vijay Rai are childhood friends who are heart-broken when Suman's dad decides to move away. Both have a heart tattooed on their arm to remember each other for the rest of their lives. Years later, they unknowingly meet each other, however Suman is married to Vijay's brother, Prakash, while Vijay is married to a wealthy woman, Rita.
When Amba gets her son Rajendra arrested for sexually assaulting their servant's daughter, Rajendra's wife wreaks havoc into their lives as she vows to avenge him.
Pavitra's dad
Говинда — простой деревенский парень — почитает как Бога своего старшего брата Дхарама. Когда в их дом входит невесткой Павитра, между ней и деверем завязываются очень теплые отношения. Вскоре Говинда влюбляется в сестру-близняшку Павитры — Гиту. Но радужные планы молодого человека срывает тхакур Дханешвар, который врывается в мирную жизнь семьи, оставляя за собой лишь пепелище...
Ram Kishan
Тхакур Каран Синх никогда не верил в любовь. Он глубоко убеждён, что брак абсолютно ничего не значит, и что это просто дань бюрократии. Но сын Тхакура не согласен со своим отцом. Пытаясь уйти из под влияния папы, он сбегает из дома и женится на цыганке. Проходит много лет, и Тхакур получает письмо, в котором говорится, что сын Амара оказался один, и теперь он живет на Гоа в чужой цыганской семье. Тогда на остров отправляется еще один сын Тхакура, Паван, который, приехав на место, влюбляется в цыганку Дильрубу, воспитывающую внука Тхакура.
Vasil-Ul-Hassan Khan
Однажды певце Амрит ввязывается в переделку после знакомства с мошенником Бхагаватом. Теперь для полиции он является преступником, и молодому человеку приходится скрываться от страж закона. Амрит попадает в железнодорожную катастрофу. После этого раненого парня принимают в дом Сахиба, где Амрит влюбляется в младшую дочь хозяина дома.
Sheela's Father
Ананд не знал другой семьи, кроме своего друга Виджея и его матери, которая воспитала обоих. Виджей и Ананд работают в одной фирме, а секретарь Шила втайне любит одного из друзей. Она вдова, но это известно лишь её близкой подруге. Ананд влюблен в студентку Ашу, и она также отдала свое сердце Ананду. Однажды, грозовой ночью, случай приводит Ананда в дом Шилы.
«Не в деньгах счастье...» — решает молодой парень Мохан и против воли своего отца, женится на бедной девушке Радхе. Раскаявшись, отец призвал к себе сына, и поведал ему тайну сокровищ. Четыре внука — четыре ключа от сокровищницы. «Не в деньгах счастье, а в их количестве» — решает негодяй Лалчанд, возжелавший завладеть сокровищами, и убивает старика. Однако ему не удается скрыться от полиции, и его приговаривают к 20 годам лишения свободы. Лалчанд клянется отомстить. Судьба-злодейка наносит еще один удар... Радха, во время бури, теряет своих четырех сыновей и сходит с ума. Прошло 20 лет..
Dr. T.N. Kaul
Gauri lives a poor lifestyle in a small town in India along with her maternal uncle, Pandey, and aunt, Parvati. Pandey is the peon for the District Forest Officer, and his wife and Gauri assist him in cooking, and cleaning the officer's living quarters. When Jain retires, he is replaced by a much younger officer, Vikas Kashyap, whose family, consisting of two married brothers, their wives, and his widowed mother, live a wealthy lifestyle in Bombay. Vikas takes over the job, and a few days later his mother also comes to live there. Gauri falls in love with Vikas, and is convinced that he, too, is in love with her. She even undertakes the Karva Chauth Vrath - little realizing that Vikas is in love with London-based Sonia, and their marriage will soon be finalized.
Жизнь Биджи рушится после трагической гибели ее возлюбленного Раджу. Однако, когда она встречает Викки, ее ждет еще больший шок.
As his dying wish, Seth, a wealthy businessman, is determined to meet the love of his grandson and heir, Prem. Unfortunately, Prem's girlfriend, Rita, is detained on out-of-town business, so the young man hires Kammo to play the part. Prem receives his grandfather's blessing on the union, but when Rita returns to unveil the truth, Seth stands by Kammo as his final choice. Now, Prem either must return to Rita or trust his grandfather's decision.
Mr. Ilahabadi
На бедную семью, которой и так не везет в этой жизни, посыпались одно несчастье за другим. Глава семейства вынужден был податься в бега, он скрывается от бандитов. Его жена от горя ослепла и сильно заболела. А их маленькие сыновья оставшись без присмотра родителей, потерялись. У каждого мальчика судьба сложилась по-своему. Мальчики вырастают, но они пока даже не подозревают друг о друге. Но, все-таки судьба благосклонна к ним и братья встретятся и обретут друг друга.
Shekhar is a poor orphan who along with his trusted lieutenant Birju runs a garage. Shekhar dislikes women, has lost his faith in God and enjoys to spend time with his friends Bill and Harry. One night, When Birju introduces him to Kanchan, a runaway, he refuses to have to do anything with her, but when he finds out that her uncle, Shivraj, has offered a reward for her return, he decides to befriend her and both fall in love. The two get married and are blessed with a son. Their harmonious life enters trouble when Shekhar is given a suitcase by his friend, Bill, who eventually ends up dead. Shekhar finds stolen diamonds inside the suitcase and decides to keep them, much to Kanchan's displeasure. After being betrayed by one of his own in pursuit of the diamonds, Shekar finds out that two gangs, headed by Munne Khan and George Shekhar have abducted Kanchan and his son. How far will Shekhar go to set things right and rescue his family?
Inspector Shiv Nath is a honest and diligent police officer in Bombay, and lives with his wife, Radha, and a young son, Arjun. While making several arrests in connection with counterfeit money and drugs, he comes to know that his close friend, Karamchand is also involved in this racket. Before he could take any action, he himself is arrested by the police for possession of fake money and drugs, and sentenced to a jail term, but he escapes and his whereabouts are unknown. Radha loses her mind and is institutionalized, while Arjun takes to petty crime and on reaching adult-hood is the Don of the area known and feared as "Dus Numbri".
Sushma believes that she is too young to get married, but her father, Lalla Banarsilal insists, and she runs away. Her adventures take her to a lonely wealthy widower with a cute daughter named Guddi; a drunken lout in a brothel; Dr. Kruparam, a psychiatrist, who admits her in his mental hospital; a dreaded bandit who has killed his tormentor, cut him into pieces and fed them to birds, and who still on a killing spree; Pandit Gorakhnath who lives a double life - as a priest and as a smuggler; a leper Dhanraj, who once was a very wealthy man, but is now shunned by everyone; a transvestite stage actor; and a hunter who saves Sushma's life by shooting dead a man-eating lion. As things spiral out of control for Sushma, there is yet one more male she has to meet, and it is this meeting that will change her life even more.
Amar Shaheed Bhagat Singh is a biopic movie based on the life of Shaheed Bhagat Singh.
Story of Anuradha who is an alcoholic
Naresh's Father
Mystery movie starring Jaya Bhaduri and Sanjeev Kumar with some very memorable songs.
Radha's father
Radha lives with her widowed dad and is of marriageable age. Accordingly her details her provided to a marriage-broker, Avtar, who also doubles as a Ved (Village Doctor). He brings the proposal before Shriram and his wife, Sita. They approve of Radha and show her photograph to Shriram's brother, Dr. Madhu, who agrees to marry her. The marriage is celebrated with great pomp and ceremony in the entire village. It is then that the Shriram, Sita, and Madhu find out that Radha has a serious illness - a fact that was known to Avtar - but not communicated to them. This illness prevents her from being intimate with Madhu, and the only cure is when she has a child of her own. Will this marriage be annulled?
An army captain falls for an outgoing young woman, but unknowingly weds her shy twin sister.
A wealthy widow refuses to leave anything to her selfish son. In order to win her affection, he introduces her to his fiancee, Deepali, who is a girl he hires to play the part.
Семейная драма о бедном парне, который рос, ненавидя деньги. Трагичнее любви богатой девушки к бедному, может быть лишь трагедия глубокой и кроткой материнской любви.
Раджеш, хоть и родился в богатой семье, счастливым не стал. Родители его умерли, а затем он потерял еще и подругу, в которую был влюблен. Теперь же он завел себе куклу, которую он принимает за живого собеседника. Из-за этой странной привязанности он даже разругался со своим близким другом. Но многое в его жизни меняется после того, как он встречает прекрасную девушку Мину. С ней он хочет сыграть свадьбу.
Anita is a weird girl, who either looses her memory or pretends to not remember.
Такер Ракеш Синг вернулся из-за границы, и его жена умирает на его руках. Ракеш ошеломлен, когда полицейские сообщают ему о женщине, утверждающей, что она является его женой. Она - преступник, выживший в перестрелке. Затруднительное положение для полицейского. Женщине известны такие подробности, о которых могут знать только муж и жена. Но при этом она не в состоянии вспомнить другие детали ее жизни...
Shaikhu's Father
Children are exchanged by greedy aunt and uncle in childhood and they live undeserved lives.
Mr. Sharma
A man is devastated when his beloved is seemingly killed in a train crash, so his colleagues suggest he goes for a picnic to cheer himself up.
A humorless and pompous businessman goes wild when he falls in love. Now if only his domineering mother could understand his new lease on life.
Закончивший образование Ратан возвращается домой к матери, старшему брату и его семье. В маленьком городке почти все зависят от текстильной фабрики на которой работает и старший брат Ратана, Рам Лал. Ратан тоже поступает механиком на эту же фабрику. Очень скоро он замечает несправедливое отношение хозяина к своим рабочим. Не в силах терпеть такое положение вещей Ратан организовывает профсоюз рабочих фабрики. С этого момента хозяин становится его врагом и пытается всеми средствами избавится от строптивого механика.
R.K. Raju, a private investigator is assigned the task of locating the missing daughter of a wealthy Hindu couple. His investigation take him to different locales, and he comes across Miss Mary, the girl closely resembling the one he is looking for.
Rekha's Father
A romance masquerading as a debate on art. A painter, a writer and a singer meet three women, each of whom loves one of the art forms they practise. Unfortunately, they are mismatched. The ensuing misunderstandings are resolved only after their respective soul mates have been discovered and their marriages arranged. This is one the the last independent films by A. Chakrabarty, formerly of Bombay Talkies and the man who discovered Dilip Kumar in his first film, Jwar Bhata (1944).
Dayashankar Kumar
A rich businessman, Dayashankar Kumar (Shivraj), who is a widow, lives with his two young sons Ashok and Raj. When he catches the younger boy Raj stealing money, he punishes him and threatens to cut off his fingers. A frightened Raj runs away from home. Years pass and the older brother Ashok (Ashok Kumar), becomes the owner of his father's business and property, running Superior Motors, which also extends to Bombay. Ashok is married to Lakshmi (Nirupa Roy) and is a caring and loving husband. They have a young son, Munna (Daisy Irani).
Sunder's Guru
Meena, a wealthy, educated girl, has been promised in marriage to Sunder, a sheltered young man who has received an extremely traditional religious education. Displeased, Meena sets out to find a more suitable candidate, but is taken in by Manohar, a gold-digging conman. Finding Sunder to be clueless about the world, Manohar is soon manipulating him as well as Meena in his schemes to gain possession of Meena's fortune.
В Нью-Дели приезжает молодой человек - Ананд, родом из Пенджаба (северо-запад Индии). Он долго ходит по городу в поисках комнаты, но никто не хочет принять к себе пенджабца. Один желает, чтобы его квартирант был бенгалец, другой - гуджаратец, третий - мадрасец. Совсем было отчаявшемуся Ананду один из его приятелей дает совет - выдать себя за мадрасца. Ананд переодевается, говорит, что он - уроженец Мадраса, и тут же находит себе комнату.
Gauri, an orphan, is falsely accused of theft and lands up in a reformatory run by Ashok. Due to her rebelliousness, she gets into trouble. But, gradually she comes into her own with Ashok's help.
Film about a small-time hood running afoul of a bigtime gangster. Starring Dev Anand, Kalpana Kartik and K.N. Singh.
Raju (Raj Kapoor) and Gaura (Nargis) are childhood lovers and promise to be with each other no matter what. Jeevan (Iftekhar) keeps bullying Gaura and is jealous of Raju. He overhears them professing their love for each other and conspires to separate them.
Fed up of Dilip's involvement with gold digging actress Nayantara, Dilip's uncle pretends to be gravely ill in hopes of guilting him into marrying a decent girl. Dilip convinces reluctant Kiran to pretend to be his fiancée. Dilip and Kiran soon fall in love, and Nayantara decides to intervene.
A stridently nationalistic story of India’s freedom struggle, presented through the experiences of a Bengali family from 1885, when the Indian National Congress was established, to 1947. Important events incorporated into the plot were Gandhi’s satyagraha (1920), the Simon Commission (1928), Vallabhbhai Patel’s Bardoli satyagraha (1928) and the 1942 Quit India agitations. Krishan Chander’s script, Sachin Shankar’s choreography and the acting styles owed much to the IPTA theatre of the 40s. The film, made at Bombay Talkies, was produced by the distributors of the Chicago Radio PA systems label. Kishore Kumar plays the militant hero of this quasi-documentary. Motwane included old documentary footage purchased from Kohinoor and Krishna Film, as well as a shot of Rabindranath Tagore singing his Jana Gana Mana composition, one of India’s national anthems (Arunkumar Roy’s Of Tagore and Cinema, 1994, traces this footage to Ufa, shot when Tagore visited Munich)
Renu gets into a minor accident and Premendra helps her out, unaware that he is her favourite singer. Lata and Asha, Renu's friends, fall in love with Premendra.
Hindi film from 1948