Uday Chandra

Uday Chandra


Uday Chandra


The Miniaturist of Junagadh
1947. The ravages of Partition have compelled an old artist, Husyn Naqqash, to sell his ancestral home in Western India and move with his family to Karachi, Pakistan. When Kishorilal, a stoic and stone-hearted man, who has bought the house, comes to know that Husyn is a well-known miniature painter and has an invaluable and rare miniature collection, he schemes to get hold of the collection. But all is not what it seems and there is a secret about the collection that Husyn's family is holding back. Not only from Kishorilal - but also from Husyn.
Innu Muthal
Lord Krishna wants 'fraudster' driver Abhinandan to change his ways and offers in return to fulfil his one wish; to appear in his Vishwaroopam.
Living by the railway tracks, a homeless man makes his living by selling novelty items at the busy traffic signals on the streets of Mumbai. The high point of his existence is passing a restaurant that serves the food he dreams of. One day he gets an opportunity to fulfil his life's big desire.
Sound of Silence
Budhist Monk
Set in a beautiful Himalayan valley, it’s a journey of a neglected and abandoned mute boy, who loses his mother at birth and is furiously neglected by his father. When his father goes behind bars, the boy stares at a lonely and deserted life ahead. His relationship with an elderly Buddhist monk helps him to detach from his voiceless suffering and to explore the bond that each creation shares with nature. With nowhere to go, he joins a Budhist monastery even as he fights an inner battle of unrequited love.
The Black Cat
A black cat and a mysterious woman by the name of Miss Bellows show up at Mr. Bond's quaint cottage after he brings home an old broomstick from an antique shop.
Somewhere in the bylanes of South Mumbai a girl boards a taxi.An old taxi driver as a companion, is this just another journey for the girl or is it something else ?
Сага о любви
Касауни - маленький городок в предгорьях Гималаев. Как и вся страна, он охвачен пламенем народной борьбы за независимость. Но двое влюбленных позабыли обо всем на свете. Однако от действительности невозможно спрятаться, и мы становимся свидетелями увлекательной саги о людских радостях и горестях, о долге и чести, о борьбе за справедливость и конечно же о любви.
Мы впятером
Захватывающий индийский боевик про вечную борьбу добра и зла. В схватке сталкиваются две противоборствующие команды. Троица приятелей Кришна, Бхима и Арджун сражается против коварного злодея — помещика Вира Пратапа Сингха — и его приспешника Лала. Вир Пратап Сингх установил над городом, в котором растут герои, безграничную власть. Друзья решили восстать против тирании, тем более что в войну оказались вовлечены прекрасные женщины. Одну из них помещик оставил с ребенком на руках
Baton Baton Mein
Rosie Perreira is an overly anxious widow, living with her guitar-obsessed son, Sabhi, and a lovely daughter, Nancy, who she would like to get married to a wealthy young man. Her helpful neighbor, Tom, introduces a young eligible Tony Braganza to Nancy in the 9:10 AM Western Railway local train from Bandra to Churchgate. Tom also asks Nancy to introduce Tony to Rosie, which she does. Rosie is initially apprehensive about him as he only drawing a mere Rs.300/ compared to Nancy's Rs.700/-, but soon changes her mind when she finds out that after his probationary period he will draw a monthly pay of Rs.1000/-. Nancy and Tom are permitted to meet and both eventually fall in love. While Nancy wants to follow her mother's directions and get married, Tony is hesitant, and this is what costs him Nancy's love, as she starts to feel that he will not come through with the marriage. And soon Rosie starts looking elsewhere for a son-in-law, while Tony is still reluctant to make any commitments.