Hallgrímur Helgason


Megas and Grimur - The Punkmeister and the Pietist
Megas (Magnus Þór Jónsson, 1945) occupies a central place in Iceland as a singer, songwriter and writer. Influenced by rock and roll and folk music, his work is also deeply rooted in classical Icelandic poetry. He has, in particular, had a lifelong interest in the Hymns of the Passion by Hallgrimur Petursson (1614-1674) whose baroque poetry holds a special place in Icelandic culture and is solemnly recited at the radio every Easter.
Thomas, former successful stand up comedian will do anything to get back on the top. Unfortunately at the same time his teenage daughter demands his whole attention threatening the comeback he wants so badly...
Áramótaskaup: 2002
2002's Áramótaskaup, an annual 50-minute TV movie, satirizing the events of the past year.
101 Рейкьявик
Двадцатипятилетний безработный Хлинур живет вместе с матерью. Один раз в неделю в уик-энд он ночует у подружки, а в понедельник возвращается домой. Однажды мать приводит домой свою подругу Лолу (преподавательницу танцев), а сама уезжает на несколько дней…