José Luis Chinchilla

José Luis Chinchilla


José Luis Chinchilla


Muñecas rotas
Scent of a Crime
Spain, 1950s. The corpse of an unknown person appears in the town square of Bocentellas, within the mythical territory of Región. The inhabitants will ask for help to Captain Medina, young officer in command of a nearby military fort, until the arrival of the judge.
El donante
Tato Montini (Andrés Pajares), a popular radio show host and ladies man, agrees to donate his penis for a transplant after his death. He dies, goes to Heaven and discovers that even in afterlife he would have still needed his penis.
Cuando Almanzor perdió el tambor
The Beast and the Magic Sword
His bloodline damned by a witch, Waldemar Daninsky heads to Japan to seek a cure for his werewolf curse.
Juana la Loca… de vez en cuando
Уничтожители 3000 года
В отдалённом постапокалиптическом будущем главной ценностью для людей становится вода. Её мало и её трудно достать, а люди без этого ресурса существовать не могут. Из-за воды разыгрывается схватка между хорошими и плохими ребятами.
La avispita Ruinasa
Ruinasa is a holding company dedicated to leisure and, why not say, to vice. But these businesses are about to go bankrupt. To avoid this, sincehis prestige is at stake, a company dedicated to protecting various groups of gangsters takes over the holding. However, as they are not specialists in these matters, the company is going even worse and they get together to try to find solutions
Fredy el croupier
Vigilante casino
Двое лучших друзей вынуждены выйти на улицу заниматься проституцией и вести криминальную жизнь. Сестра одного из них, она же подруга другого, пытается избавиться от беременности. Наивность друзей, их желание вырваться из порочного круга не может простить мафия, с которой они достаточно плотно связаны.
Cristóbal Colón, de oficio... descubridor
Los autonómicos
Конан Варвар
В детстве Конан стал свидетелем жестокого убийства своих родителей беспощадным Тулсой Думом. Его обезумевшие от запаха крови солдаты разорилии сожгли дотла родную деревню Конана. Мальчик вырастает в рабстве и превращается в обладающего неимоверной силой и мышечной массой непобедимого воина. Поклявшись отомстить за родителей, он отправляется на поиски своего врага. Его путь полон невероятных приключений, отчаянных поединков, неожиданных встреч и опасностей. Конан с достоинством проходит все испытания, но сможет ли он победить в последней и самой опасной битве в его жизни, битве с непобедимым Тулсой Думом?
Gay Club
A group of homosexual friends tries to set up a gay club in a town in Andalusia, meeting the opposition of the chief who will use all his resources to try to prevent it.
The Cantabrians
In this film Paul Naschy embodies the Roman general Agrippa Vipsanio in a fierce battle against the tribal leaders Cantabrians, Corocota. Fierce battles, gladiators fighting, adventure and intrigue in this film as in the Roman conquest of Hispania.
Roots of Evil
Karate Fighter
A young karate master tries to defend his karate school and take revenge on those responsible for his master's death.
Rocky Carambola
Rocky Carambola
Gangster rapado
The Naked Killers
(as Jose Luis Martinez Chinchilla)
A Dog Called... Vengeance
A political prisoner in a South American dictatorship escapes and is pursued throughout the country by a bloodthirsty dog.
Kilma, Queen of the Amazons
Bald Pirate
A sailor escapes a mutiny on his ship and finds himself stranded on a jungle island--with a tribe of gorgeous amazon women.
La iniciación en el amor
(as José Luis M. Chinchilla)
spanish movie
El segundo poder
Don Diego
Во второй спальне
Диана, супруга известного политика Маркоса Диаса, узнает, что ее муж не может иметь детей. Для страстно мечтающей о ребенке женщины это становится ударом. Находясь в состоянии стресса, она ищет способ исполнить свою мечту. Выход находится в случайном романе, который вспыхивает между Дианой и работником бензозаправки Хуаном. Вскоре, узнав о своей беременности, Диана решает завершить этот мезальянс, но принявший чувства женщины за чистую монету мужчина не желает отказываться от сына.
One Man Against the Organization
An airport employee switches a pack of drugs for baking soda and absconds to Barcelona, meanwhile the drug-runners are on his trail.
Night of the Howling Beast
Master at Arms
Waldemar, the renowned adventurer, joins an expedition to find the Yeti in the Himalayas. While hiking the mountains, he's captured by two cannibalistic demon nymphets guarding a remote Buddhist temple and becomes their sex-slave. They transform him into a werewolf setting him loose to roam the mountain where he encounters a sadistic bandit.
Night of the Howling Beast
Waldemar, the renowned adventurer, joins an expedition to find the Yeti in the Himalayas. While hiking the mountains, he's captured by two cannibalistic demon nymphets guarding a remote Buddhist temple and becomes their sex-slave. They transform him into a werewolf setting him loose to roam the mountain where he encounters a sadistic bandit.
The Devil's Possessed
An evil ruler uses witchcraft and evil spirits to keep his subjects in line, but the his reign of terror prompts the people to revolt.
Patience Has a Limit, We Don't
During the Civil War, corporal MacDonald from the Cavalry Regiment, is entrusted with a large shipment of gold. Along with the men accompanying him, Mac Donald decides to keep the cargo, and hides it for later rescue. He is the only one who knows where it is buried, but is killed in a skirmish. Now, Lieutenant Pollock will have the mission to find out where he hid the gold
...Иначе мы рассердимся!
Жил да был один мафиози местного значения. И задумал он, по совету своего верного психолога, возвыситься, разорив беззащитный парк аттракционов и построив на его месте огромный небоскрёб. И всё бы у него получилось, если бы под горячую руку распоясавшихся рэкетиров не попалась дюна-багги, любимый автомобиль двух приятелей — голубоглазого красавца и медведоподобного толстяка. И всё бы ничего, — ведь каждый может ошибиться, — так нет же! Загордился мафиози, заупрямился, несчастный, на свою голову, — не захотел платить по счетам!
The Godfather and His Goddaughters
The Godfather and His Goddaughters
The Night of Fury
A policeman infiltrates in a gang of forgers. He and their leader fought together in Vietnam, where he saved his life. The policeman arrives to the gang headquarters, a mansion in the Californian coast, and thinks everything is under control, until some unexpected visitors, a gang of deranged hippies, show him he is wrong.
Santo vs. Doctor Death
Master at Arms
Masked Mexican wrestler and superhero Santo plays private investigator, called in by government officials to investigate the mysterious vandalism of a high profile painting. With the help of his two counterparts, he uncovers the truth behind an art collector/chemist who may be murdering female models.
Santo vs. Doctor Death
Henchman (as Jose L. Chinchilla)
Masked Mexican wrestler and superhero Santo plays private investigator, called in by government officials to investigate the mysterious vandalism of a high profile painting. With the help of his two counterparts, he uncovers the truth behind an art collector/chemist who may be murdering female models.
Fuzzy the Hero
Shosena, a clever bank robber, is associated with "Jaguar" to take a big hit. They think the town where the bank owned dock Koven, a man who has against all the farmers of the place. His only son, George, is in love with the daughter of Rush, his most angry enemy. And ... coincidentally, Shosena and "Jaguar" to justify their stay in the village, get to work for him.
Los días de Cabirio
Пираты Зеленого острова
Приключенческий фильм с кораблекрушениями, пиратами и сокровищами. Принцесса боится пиратов, но свободолюбивый и независимый капитан так красив, что она не устоит...
Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Fifth Floor Neighbour
Pedro, a handsome gynecologist who lives in Toledo (Spain), does not have just a clientele due to the jealousy that his sex appeal causes in the husbands and boyfriends of his patients. To make matters worse, his mother still treats him like a child and the traditionalist members of his girlfriend's family don't look kindly upon Pedro. But on a trip to Madrid to attend a conference on medicine he meets Antón, his effeminate neighbor of the fifth floor, whose fashion boutique for women thrives thanks to the complicity he knows to establish with his customers.
The Girl of the Nile
Stunt Coordinator
Adventurers endeavor to find a tomb that houses a legendary diamond.
Вилья в седле
Панчо Вилья и его правая рука Фьерро сражаются бок о бок с мексиканскими правительственными войсками на стороне «истинного» президента Мадеро. Один из офицеров Вильи, корыстолюбивый Хуэрто, прибегнув к хитрости, убивает президента Мадеро и занимает место лидера Мексики. Но вскоре в сторону Мехико выдвигается пятидесятитысячная армия, во главе которой идет Панчо Вилья, требующий справедливости.
Вилья в седле
Панчо Вилья и его правая рука Фьерро сражаются бок о бок с мексиканскими правительственными войсками на стороне «истинного» президента Мадеро. Один из офицеров Вильи, корыстолюбивый Хуэрто, прибегнув к хитрости, убивает президента Мадеро и занимает место лидера Мексики. Но вскоре в сторону Мехико выдвигается пятидесятитысячная армия, во главе которой идет Панчо Вилья, требующий справедливости.
Agent X-77 Orders to Kill
A government agent tries to prevent foreign spies from obtaining a scientist's formula for a solid-rocket-fuel.
Los cuatreros
A band of fierce rustlers is ravaging the region of Las Cruces. Appears an outsider who saves the ranch owner "The Spur" of being kidnapped by members of the band. Thankfully, he was appointed foreman, and his daughter is in love with him. But things are not what they seem and there are murky intrigues in the background.
Los cuatreros
A band of fierce rustlers is ravaging the region of Las Cruces. Appears an outsider who saves the ranch owner "The Spur" of being kidnapped by members of the band. Thankfully, he was appointed foreman, and his daughter is in love with him. But things are not what they seem and there are murky intrigues in the background.
Dos chicas locas locas
A millionaire leaves all his fortune to his older granddaughter. But his two granddaughters are twins and nobody knows who's the older one is.
Doomed Fort
Story of a group of settlers and how they had to take refuge in a fort when they were attacked by Indians, as told by the only survivor
Romeo e Giulietta
Master at Arms
Two teenagers fall in love, but their feuding families and fate itself cause the relationship to end in tragedy.
Relevo para un pistolero
Stunt Coordinator
A stranger from Boston offers a notorious Arizona outlaw a job he can’t refuse.
Relevo para un pistolero
Hombre de relampago
A stranger from Boston offers a notorious Arizona outlaw a job he can’t refuse.
Los conquistadores del Pacífico
Frank Latimore is cast as Balboa, the heroic Spanish explorer who discovers the Pacific Ocean. Along the way, he must pacify the wrath of his enemies and battle his way through a forest inhabited by savage natives. This one features some really nice battles, stunning ocean photography, and tolerable reconstruction of historic events.
From Pink to Yellow
The story of two loves: a young boy that fall sin love with a girl of his school, but she is more mature and finally forgets him; and the story of a man and a woman that live in an hospital for old people and can't see each other.