Vittorio Sanipoli

Vittorio Sanipoli

Рождение : 1915-10-27, Quinto al Mare, Genoa, Liguria, Italy

Смерть : 1992-07-25


Vittorio Sanipoli
Vittorio Sanipoli


La giacca verde
Il commendator Gatti
The Hornet's Nest
A compulsive gambler must steal a suitcase full of money, which is also coveted by Melba, a cabaret singer. A getaway ensues.
Three Tough Guys
Mike Petralia
Isaac Hayes plays as Lee in his feature film debut, as Father Charlie and himself solve a bank robbery mystery that stretches across the city. After Lee is removed from the force due to $1,000,000 being stolen from the bank Father Charlie helps him to gain revenge for the loss of one of his friends.
Те, кто всё решают
Don Cascemi
После автомобильной аварии выявляется шокирующий факт: сицилийская мафия перевозит наркотики в телах умерших детей. Эта новость потрясает не только общественность и полицию, но и боссов мафиозных кланов. На всеобщей сходке дону Кашеми поручают разобраться с произошедшим, поскольку беспредел творится на подконтрольной ему территории. Кашеми в свою очередь привлекает к решению проблемы надёжного человека – киллера Тони Анианте, долгое время жившего в Америке и недавно вернувшегося в Италию...
Pianeta Venere
The Hassled Hooker
Gracious Gentleman
Luisa Latin, betrayed by her husband, is imprisoned for the murder of her husband's mistress - who is still alive. When Luisa is released from prison, she kills her.
Чудовищная декада
С Шарлем, приемным сыном могущественного богача Тео Ван Хорна, творится странное: несколько раз он просыпался в ужасе, с окровавленными руками, и никак не мог вспомнить, что с ним произошло накануне. А, ко всему прочему, какой-то человек, которому стало известно о романе Шарля с его молодой мачехой Элен, начинает шантажировать влюбленных…
Roma bene
Nino Manfredi is a police captain, giving an onlooker's point-of-view towards the decadent society folk. Party itself features a down & out baron, who dances with the party's glamorous hostess Virna Lisi so that he can steal her valuable earrings. When they're missing, she's angry enough to call in the cops (Manfredi shows up) and have the baron taken away.
Intolerance: il caso Liuzzo
With a screenplay by Liliana Cavani, this film is based on a true story, events that happened in Alabama in 1965. A daughter of Italian immigrants, Liuzzo participated in the march led by Martin Luther King. As she returned home, she was accosted and murdered by four members of the Ku Klux Klan.
The Looters
Morgan, a lapsed burglar, is drugged and shanghaied on board a yacht by beautiful Colleen. When he comes to, the athletic young man learns that Colleen and her friends want him to break open the vaults of a Carribean island where a ruthless dictator has deposited a treasure stolen from his people. Despite the way he has been treated, Morgan accepts the mission. The group, supported by local resistant fighters, storm the fortress, but Colleen's father gets killed during the attack. The treasure is finally retrieved and is returned to the people. Morgan and Colleen will say yes to each other for better or for worse.
From the Orient with Fury
A scientist who has invented a weapon capable of disintegrating solid matter is kidnapped by a criminal gang, which intends to sell the scientist and his weapon to the highest bidder. A secret agent and the scientist's daughter set out to track down the kidnappers and rescue the scientist.
Gentlemen of the Night
Massimo returns to Venice after years of fighting against the Turks. He finds his beloved Elena, who in the meantime has married the doge who is tyrannizing the city.
Фильм снят по сценарию Адже и Скарпелли и с участием международной группы актеров: Марчелло Мастроянни, Ренато Сальваторе, Анни Жирардо, Бернарда Блие, а также при участии очень юной Раффаэллы Карра. Мастер итальянской комедии воссоздает трагикомичную историю о туринских рабочих конца 19 века. В этом фильме Марчелло Мастроянни сыграл одну из лучших своих киноролей.
Мегрэ и гангстеры
На этот раз комиссару Мегрэ суждено столкнуться с жестокими гастролерами-гангстерами из Соединенных Штатов Америки. Приятель комиссара, работающий на ФБР, советует комиссару не связываться с мафией, но это не может остановить Мегрэ, желающего оградить граждан родного города от заезжих бандитов. Помощь в этом деле комиссару окажет инспектор Лоньон, который сам стал жертвой преступников-американцев итальянского происхождения.
Slave Girls of Sheba
Sheik Selim
Saracen pirates aboard the "Black Eagle" attack Christians strongholds along the coast of Spain. When they stop off in Sheba to re-supply, they also buy female slaves and end up fighting over them.
Colossus of the Arena
Slave Chief
A powerful man posing as a gladiator in Rome's fourth century discovers a plan to put the beautiful Queen in prison, which he thwarts by exposing a sinister duke as a traitor.
Sword of the Conqueror
Alboino, the Lombard ruler, wants to marry the daughter of a neighboring king, but she loves another. Her father arranges the marriage to Alboino, which he believes will be beneficial to him, only to have Alboino kill him and leave Amalchi, his daughter's real love, beaten and left for dead. Amalchi recovers to lead a revolt against the murderous Alboino and reclaim his woman.
Константин Великий
Константин I Великий - римский Император, создатель Второго Рима, прекративший кровавые гонения на христиан и установивший свободу исповедования христианской религии. История его любви, пути к власти и борьбы за новый справедливый мир, мир без тирании, угнетения и религиозной нетерпимости.
Великая война
Maggiore Venturi
Мелкий жулик Джузеппе наивно полагал, что ему удастся переждать войну в казенном доме на полном гособеспечении. Но государство сделало ему подарок в виде амнистии и отправило на фронт. Второй персонаж фильма - парикмахер Оресте всю войну осиживался на призывном участке и обирал новобранцев, желавших "откосить" от армии. Среди обманутых оказался и Джузеппе. И вот в один далеко не прекрасный для него день Оресте потерял насиженное место и оказался в военном эшелоне, который вез призывников на верную смерть. В том же эшелоне на фронт везли и Джованни...
The Doll that Took the Town
Il Comissario
A struggling model concocts a story of being raped and beaten by three strangers and soon becomes a media darling. Complications arise when the police eventually arrest three suspects.
Roland the Mighty
Charlemagne and saracen Agramante are at war. Although the Franks are outnumbered by their enemies they succeed in containing them in the Pyrenean foothills. A truce is signed between the two sides, during which Agramante treacherously sends Angélique, a beautiful seductress of his retinue,to the paladin camp. Meanwhile the emperor has decided to give his daughter Aude to his brave nephew Roland but chance has it that she meets Renaud,Roland's lieutenant, first. The two young people fall in love. Later on, the truce is broken and fight resumes. Betrayed by Ganelon, Roland is momentarily disowned by his uncle.
Queen Margot
Maurevel, le chef de la police
Modern Virgin
The young Claudia wants to escape from the gray life of the province and aims rich men but each time with unhappy results. Only the brother will eventually succeed in shaking her from this purpose.
Napoli piange e ride
Не тронь добычу
Макс и Ритон — легендарные личности в уголовном мире. В их карьере множество блестяще проведенных операций, в том числе дерзкое ограбление в аэропорту Орли, где их добычей становятся 50 миллионов франков в золотых слитках. А главное, что никто не знает об их участии в ограблении. Можно уходить на покой, наслаждаясь радостями безбедной жизни в обществе юных прелестниц. Но Ритон совершает ошибку, похваставшись проститутке Жози, которая, недолго думая, делится его секретом со своим новым дружком Анджело. Тот решает пощипать «старичков», похищает Ритона и требует у Макса золото в обмен на друга…
Fugitive in Trieste
An Italian Air Force officer is pursued and captured by the Allied police and is charged with the bombing of a hospital ship. Through the efforts of his sweetheart, a witness is found who proves the bombing was not intentional but the result of being hit by enemy fire. A four-way romantic involvement is also part of the mix that includes an Allied officer and Viennse beauty Lida. The latter was once in love with the accused and has a child by him.
The Barbarians
Rome, 1527. Massimo Colonna is in love with Angela, a member of the Orsinis, the Colonnas'arch enemies. As she is officially engaged to Tancredi Serra, the latter, a faithless individual, has Massimo accused of the murder of Prince Orsini whereas he himself has woven it. Massimo is rejected by an outraged Angela and banned from Rome.Meanwhile the Eternal City has to face a brutal attack by armed invaders from Spain. The Spaniards are about to storm Rome when Massimo and his troops appear. The invading forces are defeated and Massimo is acclaimed by the crowd. After clearing his name, he can marry Angela.
Napoletani a Milano
Afterfive people die in crumbling Naples housing run by Northerners, the Southern relatives trek to Milan to sue for damages.
The Age of Indiscretion
In a small provincial Italian town, a fifteen-year-old boy meets and falls in love with a girl.
Una donna prega
Gianna, a young radio singer, marries Giulio, director of a travel agency. Soon after, they welcome a child. The tranquility of their family life is deeply disturbed by the arrival in Rome of a French tourist, Giselle, who falls madly in love with Giulio. He reciprocates her feelings and becomes her lover. Gianna separates from her husband and devotes her attention to the child, while Giulio begins to live with Giselle. But the thought of his family leads Giulio to ponder severing ties with his lover. Unexpectedly, Giselle's lifeless body is found in Giulio's apartment. Evidence points to Giulio's guilt, so he attempts to escape abroad. Giulio is involved in a car accident close to the border, nearly killing him. In the hospital, it is revealed that Giselle was killed by her former Parisian lover. Healed of his serious wounds, Giulio returns to the affection of his wife and little daughter.
The Glorious Avenger
Maximilien Lorin/Cavaliere di Maison Rouge
Il Cavaliere di Maison Rouge is an Italian adventure film directed by Vittorio Cottafavi based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas.
Sins of Rome
Marcus Virilius Rufus
74 B.C. Somewhere in the Roman Empire, Spartacus, a young officer, is condemned to be a slave because he hit a superior. Brought back to Roma in a gladiators' school, he escapes and stirs up all the slaves in a revolt against the Roman Empire.
Good Folk's Sunday
Avvocato Conti
In the background of the football match Roma - Napoli different stories intertwine.
La trappola di fuoco
Il romanzo della mia vita
Son of the Hunchback
Conte Zeno
20 years after the assassination of his father, the son of Lagardère seeks revenge.
Milady and the Musketeers
Very stylish Italian swashbuckler - The Three Musketeers from the viewpoint of Milady de Winter
The Woman Who Invented Love
The Woman Who Invented Love (Italian: La donna che inventò l'amore) is a 1952 Italian historical melodrama film
Il mago per forza
In the prison of San Vittore there is, among other detainees, a strange type that they call "Il Cavaliere". The latter suffers a conviction for theft and his fellow prisoners have a certain respect for him.
Revenge of the Black Eagle
Principe Boris Yuravleff
When a soldier returns home from the wars, he finds that a local landowner has been terrorizing his family. He disguises himself as a bandit known as "The Black Eagle" and begins taking revenge on the landowner by ravaging his "empire". However, things take a different turn when he falls for the landowner's beautiful daughter
Last Meeting
The wife of a mechanic and tester of Alfa Romeo cars becomes the lover of a pilot. The two decide to flee together in Argentina.
Spring song
Vedi Napoli e poi muori
La bisarca
Love and Poison
Rossi, Carlo's Friend
Anna flees her home, where she has been victimized for years by her spineless father’s mean-spirited second wife, to be with her lover, an honest businessman yet to make his fortune. When he is accused of a murder he didn’t commit, the couple’s domestic tranquillity is upended, and a desperate Anna must rely on her cruel stepmother to help support their child.
Una lettera all'alba
The Revenge of Baccarat
Comte Arnaud de Chamery
In Paris, in the middle of the 19th century, the Comte de Chamery died of poisoning, leaving a considerable fortune to his long-dead son. Sir William, the count's murderer, hires a young rogue, Rocambole, to pretend to be the deceased's son. The two accomplices have the Count's fortune handed over to them. But their trickery is discovered by an intriguer, Baccarat, who finds the real Count of Chamery, a young painter without fortune, in love with Carmen de Montevecchio. Rocambole, who stops at nothing, kills Sir William, gets rid of Armand and makes Carmen love him. But Baccarat is determined not to let him continue his villainies.
Arnaud, comte de Chamery
In the 19th century, a thug from the slums of Paris pretends to be a young aristocrat, but is unmasked by a demi-mondaine, from the same background as him.
A young student of an upper-class background who is surrounded by classmates that are of working-class backgrounds, after a novel in diary format by Enrico Bottini.
Il figlio del corsaro rosso
Enrico di Ventimiglia
Son of the Red Corsair (and nephew of the Black Corsair), departs for the Americas to search for his long-lost half-sister.
Gli ultimi filibustieri
Enrico di Ventimiglia
Sequel to "Il figlio del corsaro rosso." Neala, daughter of the Red Corsair, is taken prisoner by the governor of Las Palmas, who wants to marry her for her dowry. Her brother, helped by the filibustieri, goes to her rescue.
La morte civile
Giulio, fratello di Rosalia
Young Rosalia marries the painter Corrado Palmieri, but gets disowned by her family, opposed to the marriage. Then during a fight, Corrado kills his brother in law and is sentenced to a life sentence.