Joana de Verona

Joana de Verona

Рождение : 1989-12-08, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil


Joana de Verona
Joana de Verona
Joana de Verona


Marina Lenk is an experienced Ornamental Jumping athlete. However, an attack of Tinnitus — an unbearable ringing sound in the ears — drags her from the top of her game to the edge of madness.
Drifters of a shadowy dream
Import / export operatrice
X, a film location scout, spend his time travelling from place to place looking for filming locations, at the same time that he's looking for funding for the film he wrote himself. In the middle of nowhere, as in the nowhere of his life, he stumbles on Y, the woman for whom he has been waiting all his life.
The Dead Queen
Inspired on the true events of the Portuguese king Don Pedro (14th Century) which unburied his mistress to make her queen after dead. This film tells the story of Pedro, a man admitted to a psychiatric hospital for traveling by car with the corpse of his beloved, recalling simultaneously three different lives: one from the past, another from nowadays and another one from an distopic future.
You See the Moon
Lisbon; after another blistering summer, Miguel finds himself in a deep jadedness. An improvised party erupts at his apartment awakening the memory of a passion.
The Territories
After the attack on Charlie Hebdo's office in Paris, Ivan, the frivolous son of a prominent Argentine journalist, embarks on a journey pursuing different geopolitical events around the world.
Praça Paris
Camila is a Portuguese therapist who works at Rio de Janeiro State University, where she attends Glória, the university's elevator operator. Throughout the sessions, Camila faces a very violent reality, since Glória was raped by her own father as a child and her brother Jonas is a dangerous bandit that is in prison. Increasingly frightened by the reports she hears, she feels threatened at the same time that Glória sees her as essential in her life.
Love Love
Marta and Jorge have been a couple for seven years. All their friends think they are living a perfect romance. Too perfect, perhaps, for the despair of all: Bruno, who is much younger than Marta but madly in love with her; Lígia, who is Bruno's sister and Marta's best friend and would love to see her brother happy; Carlos, Jorge's friend, who maintains a superficial romance with Lígia while secretly in love with Marta; and for Jorge himself, who is afraid this idyllic romance will imprison him and, convinced that his love and his lover's desire to marry will take away his freedom, decides to show her the way into Carlos arms.
Диван Сталина
Фильм о молодом советском скульпторе, которому поручено создать статую Сталина. Ответственное задание превратит скромного художника в объект пристального внимания КГБ и позволит узнать о «вожде народов» куда больше, чем он сам рассчитывал.
At an Uncertain Time
It’s 1942, and Portugal languishes under dictatorship and WWII rages just beyond its borders. Secrets, half-truths, and mistrust prevail in the state security office of chief inspector Varga, who makes professional privilege a cover for his unprofessional interest in a boldly carnal refugee and her alleged brother. Director/writer Saboga (screenwriter for Raúl Ruiz’s MYSTERIES OF LISBON) saturates the dark world of this predatory tale with steamy eroticism and paranoia, starting with the incestuous desires of his bi-curious adolescent daughter and including the family maid.
Arabian Nights: Volume 2, The Desolate One
Vânia / Filha da Juíza
In which Scheherazade tells of how desolation invaded men : “It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that a Judge will cry instead of giving out her sentence. A runaway murderer will wander through the land for over forty days and will teletransport himself to escape the Guard while dreaming of prostitutes and partridges. A wounded cow will reminisce about a thousand-year-old olive tree while saying what she must say, which will sound none less than sad ! The residents of a tower block in the suburbs will save parrots and piss inside lifts while surrounded by dead people and ghosts; including in fact a dog that…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.
The emotional journey of Yulya, a fragile and precious young woman.
The emotional journey of Yulya, a fragile and precious young woman.
Here in Lisbon
(segment "Excursões") / (segment "Freud and Friends")
Welcome to Lisbon: there are mermaids by the Tagus and birds flying over the old city; there are mad scientists and singing fish; lost tourist guides and lost tourists; fado and sad guitars. What a weird city you may think - but no. Lisbon is about being different, sarcastic, welcoming to foreigners even in an economic crisis. Different directors became fascinated by our strangeness. We became fascinated by these directors. The city is never the same in these four episodes, here in Lisbon.
In Lisbon, Claudia offers guided tours in and out of the city. At night, she kills time with her sister in a modest apartment. In Lisbon, lonesome Martinho is fluent in Italian and guide tourists all around town. In Lisbon, a band is jamming. They perform improvisational noise jazz. In Lisbon, a mysterious phenomenon fills the air. Claudia and Martinho’s lonely hearts will discreetly meet to the sound of music.
Freud und Friends
A headlong dive into the deepest, silliest recesses of Abrantes’s unconscious.
Boa Alma
Luís Mário Lopes wrote the solo A Boa Alma for Mónica Calle in 2015, based on the works of Bertolt Brecht marking the departure of Casa Conveniente from Cais do Sodré and their arrival in the new venue in zona J, Chelas. The original score is by JP Simões.
Sunny Star
In a strange villa, six young people are getting tanned. They are bored and get burnt, lying under the summer sun. They are children of the night, children of dreams. Coming from everywhere and nowhere, they are here, united like a tribe.
The Bull
There’s a myth that suggests the ghost of the 16th-century Portuguese king Don Sebastiaan founded a magical kingdom on the island of Lençóis off the Brazilian coast after his defeat against the Moors. Five centuries later, a young Portuguese woman (and a small film crew) arrives there. The island is still enchanting.
The King
A Portuguese king who disappeared in the desert of Morocco in the sixteenth century comes forward. Under the threat of having to return to Portugal in the XXI century, Dom Sebastian reveals his whereabouts and the secrets of the kingdom he built over all these years in faraway Ilha de Lençóis in Northeastern Brazil.
A day in the life of a grandpa.
Bodas de Papel
Goodnight, Cinderella
D. Luis and Afonso search for the lady who lost her shoe during the ball.
Cátia e Ivan
A scientist tells us that Pluto is no longer considered a planet. The feelings of disappointment and nostalgia, and the impossibility of being able to go back to certain moments of his life, make him want to find in the story of David an answer for whatever exists beyond science and reason.
Second Hand
Jorge is a loner and a writer of popular books. At night, he looks through other people's windows and thinks that they are truly happy.
Линии Веллингтона
27 сентября 1810 года французские войска под командованием маршала Андре Массены, двигавшиеся к Лиссабону, неожиданно обнаружили перед собой огромную англо-португальскую армию. Маленькая нищая Португалия не желала покоряться Наполеону и французская армия потерпела поражение под Серра-ду-Бусаку. Несмотря на победу, англо-португальская армия была вынуждена отступить к укрепленной линии Торрес — Ведраса, которая была построена поперек гористого полуострова между рекой Тахо и морским побережьем для прикрытия Лиссабона. В этом месте собирается множество людей из разных социальных слоев — солдат и гражданских, мужчин, женщин и детей, молодых и старых. Преследуемые французской армией, беглецы двигаются вперед, стиснув зубы, чтобы спасти свою жизнь. Все они — молодой лейтенант Педро де Аленкар, Кларисса, мстительный сержант Франциско Хавьер или проститутка Мартирио, — все приходят разными путями к линиям Веллингтона, где финальная битва решит судьбу каждого из них…
Rafa is a 13 years old kid concerned with his mother, held in a police station for driving without a license. The director shows a day in the life of a teenager who lives on a problematic area and discovers that her mother was arrested because of an automobile accident.
A Morte de Carlos Gardel
Inspired in the book with the same title by António Lobo Antunes.
Universo de Mya
Mya 3
Лиссабонские тайны
История переносит зрителя в XIX век и погружает в настоящий вихрь приключений, роковых совпадений, тайн, преступлений, неистовых страстей, страшной мести и безумной любви. В Лиссабоне, полном интриг и секретов, мы познакомимся с людьми, так или иначе причастными к судьбе главного героя, Педро да Силвы. Среди них мужественный священник, не отступающий перед опасностями, красавица графиня, потерявшая разум от ревности, удачливый делец, наживший состояние на кровавом морском разбое. У каждого невероятная судьба, и их жизненные пути пересекаются самым непостижимым образом…
How to Draw a Perfect Circle
Guilherme and Sofia, brother and sister, grow up sharing experiences and slowly discovering their sexuality. The thing that Sofia doesn't know is how far Guilherme will go to keep her inside his own perverse, dark and perfect circle.
True and Tender is the North
Adaptation of a 1987 novel by Agustina Bessa Luis, a multi-generation exploration of a wealthy family with a mysterious past and a house on the island of Madeira.