Jenő Huszka


Ed's Eaten Elevenses
Additional Soundtrack
Jancsó’s farce, similar to the previous ones, is about our time and about death. Pepe marries into a family of mafiosi, with the father-in-law rolling in money. In a joint venture they establish the first Hungarian Prison Limited company, where there is a menu, the prisoners are residents, and they furnish the place of execution for those volunteering to execute themselves. It turns out that the first voluntary hanging should be demonstrated on Pepe. In 180 AD Emperor Marcus Aurelius is dying in Vindobona, being fed with blades of hay by uncle Miki himself, and his son Kornél Mundruczó. Kapa provides for communication: he insists on telling lies, lies and again lies. Furthermore, there are several to die and to revive, to win and to lose, and Melancholy Béla is still alive.
Prince Bob
Original Music Composer
George, Prince of Wales mingles with the crowd in Bowie Street in disguise under the pseudonym Bob. He falls in love with the poor Uncle Tom's daughter, Annie. But to save his business, the indebted Uncle Tom promised her to the usurer Plumpudding.
Лейла и Габор
Буда взят турками. Студент Габор и его спутник бегут с отрядом в замок, прямо в сад Гюля Бабы. Далеко разносилась слава о неотразимом обаянии юной Лейлы, дочери турецкого наместника Гюля Бабы. С первого же взгляда на красавицу был покорён ею отважный Габор. Прямой и решительный, он не страшится никаких противников и, прислушиваясь к голосу своего горячего сердца, готов на любые подвиги… Вечно юной выглядит эта древняя романтическая история, воскрешённая на экране венгерскими кинематографистами. Они сумели полностью сохранить в ней прелесть национального своеобразия, передать характер исторической эпохи.
Prince Bob
In Luxoria Prince Igor is preparing to accede to the throne and choose his wife on his 24th birthday. The mother Duchess's candidate is Duchess Xenia, but Igor loves Annie, the soap-maker's daughter.