Don Barry

Don Barry

Рождение : 1912-01-11, Houston, Texas, USA

Смерть : 1980-07-17


Donald Barry went from the stage to the screen. After four years of playing villains and henchmen at various studios, Barry got the role that changed his image: Red Ryder in the Republic Pictures serial Adventures of Red Ryder (1940). Although he had appeared in westerns for two years or so, this was the one that kept him there. He acquired the nickname "Red" from his association with the Red Ryder character. After the success of "Red Ryder" Barry starred in a string of westerns for Republic. Studio chief Herbert J. Yates got the idea that Barry could be Republic's version of James Cagney, as he was short and had the same scrappy, feisty nature that Cagney had. Unfortunately, while Barry could in fact be a good actor when he wanted to be -- as he showed in the World War II drama The Purple Heart (1944) -- his "feistiness", combative nature and oversized ego caused him to alienate many of the casts and crews he worked with at Republic (ace serial director William Witney detested him, calling him "the midget", and director John English worked with him once and refused to ever work with him again). Barry made a series of westerns at Republic throughout the 1940s, but by 1950 his career had pretty much come to a halt, and he was reduced to making cheaper and cheaper pictures for bottom-of-the-barrel companies like Lippert and Screen Guild. Barry continued to work and still appeared in westerns up through the 1970s, but they were often in small supporting roles, sometimes unbilled. In 1980 he committed suicide by shooting himself.


Don Barry


Hunters Are for Killing
Hank Phillips
A man comes home after serving time in prison to claim his share of his deceased mother's estate. However, his stepfather, who holds him responsible for his own son's death, intends to fight him for everything.
Просёлочные дороги
Эми Пост - девушка лёгкого поведения, проживающая в портовом городе Мобил, штат Алабама. Однажды её клиентом становится Элмор Прэтт, бывший боксер. Элмор не может оплатить услуги «ночной бабочки», так как его недавно уволили с работы на автомойке. К тому же он избил полицейского в штатском. Элмор и Эми решают вместе уехать в Калифорнию. Но так как они оба имеют проблемы с законом, их путь проходит по просёлочным дорогам Америки.
Goldie and the Boxer
Radio Announcer
Lighthearted tale of a 10-year-old girl who, when her boxer father dies, strikes up a relationship with a struggling fighter who was his sparring partner and takes on the job of managing him from obscurity to the championship.
Undercover with the KKK
Ben Wright
The true story of Gary Thomas Rowe, Jr., who worked undercover for the FBI to infiltrate a Ku Klux Klan group in his Alabama hometown and later testified as a key prosecution witness during the trial of several Klansmen for crimes of destruction and murder.
Сонни Хупер — стареющий, но пока еще непревзойденный и незаменимый кинокаскадер. У него появляется молодой и талантливый конкурент — Ски, которому удаются новые, эффектные и сложные трюки. Если объединить опыт Хупера и отчаянность Ски, то от этой парочки можно добиться самых немыслимых результатов — это хорошо понимают режиссер и продюсер нового остросюжетного фильма.
Pete Harris
В штаб Военно-воздушных сил восточного побережья США поступает сигнал тревоги с одной из баз, расположенных в Техасе, недалеко от городка Моррисвиль. Для выяснения ситуации на базу отправлен отряд во главе с генералом Слэйтером. Прибывшие военные находят всех служащих мертвыми, в живых остался только один человек — энтомолог Брэдфорд Крэйн. Он сообщает военным, что весь персонал был убит африканскими пчёлами-убийцами, рой которых напал на базу. Генерал Слэйтер не поверил Крэйну и связался со штабом, откуда на самом высоком уровне, к своему огромному удивлению и недовольству, получил приказ оказывать Крэйну всяческое содействие. Тем временем в окрестностях Моррисвиля от укусов пчёл начали погибать люди. Всем становится ясно, что город лежит на пути у смертоносного роя, который со скоростью курьерского поезда движется в направлении Хьюстона, убивая всё живое на своем пути.
Горячий свинец и холодные ноги
Основатель города на Диком Западе умирает. Теперь контроль в городе должен взять кто-либо из его сыновей, один из которых – бандит, не выпускающий из рук револьвер; другой же – добропорядочный добрый семьянин, воспитывающий двух славных детей. Свою способность удержать порядок в городе они должны доказать в опасном и тяжелом соревновании, которое делает еще более тяжелым и более опасным бывший мэр города, желающий прибрать к рукам и городок и казну…
Buckstone County Prison
Warden Coley
The Hell Hole of North Carolina. In 1957, the people of North Carolina feared two things - the mountain chain gang and a man named Seabo. North Carolina's Buckstone County Prison and Chain Gang were infamous as the most feared correctional institution in the country. Run by the sadistically brutal Warden Coley and his henchman, Jimbo, prisoners rarely caused a problem and those that did, didn't live long enough to talk about it.
Kate Bliss and the Ticker Tape Kid
Devery's Foreman
A turn-of-the-century investigator named Kate Bliss goes to the wide-open spaces of the wild west to capture a gang of outlaws led by a charming "Robin Hood of the plains," leading a band of dispossessed ranchers against a stuffy English land baron who has cheated them out of their property.
Doctor Dracula
Elliot (as Donald Barry)
An evil hypnotist puts a beautiful woman under his spell.
Shame, Shame on the Bixby Boys
The Bixby family has turned cattle rustling into their occupation, which the neighbours have had enough of. Their plan to stop the Bixbys meets resistance leading to turmoil in this Old West saga.
Смерть среди айсбергов
Dock Worker
Капитан Нолан никогда не задумывался о том, какой непоправимый вред он наносит живой природе. Он просто отлично выполнял свою работу. Он делал то, что у него получалось лучше всего, — он убивал. Выходил в море и убивал китов. Однажды он вытащил из воды самку-китиху. Она погибла, а вместе с ней погиб и ее не успевший родиться детеныш. Трагедия произошла на глазах кита-самца. А «орки» однолюбы по своей природе, также как и лебеди, также как и многие живые существа…С этой минуты кит начал мстить людям. Людям, близких Нолану, но к капитану Нолану у кита был свой особый счет. Когда от рыбацкого поселка мало что осталось, обоим — и Нолану, и киту, — стало ясно: они должны сойтись в поединке, который для кого-то из них окажется последним
С полудня до трех
Red Roxy
Что-бы ограбить банк, банде преступников требуется еще одна лошадь. Дорси, один из бандитов, идет украсть лошадь из одного дома. Владелица дома, прекрасная молодая вдова Аманда положила глаз на Дорси. И вместо того что-бы грабить банк, Дорси проводит три прекрасных часа вместе с ней, и ждет возвращения банды. Но видимо ограбление идет не по плану, и Дорси уезжает спасать своих криминальных товарищей, или по крайней мере так думает Аманда...
The Wackiest Wagon Train In The West
This comical western chronicles the silly adventures of a bumbling wagonmaster and his clutzy assistant as they attempt to take seven passengers across the prairie. Among the passengers are two wealthy Bostonians, an aspiring showgirl, a teacher, and bachelor. The story is adapted from Dusty's Trail, a television sitcom.
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch
(archive footage)
A Western-genre narrative, loosely woven from old clips from B-Western features.
Грязное дело
Airport Bartender
Лейтенант Фил Гейнс — опытный лос-анжелесский детектив, расследующий темную запутанную историю убийства стриптизерши. Он влюблен в дорогую и очень красивую девушку по вызову, один из высокопоставленных клиентов которой является главным подозреваемым. Расследование еще больше осложняется тем, что неуравновешенный отец жертвы решает сам найти преступника.
Sgt. Post
Доброволец Дадли становится объектом многочисленных биологических и химических военных экспериментов. Когда из-за этих экспериментов его здоровье оказывается серьезно подорванным, его отправляют на пенсию. Тогда он решает использовать экспериментальные образцы, чтобы ограбить банк.
Босс ниггер
(as Don Red Barry)
Два охотника за головами в поисках преступника прибывают в городишко без шерифа и берут на себя его полномочия против воли местных горожан.
Blazing Stewardesses
Mike Trask
Those "naughty stewardesses" are at it again! But this time they’ve turned in their Mile High Club sky miles for a sexy, rousing, Old West-styled adventure on a dude ranch. Punchin’ cattle and breakin’ stallions are the last things on their minds as these lovely ladies earn their wings in a whole new way…blazing a trail straight to the bedroom.
Punch and Jody
Franz Butz / Delbert Clyde Butz
When a woman dies in a car accident, her former husband (a traveling circus worker) learns that his wife was pregnant when she divorced him many years earlier. The now teen-aged daughter enters his life. Can they form a relationship?
Partners in Crime
A retired judge who opens a private detective agency and her ex-con associate try to track down $750,000 in bank robbery loot.
Incident on a Dark Street
Miles Henderson
A small-time hood is murdered just as he is about to blow the whistle on an organized crime ring.
Младший Боннер
Homer Rutledge
Cтареющий ковбой родео "Малыш" Боннер возвращается в родной городок Прескотт в штате Аризона и понимает, что все в мире меняется. С печалью он узнает, что его родители разошлись, а его брат разбогател, распродавая по кускам землю отца. Дом, где он родился равнодушно сносит трактор. Фермеров заменили дельцы, а деньги и корысть подменили порядочность и честность. "Малыш" Боннер пытается вернуть себе самоуважение, укротив ранее непобедимого быка на родео, проводимом в городке в честь 4-го июля...
The Eyes of Charles Sand
A young man inherits the ability to see visions beyond the grave.
Джонни взял ружье
Jody Simmons
Джо, молодой американский солдат, получил ранение снарядом миномета в последний день Первой мировой войны. Он лежит в госпитале среди таких же инвалидов. Сохранив способность мыслить, он заново переживает свою жизнь через странные мечты и воспоминания, не видя различий между сном и явью.
The Cockeyed Cowboys of Calico County
A simple-minded blacksmith named Charley, well loved by the townsfolk, saves for a year to send off for a mail-order bride.
Действие фильма происходит в XIX в. В Нью-Мехико. Некие аристократы из Европы, решили поохотиться на территории дикого и воинственного племени апачей. Шалако наталкивается на лагерь охотников, когда спасает прекрасную женщину, находящуюся на грани гибели... Краснокожие устремляются на бледнолицых, расположившихся в полуразрушенной крепости. Шалако имеет богатейший опыт выживания и ведения войны в этих краях. Он прилагает массу усилий, чтобы спасти горе-охотников, но всех спасти не удается...
Дантист на диком западе
Rev. Zachary Gant
Джесс Хэйвуд, выпускник медицинского колледжа в Филадельфии, в 1870 году отправляется на Дикий Запад, где собирается бороться со стоматологическим невежеством населения. Тем временем знаменитой грабительнице Пенелопе по прозвищу Плохая Пенни полиция гарантирует помилование, если она выдаст своих сообщников, других знаменитых грабителей. Пенни примечает простофилю дантиста, женит его на себе, а затем, путем переодевания превращает его в различных легендарных личностей, чье имя гремит на Диком Западе. Дантист меняет профессию и превращается в вольного стрелка.
Jack Hawkins
Дерзких контрабандистов и отважных бандолеро, мексиканские простолюдины считают лицами поэтическими. Ди - крепкий парень вне закона. Он со своим приятелем решает ограбить банк в маленьком техасском городке. Во время налета в перестрелке один из них убивает богатого владельца местного ранчо. Полиция арестовывает грабителей и приговаривает их к смертной казни через повешение. Узнав о случившимся брат Ди, с намерением освободить «бригаду», прибывает в город под видом палача. При побеге они берут в заложники девушку по имени Мария. Шериф этого городка Джонсон клянется во чтобы-то ни стало поймать преступников и бросается в погоню. Но мексиканское солнце улыбается не всем. Когда до границы остается буквально полмили, путь беглецам преграждает шайка жестоких мексиканских бандолеро...
Fort Utah
An ex-gunfighter goes up against a man who is trying to stir up trouble with the Indians to enrich himself.
Hostile Guns
Ed Johnson
US Marshal Gid McCool leads a wagon train of convicted felons to Huntsville prison. The only female among the crooks is the dancehall girl Laura Mannon, McCool's former flame. When McCool cannot be swayed from completing his lawful duty, Laura tries to endear herself to shotgun rider Mike Reno in hopes he will set her free.
Альварес Келли
Lt. Farrow
На фоне красочных событий Гражданской войны в США разворачивается действие этого классического вестерна в котором полковник южан задумывает угнать двухсоттысячное стадо скота, принадлежащего Альваресу Келли, ведущему торговлю с Северянами...
Town Tamer
A gunfighter is hired to clean up a wild frontier town, but there are forces afoot who want to keep the town as wide-open as it is. Lyle Bettger, Bruce Cabot and Richard Jaeckel co-star as the lawless bad guys in this Western based on a novel by Frank Gruber.
Fort Courageous
Captain Harvey
In this western, a cavalry sergeant is wrongly court-martialed. To reclaim his good name, he takes over a patrol that just lost its leader in an Indian attack. He leads the regiment to Fort Courageous, but is appalled to discover that the Indians attacked and massacred all but one of its inhabitants. The hardy little group must now fight the renegades on their own. The ex-sergeant plans a brilliant strategy that culminates in winning the Indian's respect. They leave the fort alone and peace is restored.
War Party
Sgt. Chaney
A cavalry unit rides into a Comanche trap. If the patrol leaders cannot find a way out, they will all surely perish.
Convict Stage
Marshal Jethro Karnin
A cowboy whose sister has been murdered by a gang of vicious outlaws seeks his revenge. But a venerable old lawman is about to teach the vigilante a lesson about taking the law into one's own hands.
Convict Stage
A cowboy whose sister has been murdered by a gang of vicious outlaws seeks his revenge. But a venerable old lawman is about to teach the vigilante a lesson about taking the law into one's own hands.
Law of the Lawless
A former gunfighter, now a circuit court judge, faces his father's killer in a small post-Civil War Kansas town.
Iron Angel
A seasoned Sargent with a sorry unit, led by an angry 1st Lt., to take out an enemy hold for a convoy to proceed. After their success the Sarge and the crew meet up with another Lieutenant - Female nurse.
Twilight of Honor
Judson Elliot
A young lawyer defends a drifter accused of murder that he has already confessed to. He asks a retired, legendary lawyer for help.
Прогулка по беспутному кварталу
1930-е годы. Дав Линкорн отправляется в Новый Орлеан на поиски своей возлюбленной, которая уже три года не отвечает на его письма. Найдя Хэлли в одном из публичных домов, Дав пытается уговорить ее бросить работу и вернуться к нему. Но хозяйка борделя Джо даже и не думает расставаться с Хэлли…
Buffalo Gun
In this western, the Indians claim that their government rations are being stolen and they threaten to fight back. A pair of agents look into it and bring the culprits to justice.
11 друзей Оушена
McCoy (uncredited)
Когда-то бравые солдаты 82-ой воздушно-десантной дивизии, а теперь обыкновенные, уже не молодые, да и не очень удачливые мужчины заняты поиском себя в этой жизни и конечно добычей денег. Поэтому у каждого из них нашлись те или иные причины, по которым они согласились участвовать в одной опасной авантюре. Ее вместе с известным аферистом разработал их однополчанин сержант Джон Оушен. Он собрал 11 бывших десантников своего отделения и предложил им ограбить несколько казино в Лас-Вегасе…
Walk Like a Dragon
California, 1870s. The cowboy Lincoln 'Linc' Bartlett finds out there's a slave auction of Chinese women in San Francisco and he intervenes and purchases the Chinese Kim Sung from the auction with the intent of setting her free. But it doesn't occur to Linc that setting her free isn't enough. Where is she going to go? Kim doesn't speak English and she's just going to be exploited by somebody else. Linc takes Kim home to serve as a housekeeper. Ma Bartlett Linc's mother, is not happy that a Chinese girl is living in her home, and even less happy when Kim and her son fall in love. Their affair also arouses the jealousy of Cheng Lu, a Chinese immigrant.
The Big Operator
Detective Sergeant
A power-mad union boss resorts to murder to eliminate witnesses scheduled to testify against him. The eclectic cast includes Mickey Rooney, Mamie Van Doren, Mel Torme, Jay North, Vampira, Charles Chaplin Jr., Jackie Coogan and Norman Grabowski.
Edward Calhoun (uncredited)
Дикий запад. Небольшой городок Варлок постоянно терроризирует банда налетчиков. Им принадлежит власть над всеми... Закон здесь безвластен. Ни один шериф не смог продержаться на должности и недели, одни были убиты, другие бежали. Чтобы защитить себя владелец местного салуна Морган нанимает профессионального убийцу Курта Блайсдела, который должен навести порядок в его заведении.Хладнокровный опытный стрелок, одетый как истинный джентльмен, Блайсдел, сразу понравился горожанам. Его быстрый кольт проучил много негодяев и вычистил от преступников не один городок на Диком западе. Но Блайсдел охраняет только заведение Моргана, и тогда горожане постановили, в городе должен быть официальный представитель власти - шериф.
Последняя миля
Drake (as Donald Barry)
Незадолго до казни группа заключённых из камеры смертников решает совершить побег.
Born Reckless
Bill Okie
Rider Kelly Cobb travels to county rodeos to win money so he can buy a patch of land he wants to call his own. He rescues trick rider Jackie Adams from the clutches of an amorous sports ...
Франкенштейн – 1970
Douglas Row
В замок к стареющему барону Франкенштейну приезжают телевизионщики, которые страсть как хотят снять здесь фильм, они даже готовы ему заплатить. Барон соглашается: деньги ему нужны затем, чтобы купить для своих опытов ядерный реактор. Цель опытов, естественно, — создание искусственного человека. А киногруппа становится чем-то вроде ходячего донор-банка, поставляющего для будущего гомункула органы.
Китайская кукла
MSgt. Hal Foster
События разворачиваются во время второй мировой войны в Китае. Капитан Клифф Брендон оказывается в сложной ситуации когда по своему легкомыслию покупает у местного жителя его юную дочь Шу-Джен, которую старик вынужден продать американцу сроком на три месяца из-за крайней нужды своей семьи. Клиф пытается избавится от девушки, но священник из миссии убеждает его дать Шу-Джен приют на время действия сделки. Со временем капитан Клифф понимает какой бесценный подарок в лице этой китаянки преподнесла ему судьба. Но как долго продлится их счастье в столь неспокойные времена?..
Gun Duel In Durango
A former outlaw must prove himself innocent after he's accused of bank robbery. Western.
7 Men from Now
Aging lawman Ben Stride burns a trail of murderous revenge across a hardscrabble landscape searching for his wife's murderers.
Я буду плакать завтра
Лишенная нормального детства ее честолюбивой матерью, Кэти, Лиллиан Рот становится звездой Бродвея и Голливуда, когда ей не исполнилось и двадцати лет. Накануне свадьбы Дэвид Тредман, влюбленный в нее с детства, умирает в больнице, и Лиллиан делает свой первый глоток на пути к алкоголизму…
The Twinkle In God's Eye
A new parson arrives in the mining town of Lodestone and attempts to build a church. Western.
Jesse James' Women
Jesse James leaves Missouri for Mississippi, and immediately charms all the women in Mississippi out of their bloomers and garters. His first conquest is the banker's daughter who helps him loot the bank in exchange for a promise of marriage; he wanders over to the saloon and runs the crooked partner of the proprietress out of town, takes all of his-and-her money and leaves her, between kisses, hounding him for her share; the third one, the saloon singer, actually makes a mark out of him as she cons him into a boxing match against a professional fighter and he loses the fight and his money, but he holds the singer and the fighter up as they leave town and gets his money back; and then he romances and swindles Cattle Kate, a replay of what he had done somewhere before to Kate.
Jesse James' Women
Jesse James leaves Missouri for Mississippi, and immediately charms all the women in Mississippi out of their bloomers and garters. His first conquest is the banker's daughter who helps him loot the bank in exchange for a promise of marriage; he wanders over to the saloon and runs the crooked partner of the proprietress out of town, takes all of his-and-her money and leaves her, between kisses, hounding him for her share; the third one, the saloon singer, actually makes a mark out of him as she cons him into a boxing match against a professional fighter and he loses the fight and his money, but he holds the singer and the fighter up as they leave town and gets his money back; and then he romances and swindles Cattle Kate, a replay of what he had done somewhere before to Kate.
Jesse James' Women
Jesse James leaves Missouri for Mississippi, and immediately charms all the women in Mississippi out of their bloomers and garters. His first conquest is the banker's daughter who helps him loot the bank in exchange for a promise of marriage; he wanders over to the saloon and runs the crooked partner of the proprietress out of town, takes all of his-and-her money and leaves her, between kisses, hounding him for her share; the third one, the saloon singer, actually makes a mark out of him as she cons him into a boxing match against a professional fighter and he loses the fight and his money, but he holds the singer and the fighter up as they leave town and gets his money back; and then he romances and swindles Cattle Kate, a replay of what he had done somewhere before to Kate.
Jesse James' Women
Jesse James
Jesse James leaves Missouri for Mississippi, and immediately charms all the women in Mississippi out of their bloomers and garters. His first conquest is the banker's daughter who helps him loot the bank in exchange for a promise of marriage; he wanders over to the saloon and runs the crooked partner of the proprietress out of town, takes all of his-and-her money and leaves her, between kisses, hounding him for her share; the third one, the saloon singer, actually makes a mark out of him as she cons him into a boxing match against a professional fighter and he loses the fight and his money, but he holds the singer and the fighter up as they leave town and gets his money back; and then he romances and swindles Cattle Kate, a replay of what he had done somewhere before to Kate.
Untamed Heiress
'Spider' Mike Lawrence (as Donald Barry)
Judy is the daughter of a famous opera singer who once bankrolled prospector Andrew "Cactus" Clayton. Now Clayton hopes to repay the favor, but first he must reclaim his stash of gold from the crooked Williams. Judy helps the old coot by taking on not only Williams, but duplicitous private detectives Walter Martin and Eddie Taylor, not to mention gangsters Spider Mike and Louie.
Border Rangers
Bob Standish posing as the Rio Kid (as Don Barry)
Don Barry stars as Texas Ranger Bob Standish, sworn to avenge his brother's death in Border Rangers. To achieve his goal, Standish goes undercover, joining the bandit gang.
Train To Tombstone
One of the passengers on a train to Tombstone decides to rob it of the $250,000 it is carrying.
Train To Tombstone
Len Howard (as Don Barry)
One of the passengers on a train to Tombstone decides to rob it of the $250,000 it is carrying.
Frank James / Bat Fenton (as Don Barry)
Tubercular Frank James has become a born again and retired from his career as an outlaw with his family but a look-a-like outlaw causes suspicion to fall back on him.
I Shot Billy the Kid
William H. Bonney / Billy the Kid (as Don Barry)
Although the Lincoln County War has come to a conclusion, Billy the Kid turns his back on a gubernatorial pardon and continues his lawless career.
Red Desert
Pecos Jones (as Don Barry)
A Government agent is sent to track an outlaw who has stolen gold boulion. The chase leads into a desolate desert region where the agent is forced to utilize his survival skills.
Tough Assignment
Dan Reilly (as Don Barry)
A meddlesome reporter sporting a young bride takes on a gang of modern day cattle rustlers. Donald "Red" Barry plays Dan Reilly, a newspaper reporter just returned to LA with his wife, photographer Margie (Marjorie Steele). Margie insists on taking pictures of everywhere they go, and so as she's walking into a butcher shop she poses for Dan - while at the same time three thugs make their way quickly out after beating up the proprietors. Soon Margie and Dan are involved in investigating an illegal meat operation that rustles cattle and forces butchers to buy it - or else. Dan gets beaten up a couple of times, but is undaunted in pursuing the great story - and hey, he's only got 64 minutes to do so, he'd best get cracking!
Square Dance Jubilee
Don Blake (as Don Barry)
Two talent scouts for a New York-based country music TV show called "Square Dance Jubilee" are sent out West to get authentic western singing acts. They find what they're looking for, but also get mixed up in cattle rustling and murder.
The Dalton Gang
Larry West
Deputy Marshall Larry West goes undercover to find out who has been terrorizing the territory, Navajos or the Dalton Gang.
Red Light
Nick Cherney, in prison for embezzling from Torno Freight Co., sees a chance to get back at Johnny Torno through his young priest brother Jess. He pays fellow prisoner Rocky, who gets out a week before Nick, to murder Jess... who, dying, tells revenge-minded Johnny that he'd written a clue "in the Bible." Frustrated, Johnny obsessively searches for the missing Gideon Bible from Jess's hotel room.
Mike O'Hara, "King Cobra"
Joe O'Hara finds out he has a damaged optic nerve just before a boxing match for the title. He needs the money badly, so he doesn't delay the fight. The opponent discovers Joe's weakness and pounds on his eyes, causing him to go blind.
Train to Alcatraz
Doug Forbes (as Donald Barry)
Criminals aboard a train to the infamous penitentiary plot an escape, and receive outside help in their attempt.
Lightnin' in the Forest
Stan Martin
Psychiatrist David Lamont is pressured into "analyzing" the madcap but glamorous niece of a judge. Then crooks on the lam intrude...
Madonna of the Desert
Tony French (as Donald Barry)
A jeweled Madonna, property of rancher Joe Salinas, attracts two crooks to his ranch, Monica Dell, a smooth operator, and ruthless Nick Julian. Joe believe that the statue has a miraculous power to ward off evil, and Monica, after a narrow escape from injury while trying to steal the statue, is converted to Joe's faith and refuses to go through with the robbery. Nick has no such intentions.
Slippy McGee
Slippy McGee
A safecracker breaks his leg and reforms with a good girl and a priest.
That's My Gal
Benny Novak
Two sharpie promoters (Don Barry and Frank Jenks) put on a show they believe is so bad it will not play more than one day and they therefore will not have to pay the long list of investors,i.e, suckers and buyers. But one of the investors dies intestate and his interests pass to the state. The governor's secretary (Lynne Roberts) engages new talent (the Four Step Brothers, Guadalajara Trio, St. Clair & Vilvoa, Dolores and Don Graham, et al) and a new orchestra (Jan Savitt), in order to make the show successful and a profitable investment for the state. Barry (in another of the vast majority of his films in which he was not billed as Don "Red" Barry), who has fallen in love with the first-billed Roberts, reforms and buys up the surplus stock.
The Plainsman and the Lady
Film about the early days of the Pony Express and the crooked businessman who opposed it.
The Last Crooked Mile
Tom Dwyer
A mystery grows after a bank robbery car leads investigators to a carnival sideshow.
The Chicago Kid
Joe Ferrill
The story of Joe Ferrill, whose efforts to raise enough money so that his imprisoned father can live comfortably upon release come to naught when the elder Ferrill dies behind bars. Vowing revenge on Society, Joe aligns himself with a bunch of gangsters. He intends to use his mob connections to get even with auditor John Mitchell, the man whose testimony sent Joe's dad to the Big House. But Joe hasn't counted on falling in love with Mitchell's pretty daughter Chris.
Bells of Rosarita
Don Barry
Sue Farnum inherits a circus, but her dead father's partner is trying to take it away from her. Roy and Bob Nolan are filming a movie on location at the circus. They and a number of other western movie stars come to Sue's aid, putting on a show and catching the bad guys.
My Buddy
Eddie Ballinger (as Donald Barry)
A priest relates the tale of his friend, a WWI veteran, to the Post-War Planning Committee. Unable to get a job upon his return from the war, he puts off his marriage and works for a bootlegger. He is forced to take a rap for his boss, goes to prison, and forms a gang.
Outlaws of Santa Fe
Bob Conroy
After bank robber Bob Hackett (Don "Red" Barry) learns that his real father was a marshal, he reforms and travels with his pal Buckshot (Wally Vernon) to Santa Fe, where his father was killed. When he stands up to rustlers working for Henry Jackson (Herbert Heyes), Hackett is made the new marshal.
Пурпурное сердце
Lt. Peter Vincent (as Donald Barry)
Это история экипажей американских бомбарбировщиков, взятых в плен во время первого авианалёта на Токио. Во время показательного судебного процесса, судьи обещают проявить снисходительность к тем заключённым, кто согласится выдать военные секреты. Однако японцы недооценили храбрость своих заключенных.
California Joe
Joe Weldon
During the Civil War, three American soldiers are sent, disguised as civilians, to California to gather evidence that Southern agents there are agitating for that state to join the Confederacy with the aid of California's governor.
Canyon City
Terry Reynolds posing as the Nevada Kid
A mystery man, identifying himself as the outlaw Nevada Kid, and his comical sidekick, help the townspeople of Canyon City solve a series of murders, robberies, and threats to destroy their new power dam in the first days of electrification of the wild west.
The Man from the Rio Grande
Lee Grant
The suspicious death of Henry King during a hunting trip with his brother John leaves the inheritance of the rich Santa Rita Ranch to be shared with John, Henry's daughter Doris and a young girl from New York, Twinkle Watts. King says that a son, Henry King Jr., who left home as a young boy was killed in a Texas gunfight. - Written by Les Adams
The West Side Kid
Johnny April (as Donald Barry)
Millionaire Sam Winston is an unhappy man. His wife Constance lives a gay life, devoting all her time to parties; his daughter Gloria is in one scandal after another, changing husbands as often as her moods, and son Jerry spends his time getting drunk and chasing women. Sam hires gangster Johnny April to bump him off but Johnny, liking the old man, defers the killing and sets about making the family appreciate Sam.
Black Hills Express
Lon Walker
A man framed for a series of Wells' Fargo stage robberies and a comical sheriff's deputy join forces to uncover the real robbers, unaware that a U.S. Marshal assigned to the case and the Mayor of the town which is at the center of the robberies, are the leaders of the gang.
Fugitive from Sonora
Parson Dave Winters / Ted Winters aka Keeno Phillips
In this western, a paroled desperado and his twin, a preacher, wander about the Old West to bring "salvation." The parson begins trying to help a gang leader's niece whose uncle has been forcing parolees to join him or return to prison. Naturally he tries to rope the paroled twin into his gang.
Days of Old Cheyenne
Clint Ross
Clint Ross's skill at fisticuffs earns him the town marshal's job in Cheyenne. Thanks to the string-pulling of political boss Big Bill Harmon, Ross makes it all the way up to the governor's office. But when Ross figures out that Big Bill is a big crook, it's showdown time.
Carson City Cyclone
Gilbert Phalen
When the night watchman at the bank is gunned down during a robbery, he fingers Barton as the trigger man. When the trial comes up in neighboring Carson City, Gil finds a witness named Shepherd who says that Barton was with him on the night of the murder. Gil gets Barton off, but Shepherd soon cashes a check from Gil at the bank and that raises questions. His father, Judge Phalen, starts an action against Gil, and when his father is shot dead, Gil is blamed for his murder.
Dead Man's Gulch
Tennessee Colby
When the Pony Express disbands, riders Tennessee and Johnny head for Adobe Wells. Tennessee becomes the Deputy Marshal while Johnny joins an outlaw gang. It's not long before Tennessee catches Johny attempting murder. As Johhnny is his best friend, he gives him another chance. But to no avail as Johnny murders a man and this time Tennessee must do his duty.
The Sundown Kid
Red Tracy
A Pinkerton agent masquerades as a criminal in order to infiltrate a gang of counterfeiters that is using wealthy widow Lucy Randall as a front. Arriving at the gang's hideout the Dawson ranch, Red discovers that the counterfeiting ring is headed by Mrs. Randall's attorney J. Richard Spencer and Dawson himself.
The Traitor Within
Sam Starr (as Donald M. Barry)
In this drama, a truck driver begins wooing a young woman who still lives with her father who constantly brags how he, not the town mayor, was responsible for catching a regiment of Germans during WW I. Unfortunately, no one in town takes him seriously. Later the daughter meets a German immigrant who confirms her father's claim. She then convinces her boy friend to use this information to blackmail the mayor into giving him a new truck and some extra amenities lest he tell the truth.
Outlaws of Pine Ridge
Chips Barrett
Director William Witney puts his distinctive stamp on the Don "Red" Barry western Outlaws of Pine Ridge by opening the picture with a body sailing through the plate-glass window of a frontier saloon. Barry stars as gun-slingin' Chips Barrett, who makes it his mission in life to prevent the inaccurately nicknamed Honest John Hollister (Noah Beery Sr.) from becoming territorial governor. Complicating things is the fact that Chips is in love with Honest John's daughter Ann.
The Sombrero Kid
Jerry Holden
A well-acted, well-paced entry in the Don "Red" Barry Western series from Republic Pictures, The Sombrero Kid featured the diminutive Barry as Jerry Holden, the apparent son and heir of veteran lawman Tom Holden (Robert Homans). But when Holden Sr. is killed by one of Banker Martin's (Joel Friedkin) gang of claim jumpers, Jerry learns that his real father was Bart Clanton, a notorious bandit killed by Marshal Holden, who then raised the orphaned boy as his own.
The Cyclone Kid
Johnny "Cyclone Kid" Dawson
A young doctor rejects his older outlaw brother Johnny who put him through medical school by dubious means. The brothers find themselves on opposite sides of a range war between homesteaders and a crooked cattleman.
Jesse James, Jr.
Johnny Barrett
Though Don "Red" Barry is the star of Jesse James, Jr., he plays a character named Johnny Barrett. The scene is a small western town, lacking telegraph service. Every time the locals try to set up communications with the Outside World, they are thwarted by an outlaw gang.
Stagecoach Express
Dave Gregory
Ellen has the contract for the South West Stage Line through the panhandle. Her father had the run for years and Haney, who runs the office, worked for him. But Ellen does not know that Haney is in league with Elkins and they want the stage line so they can rob the gold shipments. All they need do is stop the stage and end her contract, but that is not easy with Dave driving for Ellen.
Arizona Terrors
Jim Bradley
A crooked gambler poses as a descendant of a noble Spanish family has successfully secured court validation of a counterfeit land grant, and proceeds to drive out ranchers already settled on the land with high taxes, road tolls and violent tactics. A pair of horse sellers pitch in to help a customer, his daughter, and the other "tenant" ranchers after being roughed up by toll collectors when they refuse to pay the assessed toll.
Remember Pearl Harbor
Pvt. Steve 'Lucky' Smith
A man tries to redeem himself after ducking out on his comrades before the fatal attack.
A Missouri Outlaw
Cliff Dixon
Don "Red" Barry is unjustly accused of being a Missouri Outlaw. The real bad guys are a gang of crooks who've been conning the local merchants and farmers out of their hard-earned dollars. Barry decides to use his bad reputation to his advantage by infiltrating the criminal gang.
Death Valley Outlaws
Johnny Edwards
Ambushed by the Vigilantes, a dying friend gets Johnny who was only passing through to take up the fight. To get in with the gang, Johnny poses as an outlaw and then beats them to a gold shipment by robbing the train ahead of them. This gets him invited into the gang. They are all masked and unknown to Johnny, one of them is his brother.
Kansas Cyclone
Jim Randall
The irrepressible Donald Barry is twice falsely accused of murder in this typical low-budget but well-mounted Republic Western. Barry plays Jim Randall, a lawman assigned to investigate a series of gold shipment robberies. Arriving in the middle of a hold-up, Randall finds himself accused of killing the driver (Yakima Canutt). Wells Fargo agent Cal Chambers (Milton Kibbee) vouches for his innocence, however, claiming him to be a noted geologist. Along with several of the prospectors, Jim devises a plan to prove that Jud Parker (Harry Worth) is using his dummy mine as a cover for stealing ore.
Desert Bandit
Bob Crandall, Texas Ranger
Bantam-weight western star Don "Red" Barry certainly deserved his designation as "The Cowboy Cagney" in Republic's Desert Bandit. Barry is cast as two-fisted Texas Ranger Bob Crandall, who after being dishonorably discharged heads to the Mexican border to start life anew. He falls in with a gang of gun runners, headed by corrupt lawman Largo (William Haade). It turns out, of course, that Crandall's "disgrace" was merely a ruse to allow him to work undercover in bringing Largo and his minions to justice.
The Apache Kid
Pete Dawson aka The Apache Kid
Don "Red" Barry, Republic's answer to Jimmy Cagney, stars in The Apache Kid. Barry plays Pete Dawson, a pugnacious cowboy who dons a mask and becomes a stagecoach robber. It's all in a good cause, however: Dawson is stealing from the town boss (Leroy Mason) who has ripped off a group of miners. Heroine Lynn Merrick is the daughter of the local judge, so naturally she misunderstands Barry's motives, at least until fadeout time.
Two Gun Sheriff
Jim "Sundown Kid" McKinnon / Sheriff Bruce McKinnon
A notorious outlaw is recruited by a cattle buyer, secret boss of a gang of cattle rustlers, to impersonate the town sheriff, who is the outlaw's twin brother; and complications ensue, as the sheriff, now a hostage, is on the eve of his marriage while the outlaw's cantina-dancer girlfriend has followed him to town and is at risk of exposing him.
The Phantom Cowboy
Jim Lawrence
Stan Borden with the help of the stooge Sheriff is out to get the Toreno ranch. Kicking the peons off the ranch, they kill Miguel's father. Miguel then becomes the masked El Lobo and when Jim Lawrence arrives, the two team up to fight Borden and the Sheriff.
Wyoming Wildcat
Bill Gannon
A former outlaw becomes a Wells Fargo guard, but when the stagecoach is robbed, he becomes a wanted man once again.
Texas Terrors
Bob Millbourne aka Robert Mills
A lawyer by training, Bob Millburne (Don "Red" Barry) believes in relying on the legal system to exact justice. But he can no longer sate his thirst for vengeance, fueled by the death of his parents at the hands of a bloodthirsty mine jumper. Frustrated and fed up, Bob decides it's time to dust off his guns and holsters.
Frontier Vengeance
Jim Sanders
Jim Sanders (Don 'Red' Barry), young cowboy, returns to his hometown for a reunion with his boyhood friend Clay Blackburn (George Offerman Jr.). Once there he learns that Clay's father, Frank Blackburn (Ivan Miller), is the unscrupulous proprietor of a stagecoach line and is out to bankrupt the line run by Joel Hunter (Griff Barnett' ), the father of Jim's sweetheart Ruth Hunter (Betty Moran). Jim is forced to lead the fight against his best friend.
The Tulsa Kid
Tom Benton aka Tulsa Kid
A protegee of notorious outlaw Montana (Beery), young Tom Benton decides to stay on the good side of the Law upon reaching maturity. Montana, however, has no such inclination to reform, the result being a climactic gun duel between the ageing gunman and his former pupil.
Sailor's Lady
Second Paymaster
Sailor is going to marry his girlfriend when he returns, but she becomes foster mother to baby whose parents are accidentally killed. The baby is accidentally left on board a visiting battleship.
One Man's Law
Jack Summers
In this old-time Western from director George Sherman, peaceable cowpoke Jack Summers takes the job of sheriff to help his adopted town in its bid to beat out a nearby settlement for a lucrative railroad contract. Trailcross is trying to get the new railroad and Stevens wants it to go to Mason City. Jack and sidekick Nevady arrive and when Jack faces down Stevens' men, he is made Marshal. The townspeople raise money for the railroad and entrust it to Jack. But Stevens plants two of his henchmen as Jack's escorts and they rob him. With the Railroad Officials due to arrive, Jack must retrieve the money.
Adventures of Red Ryder
Red Ryder
Calvin Drake employs a group of low-lifes to drive away land owners along the path of a new railroad; Red Ryder opposes this strategy.
Ghost Valley Raiders
Tim Brandon aka The Tolusa Kid (as Donald Barry)
Donald Barry, not yet Donald "Red" Barry, heads the cast of the Republic western Ghost Valley Raiders. A federal marshal, Barry is assigned to put an end to the activities of a stagecoach-robbery gang. That's why he spends most of the film pretending to be an outlaw himself. Stunt specialist Yakima Canutt plays a secondary villain, and also doubles for Barry in the dicier action scenes.
Jack Pot
Bryan (uncredited)
This entry in MGM's "Crime Does Not Pay" series deals with illegal gambling and bookmaking.
Days of Jesse James
Jesse James
Days of Jesse James is a 1939 American film directed by Joseph Kane and starring Roy Rogers. Bank robbery pulled off by the bank officials, not the usual James gang.
The Secret of Dr. Kildare
Collins - Intern (uncredited)
Intern Kildare heals a millionaire's daughter and tricks Dr. Gillespie into taking a vacation.
Saga of Death Valley
When Tasker kills Roy Rogers he takes one of his young sons. Fifteen years later the other son Roy arrives buying a ranch in the valley where Tasker now controls the water supply. Roy organizes the ranchers for a showdown with Tasker not knowing that his brother is Tasker's chief henchman.
Calling All Marines
'Blackie' Cross
Gang members Blackie Cross and Snooker try to pick up Judy Fox and her friend Pat as they welcome home Judy's brother, Marine Sergeant Marvin Fox.
Wyoming Outlaw
Will Parker
Will Parker has been destroyed by a local politician and now must steal to feed his family. He steals a steer from the Three Mesquiteers.
S.O.S Tidal Wave
Curly Parsons
A news reporter-commentator at a combined radio-television broadcasting station gives up his stand against the election of a corrupt mayoral candidate after a gangster threatens his family. Features tidal wave stock footage from RKO's "Deluge" (1933), q.v.
Только у ангелов есть крылья
Храбрые американские летчики на быстрокрылых машинах стараются изо всех сил заработать свой кровный доллар в почтовой авиакомпании Джеффа Картера. Дружный коллектив расположился на одном из аэродромов Перу. Помимо работы, здесь кипят нешуточные человеческие и любовные страсти…
Calling Dr. Kildare
Following an argument with his young protege, the curmudgeonly Dr. Gillespie dumps Jimmy Kildare in a street clinic, hoping to teach him a lesson. While working there Kildare meets pretty nurse Mary Lamont, and ends up treating a hoodlum with a gunshot wound. He purposely fails to write a report on it, and soon finds himself in a heap of trouble. Who else would come to his rescue but good old Dr. Gillespie?
Panama Patrol
A U.S. agent attempts to track down a spy ring working to destroy the Panama Canal.
The Duke of West Point
A cocky new West Point cadet from Cambridge is given the cold shoulder by his classmates because of his rule-breaking antics.
Young Dr. Kildare
Dr. Collins (uncredited)
A medical school graduate takes an internship at a big city hospital, only to be subjected to a rigorous (and sometimes embarrassing) testing of his knowledge by the hospital's top dog, Dr. Leonard Gillespie.
Восьмой раунд
Pete Mariola
Молодой боксер Томми МакКой как спичка меж двух огней: с одной стороны — пьяница-отец, с другой — криминальный авторитет, с дочерью которого он начинает встречаться, хотя она не знает, чем папа зарабатывает себе на жизнь...
Think It Over
A gang of 'professional torches' burn down stores for the insurance money.
Sinners in Paradise
The survivors from a plane crash are washed up on an island where the only inhabitants are Mr. Taylor and his servant, Ping. The mismatched group must learn to get along and work together if they are to convince Taylor to let them borrow his boat and return to the main land.
A young heiress moves away from home, takes a job in a Chicago department store and weds a co-worker who's unaware of his bride's wealthy background.
Тёмно-синий и золотой
Mason (Southern Institute football player) (uncredited)
Три молодых человека становятся курсантами Военно-морской академии в Аннаполисе. Дик Гейтс — сын богатых родителей, мечтающий о флоте. Роджер Эш — бывшая звезда футбольной команды, оставившая свой предыдущий университет. Третий из них — матрос с сухогруза Кросс по прозвищу «Грузовик». Парни становятся соседями по комнате, а позднее и друзьями, но каждого из них впереди ждут свои победы и поражения.
Dr. Flynn, Intern (Uncredited)
Десять лет не был в родном городе Мартин по прозвищу Детское личико. За это время он стал солидным гангстером с соответствующим послужным списком (ограбления, убийства) и характерными внешними приметами (дорогой прикид, пачки долларов и пистолет в кармане). Его малая родина — это нью-йоркские трущобы, где мечта людей вырваться из бедности так и остается мечтой, где любой подросток без колебаний готов пойти по жизни неверной дорогой гангстера. Мать прогоняет блудного сына, бывшая подружка тоже не рада встрече с ним. Если бы только этим ограничились «неприятности» Мартина. Как известно, возвращаться — очень плохая примета…
The Woman I Love
In World War I France, a pilot falls in love with the wife of his friend and superior officer.
When's Your Birthday?
Marty - Gunman (uncredited)
Some shady characters discover that a sad sack nightclub bus boy has the ability to predict outcomes of races and other events through astrology.
Beloved Enemy
Mike, I.R.A. Patriot (Uncredited)
In 1921, British Lord Athleigh arrives in Dublin with his daughter, Helen, to engage in peace talks. As wanted Irish rebel leader Dennis Riordan is not recognized in public, he is able to move about freely and saves the Athleighs from an assassination attempt by a radical faction. Dennis and Helen meet again and, unaware of his position, Helen falls in love with him. Later when Dennis admits his identity, Helen must make a fateful decision.
Night Waitress
Mario Rigo
Helen Roberts, who's on probation, goes back to work as a waitress at Torre's Fish Palace, a San Francisco waterfront dive. The customers are low characters trying to make time with Helen and ex-rum runners trying to make a dishonest dollar. Some of the latter, including Helen's unwelcome suitor Martin Rhodes, are after a mysterious, valuable hidden "cargo"; when violence erupts, Helen finds herself innocently involved, and is soon on the run from both cops and crooks.
Bridal Bail
Movie Usher
When a theater offers a free wedding to a couple, confusion reigns.
Полет в Рио
Dancer (uncredited)
Роджер Бонд – большой дамский угодник и руководитель танцевального оркестра «Янки клипер Бэнд» был уволен вместе со своим коллективом из престижного отеля в Майами за танцы с Белинхой Де Резандой – красивой девушкой, дочерью бразильского миллионера. Спустя некоторое время неутомимый Бонд договаривается с гостиницей в Рио-де-Жанейро о гастролях своего оркестра. Неожиданно на почте он встречает свою недавнюю партнершу по танцам и выясняется, что она тоже спешит в Рио к заболевшему отцу. Молодой музыкант приглашает девушку долететь до Рио на своём двухместном самолете и красотка соглашается. Девушка не знает, что её ждет впереди неожиданная посадка на необитаемом острове, размолвка с будущим женихом и знакомство с несравненным танцором Фредом Айрэсом… Прекрасная музыкальная комедия с участием знаменитого дуэта.